Unit 1 Test- American Colonization and Revolution

  1. How did the travels of Marco Polo lead to the exploration of the Atlantic by other Europeans?
  1. It caused others to look for gold by following the silk road
  2. It caused others to travel to Asia in search of silks and spices
  3. It caused war between the English and French
  1. What world leader began the exploration of the world by making sea travel in the open seas easier?
  1. Prince Henry “the Navigator” or Portugal
  2. Ivan “the terrible” of Russia
  3. Alexander “the Great” of Carthage
  4. Peter “the Great” of Russia
  1. People who agreed to work for a period of years in return for their passage to America were called

A.indentured servants



D.migrant workers

  1. What was the House of Burgesses?

A.the home of Puritan leaders

B.home of the governor of Virginia

C.the Parliament in England

D. elected governing body in Virginia

  1. The Mayflower Compact served as a basis for self-government for the

A. Dutch of New Amsterdam

B. Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony

C. Quakers of Pennsylvania

D. Settlers of Jamestown

6. All of the following were consequences of the Headright System EXCEPT______.

A. Settlers received 50 acres if they could pay for their trip to America

B. Settlers received 50 acres in exchange for paying for another person’s trip to America

C. Settlers were required to hire slaves in order to get 50 acres of free land

D. When indentured servants left the land, settlers bought slaves to work their land

7. The most important crop of colonial Virginia was ______.





8. The Puritans can best be described as ______.





9. During colonial times the principal occupation in America was ______.



C.slave trading


10. ______was the belief that colonies existed for the financial good of the mother country.

A.Navigation Acts




11. Which of the following does NOT describe the Southern Colonies?

A.largely middle class workers

B.economy based on large cash crops such as tobacco

C.Religions were usually Protestant, and some Catholics

D.Most people worked as either traders or shop owners

12. Which of the following does NOT describe the New England Colonies?

A.most religions were tolerated

B.populated by people looking for religious freedom

C.largely middle class families

D.puritanical beliefs, strict adherence to religious doctrine

13. The policy of salutary neglect helped both the English and the colonies. Which of the following was NOT a way that

salutary neglect was helpful?

A. Colonies were able to grow economically by deciding for themselves what products to grow or make.

B. England was able to take raw materials from America and turn it into finished products to sell.

C. The colonies were able to develop their own government systems and rule themselves.

D. The colonies were left to fight for themselves against the French army.

14. Why was the French and Indian War significant?

A.it gave the British a chance to strengthen the bond between them and the colonists

B.It showed the Native Americans were pretty good fighters

C.As the British tried to exercise more control over the colonies, it caused a strain in their relationship, therefore laying the seeds of the Revolutionary War

D.It showed that the relationship between the French and Indian was fragile

15. What was one way that the English tried to cut expenses in the American colonies?

A.The slave trade was stopped in order to limit the number of ships sailing the Atlantic

B.The Proclamation of 1763 stopped settlement west of the Appalachians in order to save money on soldiers

C.New taxes were placed on imported goods such as tea

D.Colonial legislative groups such as the House of Burgesses were shut down

16. What did “no taxation without representation” mean to the colonists?

A.The taxing power of British shopkeepers is represented in Parliament

B.There should be no taxation of British goods entering the colonies

C.Taxation in the colonies should only be for British citizens

D.The colonists should not be taxed without representation in Parliament

17. Which of the following was NOT an example of a new British policy that angered colonists?

A.The British would not allow the colonists to grow tobacco

B.The Townshend Acts placed taxes on most imports into the colonies

C.The Proclamation of 1763 told colonists they could not move to land west of the Appalachian Mtns.

D.The Quartering Act forced colonists to allow soldiers to live in their homes.

18. What followed the Boston Tea Party?

A.the free flow of trade between the colonies and other countries

B.harsh restrictions on colonial liberties or freedoms

C.increased self-government in the New England colonies

D.the removal of British troops from the colonies

19. All of the following issues led to the American Revolution EXCEPT

A.taxation without representation

B.citizens forced to house soldiers

C.colonial trading was limited so colonists could only legally trade with England

D.the limitation of theBritish government’s power in America

20. According to the political cartoon, what do the different parts of the snake represent?

A. different colonies in America

B. important people in America

C. the English government

21. What was the author of the cartoon trying to tell the readers?

A. The colonies must remain loyal to England in order to survive

B. The colonies must all work together or else they would lose all freedoms to the English government

C. All snakes are poisonous and deserve to die

22. According to the map, what two areas were slaves sent to?

A. Africa and South America

B. Europe and the West Indies

C. North America and the West Indies

23. In what direction were sugar, molasses, and fruit traveling when they were sent to Europe?

A. North

B. South

C. northwest

D. northeast

From Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”

Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer! Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.

24. What does the author think about governments?

A. they are created to dominate over men

B. they are a necessary evil

C. they are completely useless

D. they are the greatest invention of mankind

25. Why does the author believe that governments have been created?

A. without them, man would live in a dangerous society of “survival of the fittest”

B. to keep the poor people of the world from taking over

C. to keep the poor people of the world from becoming lazy

D. in order to help regulate the money of the world

26. The first fighting of the Revolutionary War took place in the Cities of ______and ______when the British sent

soldiers to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock who were leaders of the Sons of Liberty.

A. Salem and Jamestown

B. Lexington and Concord

C. Charleston and Philadelphia

D. Gettysburg and Antietam

27. What was the purpose of the artist who created the picture above?

A. To make money

B. To get colonists mad at England

C. To sell guns

D. To show that the colonists were out of control and needed to be kept in line