UACCH Library Policies

  • Computer Use
  • Gifts and Donations

  • InterLibrary Loan
  • Collection Development

  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Circulation of Library Materials

  • Fees for Damaged or Lost Materials
  • Reconsideration of Library Materials

  • Bibliographic Instruction


All patrons are required to show their UACCH I.D. or Arkansas driver's license to library staff before they use a computer in the lab [L107] or in the library.
Computers in the library and library lab may be used only for the software loaded by library or Department of Computer Services staff. No user may load software or files, nor may files be downloaded, on any computer without the express approval of the Librarian or the Director of Computer Services.
Regarding use of the Internet, all use of library computers for Internet searching will be governed by Department of Computer Services policies.
Concerns with Internet access which may apply specifically to access at library computers in the public area may include: views of images or words which some patrons may find objectionable, and printouts of extraordinary length from the Internet. The library’s policy on patron objections to images or words is to remind all patrons that this is a college-level library, and that we do not censor materials with educational value. Patrons who send Internet pages to the printer must use courtesy and consideration in doing so. Extraordinarily long printouts tie up the printer delaying access to printouts for other library users.
For off-campus access to library subscription databases accessible through the Internet, please see library staff for off-site login information.
Library staff may access any available computers in order to assist library patrons with informational transactions.



Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service provided to obtain materials which are not available in UACCH Library. Materials necessary for study and research are borrowed or acquired from other libraries. The conditions of this service are set by the National Interlibrary Loan Code, 1993 (adopted by the American Library Association).
Anyone connected with UACCH including local community and off-site distance education students may use ILL. Books can be borrowed and photocopies of non-circulating materials – primarily periodical articles – can be requested in accordance with copyright regulations.
The following types of materials are not normally lent by UACCH Library:

  • books that are currently in use by another library patron;
  • reference books;
  • rare or valuable materials such as manuscripts;
  • whole issues of periodicals or newspapers (photocopies of articles are available);
  • audio-visual materials;
  • dissertations;
  • and bulky or fragile items.

Within the parameters of the above agreements, member libraries have options concerning: choice of materials to be lent, period of the loan, renewal period, and others. Loaning library limitations which may apply include, but are not limited to:

  • Reference materials, audio-visual materials, and periodicals are not loaned.
  • Loans through interlibrary loan are ordinarily for the same time period as regular circulation to patrons in the library (21 days) but the lending institution has the right to request a different loan term.
  • Interlibrary loan requests will be limited if due dates overlap holidays or other school closing dates.


  • The University of Arkansas Community College at Hope Library will extend borrowing privileges through interlibrary loan to patrons through the definitions of users established under the Library's Circulation Policy.
  • Patrons who use the interlibrary loan service will have two responsibilities. Any fines or fees incurred through materials overdue, damaged or lost will be the responsibility of the patron. Patrons are also responsible for returning materials borrowed for them through ILL on or before the due date, or requesting renewal of materials prior to their due date. Patrons with overdue interlibrary materials may not make further interlibrary loan requests until such materials are returned and all fees are paid.

Copyright Considerations
Patrons ordering materials through interlibrary loan are responsible for the use of these materials while in their possession. Violation of copyright of interlibrary materials is not the responsibility of UACCH Library.



The UACCH Library staff will act in accordance with all points listed in the American Library Association’s statement on compliance with ADA standards and guidelines, as relates to issues of access, collections, selection, and requests for reconsideration of materials. The Library Complex facility is governed by ADA rules and regulations as specified in UACCH campus policy. Library employment policies are governed by ADA rules and regulations as specified in UACCH campus policy.



Library patrons borrowing materials from the UACCH Library assume responsibility for the intact return of each piece borrowed. (See CIRCULATION POLICY.) Any materials which are returned to the library so significantly damaged as to be unusable by subsequent patrons, in the judgment of the Librarian, or which are lost, must be replaced. The Librarian will attempt to replace the item at the lowest reasonable cost for items in condition comparable to that in which they were checked out. On occasion it may be necessary to replace a used item with a new version, in which case costs will be kept as reasonable as possible for the borrower who must incur replacement costs. Items which are a part of multi-volume sets will be handled on an individual basis and a reasonable agreement will be established between Librarian and Borrower. Selected items (outlined below) will incur a flat replacement fee:

Magazines, journals / per issue $5.00
Newspapers / Due to the limited backfile maintained by the library there will be no fines assessed on lost or damaged newspapers.
Paperback / Lowest possible replacement cost.
Hardback / Lowest possible replacement cost.
Paperback / Lowest possible replacement cost.
Hardback / Lowest possible replacement cost.
Audio Tapes / Lowest possible replacement cost.
Video Tapes / Lowest possible replacement cost.
CDs / Lowest possible replacement cost.
DVDs / Lowest possible replacement cost.

Every attempt will be made by the Library to keep replacement costs as low as possible.
In the case of lost materials which patrons find subsequent to payment of fees; fees will be refunded as long as the replacement has not yet been ordered by the library. Once the replacement had been ordered and all fees received; the originally damaged or 'lost' item belongs to the patron.

