Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation


Regular Board Meeting

228 East Marshall

Thursday, December 10, 2015, 6:30 P.M.

  1. Call to Order-Recognition of Guest(s): President Andrew Sikes called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
  2. Present: Andrew Sikes, Billy Plake, Nancy Webb, Mark Rock, Wayne Womack, Collin Flynn, Robert Lewis (arrived at 6:39 pm), Kanita Larkins and Doti Izzi
  3. Guests: Mayor, Larry Cooper
  1. Discuss/Action: Approval of Minutes from previous meeting(s): Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting of November 12, 2015, were reviewed by the board. Mark Rock made a motion to approve the minutes. Billy Plake seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  1. Discuss/Action: Approval of Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Reports, including the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement for the month of November 2015 were reviewed by the board members. Wayne Womack made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Reports. Billy Plake seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  1. Discuss/Action: Keep Van Alstyne Beautiful/Repairs to Bricks at Dorothy Fielder Park update: Kanita Larkins reported that progress is being made on the brick work at Dorothy Fielder Park. Mr. Murphy has requested two draws on the funds. Robert Lewis had looked at the work being done and reported that Mr. Murphy was doing a good job. No action taken.
  1. Discuss/Action: Façade & Infrastructure Funding Program update: Kanita Larkins reported that applications for the program have been given to the Senior Center and the Library, and advised them that if they needed any help, we are here to assist them. Nancy Webb mentioned that the library is looking for an architect to possibly provide some drawings for options at the library. No action taken.
  1. Discuss/Action: Parks Projects update: Kanita Larkins reported that she and Doti Izzi met with Stacey Browning and Mark Swift of the Parks Board and requested a time line on the projects. Stacey reported that until the bids on the playground equipment come in and the equipment is ordered, it is hard to provide a time line. Ms. Browning has received one quote on the playground equipment and their board is waiting on Steve White to obtain two additional quotes. Kanita reported that Frank Baker will get with Mr. White to request the additional bids. Kanita also reported that addressing safety issues will be the first priority on the Parks projects. Mayor Cooper reported that the welding department of Grayson College is willing to replace the railing at the gazebo at Dorothy Fielder Park, as long as they are provided the materials.
  1. Discuss/Action: Railcar Renovations update: Kanita Larkins reported that she had emailed William Pacheco, President of the Chamber, and Connie Christensen, Manager of the Chamber, regarding the work at the railcars. Connie contacted the contractor. Kanita also reported that the 2 year limit on the funds is approaching.
  1. 2015 Audit: A Related Party Questionnaire was given to, filled out and returned by each board member as requested by LaFollett & Abbott, PLLC.
  1. Comments by the President, Mayor and City Manager: Brief comments were made by both President Andrew Sikes and Mayor Larry Cooper regarding how quickly the modifications tothe elementary school, which were approved at the last city bond election, were being completed.
  1. Adjourn: Nancy Webb made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Robert Lewis seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm. The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 14, 2015, at 6:30 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Doti Izzi and Kanita Larkins December 10, 2015

Minutes for VACDC Board Meeting 12/10/2015

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