Great Basin College

Course Syllabus

Course Title: AGSC 290 --- Cooperative Work Experience

Semester Offered: Spring 2014

Instructor Name: Tracy Shane Phone: 775-934-5646

Email Address:

Credits: One to Six (Variable) Office Hours: Fridays 9:00-12:00, 1-3:00

Format: Participation/Writings

Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The ADA Officer (Julie G. Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 753-2271.

Course Goals/Objectives:

(These could vary depending on the work assignment and the skills and interest of the student.)

Expected Learner Outcomes: / Learner Outcome Measurements:
·  Exhibit courteous, considerate, professional and respectful conduct. / Work Supervisor evaluation
·  Present a clean and conscientious appearance. / Work Supervisor evaluation
·  Develop a professional portfolio / Written assignment
·  Describe weekly work assignments / Written assignment
·  Coordinate work tasks effectively with class schedules. / Work Supervisor and Faculty advisor evaluations
·  Communicate work assignments and learner outcomes. / Faculty advisor evaluation and journal assignment

Student Learning Assessment:

Grades will be based on completion of assignments, attendance, journal completion, and a midterm and final evaluation. The evaluations will be completed by the instructor and work supervisor. The advisor and intern will meet and discuss the evaluations.

The grading breakdown is as follows:

10% Attendance at work

30% Midterm Evaluation and first half of semester assignments

30% Final Evaluation and last half of semester assignments

20% Journal

10% Professional Portfolio

100% Total

Passing grades for this course range from “A” through “D”. Grade values are as follows:

A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 59% or less

Attendance and Assignment Policy

Student interns are expected to complete all assigned work in a timely and professional manner. They are also expected to keep a weekly journal of activities, assignments, results and summary of learning outcomes. The journal should be turned into the Ag. faculty advisor at the end of the semester, during finals week. It should include a summary of their experience, discussing what was learned and a critique of themselves and the value of this internship to their educational experience at GBC. Students should also create a professional portfolio during this class containing a resume, samples of their work assignments, and projects completed during this work experience, also due during finals week.

Additional Considerations:

Prerequisite: To qualify for a COOP Work Experience Internship, a student must have a grade point average of 2.0 or better and have completed AGSC 110 with a C or better and/or be recommended by an Agriculture faculty member.

Required Text: None

Variable Credits: A one-credit internship requires sixty (60) hours per semester; two-credits require one hundred and twenty (120) hours; three credits require one hundred and eighty (180) hours on the job training during one semester. Students may repeat this course up to a total of six (6) credits.

Intern Responsibility: Student interns are responsible for reporting to work as assigned and on time, or calling their supervisors if they will be absent. They are responsible for completing their assignments in a professional manner and for calling and arranging to meet with their work site supervisor and/or faculty advisor on a weekly basis. Interns must be motivated, have a good attitude, and be able to follow directions. Students are responsible for abiding by Great Basin College Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the University Community. Academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating and plagiarism, will result in failure of the internship. Willful damage, theft, or misappropriation of equipment or property will result in disciplinary sanctions as stated under the UCCSN code. They will work out their time schedules with their instructor and abide by that schedule. If for some reason, such as illness, they cannot, they will call the instructor prior to their change in shift and make arrangements to make up the lost time.

Professional Portfolio

The professional portfolio is due at the end of the semester. The portfolio should contain a résumé, your work evaluations (mid semester and final), examples of work completed, awards or honors for your work, certifications, certificates of completion, and trainings attended. If the work experience can best be described by pictures of you completing various tasks, pictures can be used along with your résumé to demonstrate your abilities and knowledge.

Course Catalog


AGSC 290 Cooperative Work Experience

Students may earn college credit for work experience related to their college major and/or occupational goals. Students should meet with their Ag faculty advisor to design an appropriate supervised, on-the-job, educationally directed work experience. Prerequisite: AGSC 110.




NAME: ______


ADDRESS: ______



ADDRESS: ______


PHONE: ______

EDUCATION: (NAME/CITY) (Mo./Yr.) (Major) (Minor) (Degree)

College(s) ______

College(s) ______

College(s) ______

College(s) ______

Year in School: ______Overall GPA: ______Major GPA ______

Scholastic Honor, Scholarships, Honorary Fraternities:


Extra Curricular Activities and Interests:


What are your career aspirations?






SPECIAL SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS: (Summarize special skills and qualifications acquired from employment or other experiences)







I realize that in making this application, my character, reputation for honesty, habits, ability, criminal convictions, if any, financial responsibility and reasons for leaving employment may be investigated and the persons who know me now or knew me in the past may be contacted and questioned about me. I understand and give consent to such an investigation.


