WWCHA Meeting Minutes
16th March 2015
Date: Monday 16thMarch 2015
Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm
LocationJubilee Park Club Rooms
Chaired by:L.Geaghan
Board Membership: C. Bailey, K. Boyd, S. Bloomfield, S. Wellham, B.Williams, B, Wellham, S. Arnold, K. Wickson
Club Membership with Voting Privileges: Cavaliers, CSU, Harlequins, Lake Albert, Mustangs, Rosellas, Royals
Voting attendees: M. Hill (CSU), R. Martin (Mustangs), J. Hawkins (Royals), P. McEwan (Cavaliers), P. Outtrim (Lake Albert), D. Girling (Harlequins), K.Price (Rosellas)
Club attendees: K. Organ (Royals), C.Gay (Lake Albert), M. Stephens (Cavaliers), D. Stirling (Lake Albert), P. O’Donnell (Harlequins/Royals), B. Wales (Rosellas), M. Fromlelin (CSU)
2.0Apologies: Nil
3.0Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd February 2015 were accepted as a true and accurate record. Moved: Mark Stephens
Seconded:David Sterling
Items omitted from previous minutes
- Concerns raised regarding junior competition, 1/3 of juniors lost from previous season and there has not been a summation as to why this may have occurred.
- Loss of income, particularly from representative
- There were some legal issues in the junior competition last season
4.0 Matters arising from previous Minutes / Person Responsible / Timeframe / Progress
4.1 / Umpire Payments / Karen/Benson / 27/4/15 / Some payments’have been made, 5 juniors still outstanding to be paid, Karen is working through these with the clubs. There continues to be difficulty in getting account details from some of these individuals
4.2 / 2014 Junior season review / Kate/Sarah / 12/3/15 / Review completed, discussion around coaches, getting clubs involved in training, overview to be provided and forwarded with April agenda
4.3 / Registration Portal / Carla / 1/3/15 / Registration portal is live. Completed
4.4 / Team Nominations / Will only be 2 divisions in women’s, 5 teams in Div 1 and 7 teams in Div 2. Loss of teams due to players moving and change of women’s div 1 to Sunday
4.5 / CSU playing uniform / Change to socks supported. Completed
4.6 / Purchase of First Aid Kit / Karen / 27/4/15 / Suggested at last board meeting. Karen to chase this up
5.0 Correspondence In / Discussion / Action / Person Responsible/
5.1 / Sportspass Membership Card / Supplied by Hockey NSW all players must carry this pass, can be used at various business, free for all members. / Will be distributed to all members. Will be distributed once registration has been completed / Sarah for seniors, Kate for juniors. After round 3
5.2 / Stick above the shoulder / Discussed in Officiating report / Nil
5.3 / Email from David Sterling / Sarah has been in contact with Daily Advertiser (DA) for prematch information including draw, post-match results will be put in DA. Results will need to be in by Monday am, WIN news will cover representative stories, will also come across and take photos of Saturday competition. Need clubs to be supportive if Sarah requests information and people for interview. Email ideas to Karen who will pass onto the board for consideration. / Continue communications with Media bodies / Sarah- Media Ongoing
Karen- Grants
5.4 / Jubilee Park Sub Station Upgrade / All power will be cut off at Jubilee park from 7/4/15-17/4/15. This will effect 1 round, weather permitting. Will look into generator for water use only. / No training or games will be held during this time period / Benson
6.0 New Business / Discussion / Action / Person Responsible/
6.1 / Competitions Structure / New options outlined, majority support for option 2, motion passed
6.2 / Life Membership / Motion to be moved to include in the WWCHA constitution. Discussion regarding the process for Life membership nomination. Current motion needs to be reviewed and some wording adjustments prior to voting / Board to put forward people eligible for life membershipfor consideration by the clubs. / Luke, to review before next meeting
6.3 / MPIO and WCC positions 2015 / Reviewing process to introduce a nomination as per board nominations for next season / Look at running a course through Sport and Recreation with representatives from each club to be trained / Luke
6.4 / RCC suggestions for April visits / Clubs to suggest opportunities to be utilised, suggestions made by Royals, Cavaliers. COD information sent to all schools for promotion. Luke to confirm dates of Andy’s next visit / Luke
6.5 / Failure to fulfil officiating duties
6.6 / Steakhouse Cup / Will be held on Sunday 14th June, Draw has been developed, will be added to website / Sarah
