Logo! 3 Grün Kapitel 3 Österreich und die Umwelt

Unit 1 pp46-47 Österreich für alle

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about what you want to do in Austria
Grammar / will + infinitive to end / 1b
(Programmes of Study) / 2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
3c apply grammar
2.2g write clearly and coherently
2.2b skim and scan
3e different countries’ cultures
2.1d work out meaning / 1a, 2a
1b, 3b
2b, 3a, 3c
Contexts / The international world
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–3 / Understand what people want to do Austria / 1a, 2a
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Ask and answer questions about what activities people want to do Austria / 1b, 3b
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Understand a text about Austria and identify if activities are mentioned / 4a
Writing / AT4/2–4 / Write sentences about what people want to do when visiting Austria; adapt longer written text about own country / 2b, 3a, 4b
Key language / Was willst du in Österreich machen?
Ich will Ski fahren / Wassersport treiben / wandern gehen / Salzburg besichtigen / Deutsch lernen / im See baden.
ICT Opportunities / Word processing and using e-mail: pupils should be encouraged to word process the text about their country and to send the final version to their email partner asking for a similar text about where their partner lives.
Reinforcement / Grün workbook, p21
Extension / See Unit 7, PB p54–55 (Mehr)
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 1
R & A File: Arbeitsblatt1 & 4, pp53 & 115; Grammatik1, p53
Logo! 3 Grün Kapitel 3 Österreich und die Umwelt

Unit 2 pp48-49 Österreich zu jeder Jahreszeit

/ Activity no:
Learning objectives / Talking about what people do in each season
Grammar / Present tense singular / 1c, 4a
(Programmes of Study) / 2.2b skim and scan
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2g write clearly and coherently
4f language of interest / enjoyment
3c apply grammar / 1a, 3
1b, 2
1c, 4a
1d, 4b
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–3 / Understand spoken statements about what people do in different seasons / 1b, 2
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Ask and answer questions about what people do in different seasons / 1c, 4a
Reading and responding / AT3/2–4 / Understand written texts about what people do in different seasons / 1a, 3
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Write sentences about what people do in different seasons / 1d, 4b
Key language / Was macht X im Winter / Frühling / Sommer / Herbst?
Im Winter / Frühling / Sommer / Herbst...
... geht er/ sie /gehe ich schwimmen / wandern / einkaufen / ins Kino.
... fährt er / sie / fahre ich Ski.
... spielt er / sie / spiele ich Fußball / Tennis.
... macht er / sie / mache ich Radtouren.
ICT Opportunities
Reinforcement / Grün workbook, p22
ExtraA, PB p126 (1)
Extension / ExtraB, PB p127 (1)
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 2
R & A File: Arbeitsblatt2, p48; Grammatik2, p54
Logo! 3 Grün Kapitel 3 Österreich und die Umwelt

Unit 3 pp50-51 Stadt oder Dorf?

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about where you live
Grammar / /
(Programmes of Study) / 2.2b skim and scan
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2g write clearly and coherently
4e use a range of resources / 1b, 2a
1a, 3
2b, 4
Contexts / The world around us; The international world
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3–4 / Understand spoken text about where people live and why they live there / 1a. 3
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / State the opposite; ask and answer questions about where people live and why they like or don’t like it there; record presentation about where you live / 2b, 4, 5b
Reading and responding / AT3/2–3 / Understand written text and answer questions about where people live and why they live there / 1a, 1b, 2a
Writing / AT4/3–4 / Answer questions and write presentation about where you live and why you live there / 5a, 5b
Key language / Wo wohnst du?
Ich wohne in Wien / in einem Dorf auf dem Land.
Wohnst du gern dort?
Ja / Nein.
Die Luft ist (nicht) sehr sauber.
Hier ist viel / nichts los..
Ich habe viele / keine Freunde hier
Es gibt viele / keine Cafés, Geschäfte und Kinos.
ICT Opportunities / Internet opportunity: pupils find more pictures and information about Wien at Graz at and a village at
Reinforcement / Grün workbook, p23
Resources / Cassette A, side B or CD 2, track 3
Logo! 3 Grün Kapitel 3 Österreich und die Umwelt