**** Please note: Non-payment of fees for lost or damaged library materials will result in semester grades and/or transcripts not being released until fees are paid. ****

Fees for lost or damaged Interlibrary Loan materials
Patrons for whom materials have been borrowed through ILL are responsible for those materials while in their possession. Any fees or fines connected to ILL materials must be paid by the patron and will be assessed at UACCH prices as itemized above or at a higher fee as billed by the loaning institution.



UACCH Library encourages gifts and donations of useful library materials. Guidelines for the evaluation of gifts are the same as those for selecting purchased materials (see: Selection of Materials.) No materials are accepted on indefinite loan and the Library will be less willing to accept gifts or donations which bear conditions concerning location or disposals. Materials which may be unsuitable for the Library collection include, but are not limited to:

  1. Older editions of titles already owned by the Library.
  2. Consumable materials, including workbooks, laboratory manuals and standardized tests.
  3. Outdated titles.
  4. Marked or worn materials.
  5. Broken or defective runs of periodicals, unless the acquisition would complete an existing run.

Library personnel will not issue appraisals of gift materials for tax or any other purposes. If there is any question about accepting a gift, the final determination rests with the Library Director. The Library reserves the right to refuse materials and/or dispose of any items after acceptance which do not meet its needs or requirements.
Donations of money for the purchase of materials are gladly accepted. Persons donating funds will often request that materials on specific disciplines or subjects be purchased. To the extent possible, within the established policies on selection and collection development; the Librarian will be glad to accede to these requests. In the event that a letter of appreciation is to be sent for a memorial donation the Librarian will be glad to provide same.
The Librarian will be available to discuss problems in meeting stipulations for subject area requests at any time.



This policy is designed to:

  • state the principles and guidelines the Library uses to select and acquire library materials.
  • describe the framework within which the policy operates including the philosophy of the Library on intellectual freedom.

General Guidelines for Acquisitions
The primary purpose of the acquisitions process is to support and enhance academic instruction. To this end the Library allocates its budget in such a way that it is in a position to:

  1. buy expensive general reference works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.
  2. purchase general and reference serials; purchase multi-disciplinary works;
  3. purchase back-runs of serials;
  4. support the development of new courses; respond to requests from faculty for unusually expensive items; duplicate high use materials;
  5. complement the selections by divisions; develop the total collection;
  6. purchase electronic hardware and software;
  7. provide a recreational and general interest collection.;
  8. contribute towards the costs of document delivery.

Serials budgets are subsumed within the Library holdings allocation and are a commitment on available funds. Divisions may increase their subscriptions to serials in designated disciplines, but in so doing they may reduce the amount of money available for books and other library materials. The Library Collections Policy seeks to ensure equitable materials purchasing for all College Divisions and the Library actively seeks and encourages faculty and division input in materials selection.
Selection Principles
Recommendations for purchase can be made by any member of the College population. Final approval to purchase and to determine expenditure rests with the College Librarian and the Division head or supervisor of the requesting party.
Students are welcome and encouraged to suggest, in consultation with the Librarian or the Library Technical Assistants, the purchase of items that would enhance the Library’s collection.
Selection Criteria

Major criteria for acquisitions include:

  1. High quality of scholarship, content format and literary merit.
  2. Permanent value.
  3. Currency and timeliness of information
  4. Appropriateness of materials for support of academic programs.
  5. Representation of various sides of an issue.
  6. Value as classic or outstanding work in a field.

Additional criteria for books:

  1. Positive reviews of the work in one or more sources important to the field.
  2. Reputation and credibility of author or publisher in the subject area.
  3. Fiction is selected with an emphasis on its use in the formal study of literature or its impact on social and political thought, philosophical ideas, and multicultural values.
  4. Hardcover editions are preferred over paperbacks.
  5. Textbooks adopted for classroom use should not be purchased unless they are classics in the field. This criterion does not exclude (nor include) other monographs selected by instructors for classroom assignments.
  6. In general, the library does not acquire multiple copies of materials. Multiple copies of faculty requests or receipt of donations of popular titles may be added.

Additional criteria for serials:
Because of limited library funds, selection of serials must be conducted especially carefully. If a new serial is ordered, the intention is to retain it as a permanent part of the collection in as complete a run as possible. In addition to the general criteria for library acquisitions, serials should be chosen with the following specific requirements in mind:

  1. Journals of an academic nature that support the curriculum are preferred over popular or general magazines.
  2. Journals which do not support a specific element of the curriculum may be purchased if they contribute to the general liberal education of students by presenting an informed discussion of public affairs, economic, social or political events, scientific or technical knowledge, literature, criticism or the arts.

Additional criteria for electronic and non-print materials:

  1. Compatibility: software must be compatible with hardware owned by the library.
  2. Machine readable information resources are selected to provide appropriate additional, or alternative methods of investigating data sources and accessing information not readily available in the regular collection.
  3. Microforms and other non-print materials are selected for their permanent value and usefulness, as well as for their successfully qualifying to meet equipment, storage and cost considerations.
  4. There should be adequate training and support for staff and users.

