Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB)

Healthcare Team Vitality Survey


The TCAB Healthcare Team Vitality Survey was developed as part of the original IHI and RWJF TCAB national program. The short survey is used to assess team vitality of nurses as well as other licensed and unlicensed staff working as part of health care teams on inpatient hospital units. The emphasis is on dimensions related to front-line staff empowerment and engagement, perception of work environment supportive of safe and high quality patient care, effective communication, and team collaboration. The survey consists of 10 questions rated on a 5 point scale.

The team vitality survey is contained in an Excel workbook. There are five (5) tabs in the Excel workbook – Survey; Database; Summary; Big Graphs; Little Graphs.

  1. The TCAB Team Vitality Survey is administered to staff on the TCAB unit at two points in time during the 18-month collaborative: Baseline in September 2010 and again in month 16 December 2011.
  2. The 10 question survey is in the first tab labeled “Survey”.
  3. Please add the full name of your hospital in the field labeled “Enter Hospital Name Here”.
  4. Add the date you want the staff to turn in their completed survey in the “Please complete by” cell located at the bottom of the survey.
  5. Add the location and person you want staff to return their completed survey to in the “Return to” cell located at the bottom of the survey.
  6. Print the survey and distribute to staff.

Entering survey results

  1. Enter individual survey results into the “Database” tab in the Excel workbook.
  2. Enter data in the yellow cells only
  3. To enter data, click in cell B12, “Respondent Type”.
  4. Click on the arrow to reveal the drop down menu of respondent types. Click the type from the menu for the completed individual survey you are entering.
  5. Type in the answer indicated for question 1 in the Q1 cell; type in the answer indicated for question 2 in the Q2 cell. Repeat until Q1 – Q10 cells are filled in with the answers indicated on the individual surveys
  6. Repeat # 4 and #5 for all individual surveys
  7. Statistics and graphs will automatically populate in all 5 tabs

9. Submit the workbook on or before September 20, 2010 to