Unit 4 pp52-53 Umwelt-Aktionen

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about what you should do to help the environment
Grammar / man sollte + infinitive to the end / 1b
(Programmes of Study) / 4g use TL in engaging topics
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
3c apply grammar
2.1a identify patterns
3f compare experiences
2.2j adapt previously-learnt language / 1a
1a, 4
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–4 / Understand spoken statements about what people should do for the environment / 1a, 4
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Ask and answer questions what people should do for the environment / 1b
Reading and responding / AT3/3–4 / Understand written text about what people do for the environment / 3a, 3b
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Write sentences about what you should do for the environment; make a poster about what people should do to help the environment / 2, 5
Key language / Was sollte man für die Umwelt tun?
Man sollte Wasser / Energie sparen / mit dem Rad fahren / Müll trennen / umweltfreundliche Produkte kaufen / alles Mögliche kompostieren.
ICT Opportunities
Reinforcement / Grün workbook, p 24
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 4
R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p49; Grammatik 3, p55
Logo! 3 Grün Kapitel 3 Österreich und die Umwelt

Unit 5 pp54-55 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Writing a letter to a tourist office
Grammar / /
(Programmes of Study) / 2.2b skim and scan
2.1b memorising
2.2j adapt previously-learnt language
4e use a range of resources
2.2g write clearly and coherently / 1a, 1b
Contexts / The international world
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Understand dialogue in a tourist office / 2
Speaking / AT2/ / /
Reading and responding / AT3/2–4 / Understand formal letter to a tourist office / 1a, 1b, 1c
Writing / AT4/2–4 / Write formal letter to a tourist office / 1c, 3a, 3b
Key language / Teddington, den 4. Februar
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich möchte meinen Urlaub gern in ... verbringen und suche für die Zeit vom ... bis ... eine Ferienwohnung für vier Personen.
Schicken Sie mir bitte auch einen Stadtplan von X.
Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Mühe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
ICT Opportunities / Word processing and communicating by e-mail: pupils could write a letter to a real Verkehrsamt in Austria and send it by e-mail to Verkehrsamt Lesachtal at or Tourismusverband Kirchberg at
Reinforcement / Grün workbook, pp25, 29
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 5
Logo! 3 Grün Kapitel 3 Österreich und die Umwelt

Unit 6 pp56-57 Salzburg

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about what you did in Salzburg
Grammar / Perfect tense / 1b
(Programmes of Study) / 3e different countries’ cultures
2.2a listen for gist / detail
3c apply grammar
2.2g write clearly and coherently
2.2b skim and scan / 1a
1a, 2a
2b, 4
Contexts / The international world; Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3–4 / Understand spoken statements about what people did on a visit to Salzburg / 1a, 2a
Speaking / AT2/3 / Ask and answer questions about what people did on certain days during a visit / 1b
Reading and responding / AT3/3–4 / Understand written text about what people did on a visit to Salzburg and what day they did it / 1a, 3
Writing / AT4/3–4 / Write sentences about a week in Salzburg / 4
Key language / Was hast du am Montag / Dienstag / Mittwoch / Donnerstag / Freitag / Samstag / Sonntag gemacht?
Ich habe eine Stadtrundfahrt gemacht / eine Festung besichtigt / Tennis gespielt.
Ich bin einkaufen / ins Konzert gegangen / nach München / in die Berge gefahren.
ICT Opportunities / Use of internet: pupils could use the internet for retrieving information about Salzburg at
Reinforcement / Grün workbook, pp26, 29
ExtraA, PB p126 (2a, 2b)
Extension / ExtraA, PB p127 (2a, 2b)
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 6
R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 4 & 5, pp50, 51
Logo! 3 Grün Kapitel 3 Österreich und die Umwelt

Unit 7 pp58-59

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Extension unit recycling language from Units 1–6
See references in previous units
Grammar / /
(Programmes of Study) / 3e different countries’ cultures
2.1e use reference materials
2.2b skim and scan
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2g write clearly and coherently
2.2e ask and answer questions / 1a
1b, 1c, 3
Contexts / The international world
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Understand text about why people would like to travel to Austria / 2
Speaking / AT2/3–4 / Carry our survey in class about why people travel to Austria / 4b
Reading and responding / AT3/4–5 / Understand written text and pictures about tourism and food in Austria / 1a, 1c, 3
Writing / AT4/3 / Write down reasons for travelling to Austria / 4a
Key language / As previous units.
ICT Opportunities / Use of internet: pupils should be encouraged to search the recommended website (or others e.g. or and use it as a base for adaptation of website for own country)
Extension / This unit gives extension activities for previous units.
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 7