Gifts and Donations
UACCH Library encourages gifts and donations of useful library materials. Guidelines for the evaluation of gifts are the same as those for selecting purchased materials. No materials are accepted on indefinite loan and the Library will be less willing to accept gifts or donations which bear conditions concerning location or disposals. Materials which may be unsuitable for the Library collection include:

  1. Older editions of titles already owned by the Library.
  2. Consumable materials, including workbooks, laboratory manuals and standardized tests.
  3. Outdated titles.
  4. Marked or worn materials.
  5. Broken or defective runs of periodicals, unless the acquisition would complete an existing run.

Library personnel will not issue appraisals of gift materials for tax or any other purposes. If there is any question about accepting a gift, the final determination rests with the Library Director. The Library reserves the right to refuse materials an/or dispose of any items after acceptance which do not meet its needs or requirements.
Collection maintenance and evaluation
Of the several processes in the creation of a library collection, choice of items, acquisition and cataloguing, the collection development policy proper addresses only the first, i.e. whether or not the item is a suitable one to be added to the collection. Suitability means “of value in furthering the Library’s mission”. It does not normally concern itself with budgetary questions. The following considerations should apply:

  1. relevance to the subject profile of the College or content profile of Division programs;
  2. redundancy of content (does it duplicate information already available?);
  3. is it in a language and at a reading level appropriate for its target audience;
  4. if it is non-print does the hardware exist to utilize it;
  5. are multiple copies justified;
  6. can the same or better result be achieved by a more suitable alternative (such as a CD-ROM or online version);
  7. what indexing tools exist to access it;
  8. if it exists in a non-print version, whether it can be networked for use by both on and off-campus students via the Internet;
  9. is it relatively easily and economically obtainable by document delivery; is it available through cooperative purchase.

The faculty is encouraged to assess materials in their subject areas and to make recommendations for withdrawals from the collection. To maintain a collection of optimum usefulness, UACCH Library staff will engage in a continual evaluation of books and periodicals and other materials in the collection.
Withdrawals or weeding is an ongoing process. The same criteria apply to withdrawals as apply to the selection of new materials. It is the responsibility of UACCH Library staff, in cooperation with the faculty, to withdraw materials which are inappropriate or damaged. The final disposal of all materials shall be approved by the Director. Items not usually discarded are those which have research value, are out-of-print, cover local history, or add balance to the collection. The decision to withdraw materials is based on the following criteria:

  • Superseded editions; unless previous edition is still of value.
  • Worn, mutilated, or badly marked items.
  • Duplicate copies of seldom-used items.
  • Materials which are outdated or inaccurate.
  • Number of copies in the collection
  • Existence of availability of indexes (esp. for periodicals and newspapers).
  • Cost of continuing subscription/standing order.
  • Changes in curriculum or user population.
  • Circulation record of an item, including last date of circulation.
  • Ephemera.

Reference books or other reference materials replaced by newer editions, more complete versions, or more authoritative titles will be discarded or added to the Circulating collection if of sufficient value.
Resources that are missing, lost, or withdrawn because of wear are not automatically replaced. Materials which are known to be lost are replaced based on the following criteria:

  1. Importance of the item to the collection, historically, or to balance the collection.
  2. Demand for the material.
  3. Availability of materials on the subject through other sources such as electronic databases.
  4. Number of duplicate copies, if any, available.
  5. Availability of specific title.
  6. Title is in one of the areas of specialization in the library’s collection.

A search for missing materials is conducted for up to one year. Materials not found during that time period are declared lost and replacement is based on the above criteria. If there is high demand for a missing item, a second copy will be ordered immediately while the search is continued.
Intellectual Freedom
UACCH Library supports the concept of intellectual freedom and is firmly committed to freedom of inquiry in all areas of knowledge. In recognition of its responsibility to the college community to uphold this concept, the library subscribes to the principles of intellectual freedom as expressed by the American Library Association "Library Bill of Rights" and American Library Association "Right to Read”.
In accordance with the principle of unrestricted access as set forth in the "Library Bill of Rights", no materials shall be excluded from the library's collection because of race, nationality, or the social, political, or religious views of the authors; nor shall materials be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. UACCH Library collections attempt to represent all viewpoints of an issue without taking a stand on any perspective. The Library strives to provide a broad range of opinions and viewpoints, but it is not always possible to achieve a complete balance because of limited appropriate materials representing a particular issue or because of limited resources.
UACCH Library welcomes differing opinions in the debate of ideas and ideologies. Any member of the college community may raise an objection to the presence or absence of library material. All complaints will be referred immediately to the Library Director who will try to resolve the issue informally. If the issue cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant, he/she will fill out a "Request for Reconsideration" form. A written response to the complainant will be issued in a reasonable amount of time.
UACCH Library supports the law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. See also, “Copyright Statement”, UACCH Library Policies and Procedures.