6.7 / Submission of items for the agenda / Agreed
7.0 Board Reports / Discussion / Action / Person Responsible/
7.1 / President / Rules to be updated within the next couple of months, Life membership. Meeting to be held on Tuesday 17th March with Griffith and Tumut. / Life membership wording needs further clarification before it can be voted on. To be presented to next meeting for consideration / Luke
7.2 / Administration / Agree to cut off times for all reports and correspondence / See Voting
7.3 / Treasurer / Clubs should have all their fees sorted by now, Motion to approve up to $100 to pay account without prior approval. All payments over this will need secondary approval. President secretary and treasurer to be new signatories on our account, all previous signatories and credit cards will be cancelled. Representative items for Commonwealth grants. Juniors to be paid umpiring payments in cash on the day, this will support canteen revenue. Reimbursement to Karen for the website the amount of $40, Clean sports bill. Karen to look into Clubs and confirm they are financial / Karen
7.4 / Competitions / Previous competitions structure in competitions report no longer viable, board abstain from this. New options outlined for men’scomp and juniors for voting. Women will be played over 2 grades, 5 teams Div 1, 7 teams in Div 2, There will be a bye in each grade. Times for Women: 9am-Div 2, 10.30am Div 2, 12.00pm Div 1, 1.30pm Div 1. / See voting
7.5 / Officiating / Should umpires be graded? All clubs to send club email address to officiating
7.6 / Development / 4 teams in Junior A, 4 teams in Junior B, 4 Teams in U16, player numbers lost due to boarding school and choosing other sports. A lot of new players also this season. Poor attendance at COD development, therefore our coaches will be completing the last sessions.
7.7 / Representative / Targeting senior coaches to coach under 18, players will be looked at on the pickup list
7.8 / Events / No report
7.9 / Facilities
8.0 Club Reports / Discussion / Action / Person Responsible/
8.1 / Cavaliers / New board positions nominated and sent to board / Noted
8.2 / CSU / Change playing shorts to Navy, phase in period of 12 months
8.3 / Harlequins / No report
8.4 / Lake Albert / No report
8.5 / Mustangs / No report
8.6 / Rosellas / Nil action required due to new competition structure in Women’s competition.
8.7 / Royals / No report
9.0 Items for Voting (Legend: Y=Yes; N=No; A= Abstain)
- Stick above the shoulder rule change will only be permitted in Division 1 for WWCHA (item 5.2)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / Y
Motion: Passed
- Competitions Structure (Item 6.1, see attached documentation regarding this)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Option 2 / President / A
Cavaliers / Option 2 / Admin / A
Royals / Option 2 / Treasurer / A
Harlequins / Option 2 / Competitions / A
Lake Albert / Option 2 / Officiating / A
Mustangs / Option 1 / Development / A
Rosellas / A / Representative / A
Facilities / A
Events / Option 1
Motion: Passed in favour of option 2
- All reports and agenda items to be submitted by 9am on the Monday 1 week before the gazetted meeting (item7.2)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / Y
Motion: Passed
- Change in signatory’s on Westpac Accounts (item 7.3)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / Y
Motion: Passed
- That the treasurer can pay accounts of $100 or less without prior approval
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / Y
Motion: Passed
- Umpiring fess for junior games. All under 16, under 13 and under 11 be paid $5 cash in hand per game each week (item 7.3)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / Y
Motion: Passed
- Where there is a clash in uniforms the team listed 1st in the WWCHA draw will be required to wear an alternate strip. The alternate strip should be in uniform colour (item 7.5)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / Y
Motion: Passed
- All umpires who umpire junior matches will be paid $5 per game (regardless of level gained). Those also umpiring seniors will earn payment points to their senior games. (item 7.5)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / A / Representative / Y
Facilities / A
Events / Y
Motion: Passed
- Failure of a club to do their umpiring duties will result in: (item 7.5)
- First offence: Loss of two (2) competition points for offending team
- Second offence: $40 fine to offending club
- Third offence: $80 fine to offending club & 1 match suspension to captain of offending team.