Great Basin College

Internship Sponsor’s Mid-Term Report

Internship Sponsor: ______Date: ______

Student: ______

Supervisor: ______

The Sponsor’s assessment of the intern’s performance and progress will be used in discussions between the Advisor and the student. We encourage the Sponsor to have a full discussion with the intern about each rating on this form and to seek the intern’s view as to how the experience with the Sponsor and the Sponsor’s organization is working for the intern. This is an opportunity for the Sponsor to get valuable feedback to and from the intern. Please complete this form and mail it back to me at the midpoint of the internship experience.

1.  ATTENDANCE 3. ATTITUDE (check all that apply)

( ) Regular ( ) Good team worker, cooperative

( ) Sporadic ( ) Average team worker

( ) Difficult to work with,

2.  COMPETENCE uncooperative

( ) Produces more than expected ( ) Deals well with others

( ) Produces average amount of work ( ) Deals acceptable with others

( ) Deals poorly with others

( ) Always prompt with assignments ( ) Welcomes criticism

( ) Generally prompt with assignments ( ) Doesn’t accept criticism well

( ) Often late with assignments


( ) Work is accurate and complete ( ) Neat in appearance

( ) Work is frequently contains errors ( ) Needs to improve dress and

or is incomplete grooming

( ) Work is very neat 5. RECOMMENDED GRADE

( ) Neatness is satisfactory ( ) Excellent

( ) Neatness is below standards, ( ) Good / above average

needs improvement ( ) Average

( ) Below Average

( ) Quick to understand new ideas ( ) Poor

( ) Ave. comprehension of new

ideas and methods 6. COMMENTS (Use reverse side if

( ) Slow to comprehend, needs needed) ______

improvements ______


( ) Has a good grasp of fundamentals ______

( ) Lacks a grasp of fundamentals ______




Please return this form to the Great Basin College Agriculture Department – 1500 College Parkway, Elko, NV 89801, Phone (775) 753-2344. Thank You.

Great Basin College

Internship Sponsor’s Final Report

Internship Sponsor: ______Date ______

Student: ______

Supervisor: ______

With this form, you provide your final assessment of the performance of the intern. The student’s final grade will be assigned on the basis of your comments plus other work required of the student. We encourage Sponsors, on the occasion of discussing this evaluation with the intern, to conduct actual exit interviews with interns to seek out the intern’s perspective of what has been learned, strengths or weaknesses of the internship. This frequently can be helpful to the Sponsor in his or her own operation as well as in dealing with future interns.


Please evaluate the overall performance of the student and place a check mark by the most accurate description below:

( ) Excellent, ( ) Good / above average, ( ) Average, ( ) Below average

( ) Poor


Please state briefly your reasons for this rating. Factors such as attendance, competence, attitude, progress, and initiative could be considered. Please comment on areas of strengths and weaknesses and give recommendations for improvement. (Use the back of this sheet and / or additional paper if needed.)

Please return this form to the Great Basin College Agriculture Department – 1500 College Parkway, Elko, NV 89801, Phone (775) 934-5646. Thank You.

Great Basin College

AGSC 290 --- Coop Work Experience

Dear COOP (Work Experience) Sponsor:

Thank you for your participation in the COOP/Internship program of Great Basin College. By making your time, your talents, and your place of work available to one or more of our students, you are joining hands with us in providing a quality professional education and helping our students make the transition from the classroom to the workplace.

This program is designed to allow you to take these students into you work site and allow them to experience the rewards of working in your profession. We anticipate that they will contribute positively to your organization and will maintain the high standards expected of representatives of Great Basin College.

We monitor these assignments closely. The students should keep a log of their daily experiences and report to their GBC academic advisor on a weekly basis. While we understand that a college student is not a seasoned professional, we hope that this work experience will provide them with as meaningful lessons as those in the classroom. Your guidance and critique, as a site mentor, is critical for us to insure that this opportunity results in a valuable learning experience for these students. Therefore, we ask that you provide us with two reports on the performance of the students: one will be due halfway through the internship and the other report is due after the training is completed but before the end of the semester. These dates will be established with you before the training begins by the student and his/her advisor. (Necessary forms are enclosed.)

We ask that you discuss in candid detail these evaluations with the students, and then we suggest that they be mailed to the student’s academic advisor. We feel that you, as a sponsor, will gain valuable insight by getting the student’s own feedback and evaluation of their experience with your organization and his/her coworkers. Also, enclosed for your information are copies of materials that we provided to the students.

In completing this work experience/internship, the student must work a minimum of sixty (60) hours for one-credit; one hundred and twenty (120) hours for two credits; or one hundred eighty (180) hours for three credits. This work schedule should be worked out between you and the student. The academic advisor also needs to be aware of this schedule because credits will be adjusted for students who don’t meet their initial hourly requirement. Thus, it is imperative that these hours be recorded and reported to the advisor.

If you have any questions, problems or conflicts, please let me know. You can reach me at the GBC Agriculture Department, ((775) 934-5646, or by e-mail at: .


Tracy Shane

Agriculture Instructor