

ADDRESS (street)______(city)______(zip)______


TYPE OF DRIVEWAY REQUESTED: Agricultural Field Entrance____

Residential Drive____ Commercial Drive____ Other (explain)______



Applicant shall place stakes in ditch line where proposed driveway is to be located so it may be inspected by the Town of Greenbush and the Sheboygan County Highway Department. Minimum culvert length is twenty-four (24’) feet. The driveway shall have an all-weather surface that is driveable in all weather conditions, is at least twelve (12’) feet in width and has an area clear of brush, stones, trees or similar obstructions that measures at least eighteen (18’) feet horizontally (centered on the centerline of the driveable surface) and fourteen (14’) feet vertically (measured from the top of the driveable surface).

This driveway will result in how many driveways serving this property?_____

Unusual or special features of driveway requested.______

Give approximate footage of road frontage on all roads.______

I, the undersigned applicant do hereby certify that I have requested this driveway permit and that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by all the applicable provisions and restrictions which are shown on this permit application.


Signature of Applicant Date Signed

  1. Any grading, special ditching, alteration of slopes, or any other disturbance of any portion of the road right of way, shall be restored by and at the expense of the applicant, to the condition existent prior to such disturbance and to the satisfaction of Town of Greenbush.
  1. The entire cost of the driveway construction or installation shall be the obligation of the applicant.
  1. Applicant shall keep driveway culvert free of debris and other obstructions to provide proper drainage along the road. All culverts shall be constructed of corrugated steel or reinforced concrete.
  1. All driveways shall slope away from the edge of the road pavement to the edge of the road ditch. The finished grade of the driveway shall be sloped one half (1/2”) inch per foot following the shoulder grade.
  1. Maintenance and upkeep of the driveway on and over Town Road Right of Way shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
  1. The driveway authorized by this permit shall be installed in accordance with this permit, the Town of Greenbush, and/or the Sheboygan County Highway Department’s rules for driveway construction within ninety (90) calendar days from issuance of said permit.
  1. If applicant fails to complete the driveway within 90 days or if the road right of way is not restored within thirty (30) calendar days, or if the driveway is not installed in accordance with this permit, the Town of Greenbush, and/or the Sheboygan County Highway Department’s rules for driveway construction, the Town authority may arrange for the restoration, and all resulting costs shall be the obligation of the permit applicant.
  1. No driveway shall be longer than one hundred fifty (150’) feet from the right of way/property line, or if a legal description of the applicant’s property includes the improved right of way, then said one hundred fifty (150’) feet shall be measured from the closest edge of the improved roadway. Any driveway proposed to be longer than one hundred fifty (150’) feet as described herein, may be permitted upon issuance of a conditional use permit by the Town Board following the procedure and standards established by Section 22 of the Town Zoning Code (Chapter 12).
  1. The Permittee, his successors, or assigns, agree to hold harmless the Town of Greenbush, the Sheboygan County Highway Department and its duly appointed agents and employees against any action for personal injury or property damage sustained by reason of issuance or exercise of this permit.

Driveway permit fee is $50.00. Make check payable to Town of Greenbush.

Send application form to: Michael Limberg

W8537 Limberg Lane

Glenbeulah, WI 53023