Unit 6: Nationalism Around the World

Nationalist Movements in AfricaPgs 424-426

  1. What are Kikuyu and where are they from?
  1. Why weren’t the Kikuyu allowed to grow coffee and sisal?
  1. What kind of crops were African farmers told to grow?
  1. What did Africans do when they lost their lands?
  1. What did workers form in some African cities?
  1. Who did the best jobs go to?
  1. Who inspired Africans to work for self-determination?
  1. Whose writings inspired Africans to turn to socialism?
  1. What did the Kikuyu protest against?
  1. What happened after Kikuyu protests?
  1. Where did the “Women’s War” take place?
  1. Which African country adopted an official government policy of racial segregation?
  1. What types of jobs were blacks pushed into?
  1. Where did blacks go when they were evicted from their land?
  1. What system made segregation more restrictive in 1948?
  1. What group was formed to end segregation by legal means in 1912?
  1. What does Pan-Africanism mean?
  2. Who was one of the more inspiring leaders?
  1. What did he preach?
  1. Who organized the first Pan-African Congress?
  1. What happened when he petitioned for a charter of rights for Africans?
  1. What was the negritude movement?
  1. Who led it?
  1. How did the negritude movement lead to the independence of Senegal?
  1. Which nation was forced to help Britain during World War I?
  1. Which political party launched strikes and riots against the British?
  1. Why did British troops remain in Egypt?
  1. Which group formed in Egypt denounced western culture and corruption in Egyptian politics?

Nationalism in the Middle EastPgs 426-428

  1. Which empire collapsed after World War I?
  1. Which European powers divided those lands after World War I?
  1. Who overthrew the sultan and became the “father of the Turks?”
  1. What was the goal of the “father of the Turks?”
  1. What happened to the Muslim calendar under his rule?
  1. Which 1700’s Czar is he often compared to?
  2. What was banned by the “father of the Turks?”
  1. Who was hired to advise the Turks on how to be economically independent?
  1. Which nations had carved spheres of influence in Iran?
  1. Who overthrew the shah in 1925?
  1. What was the name given to the new dynasty?
  1. How was he similar to Ataturk?
  1. Who condemned his efforts westernize Iran?
  1. What was the goal of Pan-Arabism?
  1. Which European nation had mandates in Syria and Lebanon?
  1. Which European nation had mandates in Palestine and Iraq?
  1. What movement did Theodore Herzl start?
  1. What did Herzl’s movement encourage Jews to do?
  1. What was the purpose of the Balfour Declaration?
  1. Which group was not supposed to lose land at the expense of the Jews?

India Seeks Self- Rule

Pgs 429-431

  1. In which city were there protests against British rule?
  1. Which British General was responsible for the massacre there?
  1. Which nation did Indians fight for during World War I?
  1. What were they promised after the war?
  1. Who united all Indians into a nationalist movement against the British?
  1. Where did he study law?
  1. What other country did he work in to improve Indian rights?
  1. What “weapon” did he use?
  1. Define ahisma –
  1. Define civil disobedience –
  1. What is a dhoti?
  1. What types of British goods were boycotted by the Indians?
  1. What did the “Mahatma” do when his protests led to violence?
  1. Which resource was monopolized by Britain in India?
  1. What did the “Mahatma” do to protest the monopoly?
  1. What happened when peaceful protestors tried to enter the saltworks?
  1. In what year did India achieve full independence?
  1. Which religious group feared their government would be dominated by Hindus?
  1. What did Muhammad Ali Jinnah form?
  1. What would his new separate state become?

Upheavals in China

Pgs 432-435

  1. Who was the father of the Chinese revolution?
  1. Who took over after he stepped down in 1912?
  1. What happened when he (Yuan) died in 1916?
  1. Who seized power in the provinces?
  1. Which class of people suffered famine and high taxes?
  1. Which nation presented china with the 21 Demands?
  1. Who gained the right to govern German spheres of influence in China after World War I?
  1. In what year was the May Fourth Movement?
  1. What type of people led this movement?
  1. What was the goal of the May Fourth Movement?
  1. How did women play a role in the Movement?
  1. What political party formed in China by 1920?
  1. What is the Guomindang?
  1. Who took it over after Sun’s death in 1925?
  1. What did he have little interest in?
  1. Whose party members did the Guomindang slaughter?
  1. Who escaped Jiang’s attack?
  2. Which class of people did he seek to help?
  1. Who chased who on the Long March?
  1. How many Communists were killed?
  1. What main rules did soldiers have to follow under Mao?
  1. Which region of China did Japan invade in 1931?
  1. What was Jiang forced to do?
  1. What happened at the “rape of Nanjing?”
  1. What brought the US into war with Japan in 1941?

Empire of the Rising Sun

Pgs 436-439

  1. Who was the emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989?
  1. What type of government were the Japanese moving toward in the 1920’s?
  1. What was the name of the Japanese parliament?
  1. How did Japan make money during World War I?
  1. What influenced politics through large donations to political parties?
  1. Which class did not enjoy prosperity?
  1. What political party had members elected to the diet?
  1. How did young people revolt?
  1. Which group criticized government corruption and western influences?
  1. Why did trade suffer with Japan in 1929?
  1. What is an ultranationalist?
  1. What did they condemn?
  1. Why were they mad at the US?
  1. Why did they argue that Japan needed an empire in Asia?
  1. Which region of China did the Japanese attack in 1931?
  1. What did they rename it?
  1. Which group condemned the action?
  1. What was Japan’s reaction?
  1. What group occupied Tokyo by 1936?
  1. What did the government end by 1937?
  1. What were students taught?
  1. Which powers did Japan join during World War II?