COMS 4322

UPS Case Study Paper

“What Can Training Do for Brown?”

Read the article given out in class and analyze it via the following criteria:

·  The General Laws of Learning in Chapter 2. Look at the Laws of Effect, the Laws of Frequency, and the Laws of Association. While not all them are applicable, tell me what you see UPS is doing in their driving training program that falls within these elements.

·  There are certain assumptions made with adult (adragogy) learning in Chapter 2. Those being that (1) adults need relevant training, (2) adults bring experience to the classroom, (3) adults are internally motivated to learn, (4) adults know what they need to learn, and (5) adult-learning is problem-oriented. Which of those assumptions do you see in the UPS article. Be sure to explain what it is that makes you say this.

·  UPS did not rush into this training program. The company conducted an extensive needs assessment (Chapter 3) before the first driver participated in this training. What did UPS do in this assessment progress? And how effective do you think it was? Anything the company could have done better in determining what is needed to fully prepare its drivers for their routes?

·  Assume that the project manager, Stephen Jones, came up to you and asked, “What do you think are the two most important training objectives that we should hope to achieve when the drivers complete this course?” What are two training objectives (Chapter 4) you see that Jones should expect from his drivers? (Keep in mind there are likely more than two)

·  Examine the different training methods (Chapter 6) available to trainers. There is lecturing, experiential activities, and group discussions. What do you see UPS doing with their driver training program? Clearly experiential activities are a major part of this training. Explain what you see here? What is UPS doing? Does it seem effective and why do you think so?

·  Using technology (Chapter 7) Any presentation aid in training can be useful if it does the following: promote interest, illustrate and clarify, help demonstrate a principle, make it easy for trainees to remember the material, provide motivation, and give a context to why the training is important. With respect to what UPS is doing here, how do the above-noted factors apply to the driver-training program?

Due: November 20, 2008

Value: 15%

Format: double-spaced, typed

Length: I’m flexible but I would expect no less than 4 pages and no more than 6.

Late papers: 10% per class period; no exceptions

Specific Grading Criteria will be Provided Later