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / N / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / N / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / N / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / Y / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / N
Motion: Passed
- Umpires who regularly fall short of the uniform requirements without making an effort to acquire the correct uniform may not be paid for their umpiring commitments as deemed by the Officiating Committee (item 7.5)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / A / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / Y
This ruling is not applicable for a last minute request for an umpire when the match is due to commence
Motion: Passed
- Request from CSU to change playing uniform: shorts and skirts will now be plain navy with a phase in period of two seasons (item 8.2)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / Y / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / A / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / A
Motion: Passed on the agreement that the phase in period will be 1 year
- Correspondence request from Pat O’Donnell to play Div 2 men’s with Royals and Div 1 men’s with Harlequins (see attached letter)
Clubs / Vote / Board / Vote
CSU/Rivcoll / Y / President / Y
Cavaliers / Y / Admin / Y
Royals / Y / Treasurer / Y
Harlequins / Y / Competitions / Y
Lake Albert / N / Officiating / Y
Mustangs / A / Development / Y
Rosellas / Y / Representative / Y
Facilities / Y
Events / N
Motion: Passed
Meeting Closed: 9.30pm
Next Meeting: 27th April
Item 6.1: Competitions Structure for Voting
1– The president advised the clubs that the original motion that Sarah raised was null and void due to changes in Junior Team Numbers and additional Nominations in Seniors.
2 – The board all agreed that the new motion was urgent business as the competition was to commence this weekend.
3 – The new options to be voted on are;
- Option 1:
Paul / Noonan
Time / Divison / Time / Divison
9:00 AM / Junior A / 9:00 AM / Junior A
10:00 AM / U16 / 10:00 AM
11:15 AM / U16 / 11:15 AM / Junior B
12:30 PM / 3M / 12:30 PM / 3M
2:00 PM / 2M / 2:00 PM / 3M
3:30 PM / 2M / 3:30 PM / 2M
5:00 PM / 1M
6:30 PM / 1M
Option 2:
Paul / NoonanTime / Divison / Time / Divison
9:00 AM / Junior A / 9:00 AM / Junior A
10:00 AM / U16 / 10:00 AM
11:15 AM / U16 / 11:15 AM / Junior B
12:30 PM / 3M / 12:30 PM / 3M
2:00 PM / 2M / 2:00 PM / 2M
3:30 PM / 1M / 3:30 PM / 2M/3M
5:00 PM / 1M
If option 2 is voted as the preferred option, the men’s clubs need to decide whether it is Div 3, Div 2 or a rotation of both to be played on Sunday. The board’s preference is for one division only as this will enable officiating to organise umpires easier.
4 – This was explained to the clubs a few times to ensure they 100% knew what they were voting for. The options were passed around so the clubs look at it
5– The President opened up the motion for discussion by the clubs.
6 – It was raised by Mustangs that they could not play Sunday and therefore would vote for Option 1.
7 – A suggestion was raised by Lake Albert that instead of playing that game on Sunday, could it be played at 6:30pm on Saturday night. The clubs discussed this and it was agreed Option 2 would be changed to the following.
Paul / NoonanTime / Divison / Time / Divison
9:00 AM / Junior A / 9:00 AM / Junior A
10:00 AM / U16 / 10:00 AM
11:15 AM / U16 / 11:15 AM / Junior B
12:30 PM / 3M / 12:30 PM / 3M
2:00 PM / 2M / 2:00 PM / 2M
3:30 PM / 1M / 3:30 PM / 2M/3M
5:00 PM / 1M
6:30 PM / 2M/3M
8 – It was raised by the floor that Div 2 could not play the same time as Div 1 in the 3:30pm slot. Logically this made sense and as I did not want to have to make a change in 5 weeks time if Option 2 was voted in, I allowed Option 2 to be again changed to the following.
Paul / NoonanTime / Divison / Time / Divison
9:00 AM / Junior A / 9:00 AM / Junior A
10:00 AM / U16 / 10:00 AM
11:15 AM / U16 / 11:15 AM / Junior B
12:30 PM / 3M / 12:30 PM / 2M/3M
2:00 PM / 2M / 2:00 PM / 2M
3:30 PM / 1M / 3:30 PM / 3M
5:00 PM / 1M
6:30 PM / 2M/3M
9 – It was raised by Cavaliers if Option 2 was voted in, how much harder & longer would the draw be for Sarah to produce. I responded with Option 1 is available to vote for then as this would be easier for Sarah to do.
10– The options were explained again to the clubs to ensure they knew exactly what they were voting for.
16th March WWCHA General Meeting Minutes / 1