TUESDAY, MARCH 8,2016—7:00 pm
- Meeting Called to Order by President Tousey at 7 PM.
ROLL CALL— Miller, Otradovec, Schuettpelz, Kohlwey, Whiting Excused absence: Zahn
- Pledge of Allegiance was recited and an invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer.
- Motion to Approve the Agenda was made by Otradovec and seconded by Whiting. Motion carried. Open Meeting Noticestatement made by Clerk-Treasurer.
- Public Input:
*Tim and Sheila Martin of NORTHERN LIGHTS HARDWOODS LLC, addressed the board on the work taking place is the industrial property at 214 NuLine Street. They are doing maintenance to the building and the equipment, getting established with staff, phone, internet, etc. Anticipate to be in production in 2-3 months.
*Toni Heller was in attendance and apologized to Pres. Tousey about the burning she did Monday night at 424 N Mill St.. She was given permission to burn papers and boxes, but she burned garbage, etc., resulting in a smoldering stink in the village. Toni also stated that some of her family is getting sick on the village water. She offered the services of her sister, Dawn Bayer, who works for Hydrite, to come and analyze the water and offer solutions.
- Minutes of theFEBRUARY, 2016, board meeting were approved with a motion by Kohlwey and seconded by Miller. Motion carried.
- 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT was presented by Paul Denis, Schenck SC and Kyle Pockat. They reviewed the status of the village finances as of 12/31/2016 in the Water/Sewer/TID #1/Library and General Fund.
- Treasurer’s Report for month endingFEBRUARY, 2016, was presented by Heise.
- BILLS werereviewed by the Finance Committee and provided to each board member along with a report of February bills paid outside of meeting. Motion by Schuettpelz and seconded by Miller to approve the following vouchers: March 01-42
Monthly payroll (includes annual board wages)$14,557.78
General Fund:$12,952.88
Fire Department:$ 4,010.12
TID #1:$ -0-
Water Department:$ 5,906.51
Sewer Department:$ 6,263.96
AYES: Kohlwey, Miller, Schuettpelz, Otradovec, Whiting Motion carried
- VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Attorney Lindsay Erickson was interviewed on March 2…the only candidate that responded to our letters. She currently serves the Cities of Crandon and Oconto, along with her independent practice. She requested a monthly retainer of $500 vs the $250 we are currently budgeted for. A $400/mo retainer was negotiated, with the understanding this would be reviewed and discussed with her during budget season for the upcoming year. Motion by Kohlwey and seconded by Whiting to retain Lindsay Erickson as the village’s legal counsel with a $400/month retainer. Motion carried.
10. RESOLUTIONS: Resolution 2016-02 – Village of Suring CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS was furnished to board members prior to meeting. Comments made and discussion held. Motion by Schuettpelz and seconded by Miller to approve/accept RESOLUTION 2016-02. AYES: 4 NAES: 1 (WHITING) Motion carried.
11. ORDINANCES: Amendment to Section 13-1-142 - FENCES – was reviewed and debated. With no resolve apparent, the ordinance amendment was tabled until the April meeting.
- POLICE DEPARTMENT: February Report was presented and approved with a motion by Miller and seconded by Otradovec. Motion carried. Chief Christensen reported that he has completed the “Police
Policy & Procedures Manual”. A printed copy is available in the Police Department for anyone to reference.
*Officer Christensen reviewed the radar/speed board & trailer and stated he will be looking to Walmart and ANR Pipeline for grant funds to assist in this outlay. Discussion held that ownership of this speed board will be solely by the SuringPolice Department and that an agreement is to be developed for rental to other police departments, at the discretion of the Police Chief.
*The Cross Guard program will be eliminated at this time due to lack of use of the service. The school is in agreement with this decision.
*The public school is interested in implementing the protocol known as ALICE—Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. Officer Christensen is interested in participating in this program. Training opportunity for this program is July 26 & 27 in DePere at a cost of $595.00. The school is willing to share 50/50 in this tuition fee. Motion by Schuettpelz and seconded by Otradovec to send Chief Christensen to this training and share in the cost 50/50 with the Suring Public School District. Motion carried.
- FIRE DEPARTMENT: USDA Rural Development grant application in process- combined purpose is “Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus and the Siren”
- PARKS: none
- STREETS: none
- WATER DEPARTMENT: Report Well #2 report – Gayle Lindenberg of Robert E. Lee & Associates reviewed that pilot testing equipment is ordered. There will be five (5) phases of testing that could take one to two months at an estimated cost of $100 - $200 per day. She indicated that R.E.Lee will participate in this cost 50/50 with the village.
- SEWER DEPARTMENT: Steffeck reviewed the basic outline of the CMOM program that was developed for us by Kaempfer and Associates including “inventory”, “manholes”, “lift stations”, “televising”, cleaning, etc. Motion by Schuettpelz and seconded by Otradovec to adopt the“CAPACITY, MANAGEMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (CMOM) PROGRAM”. Motion carried.
- RECYCLE CENTER: New employee, Richard Kramp, replaces Art Shafman
Updated fees implemented from County effective 3/1/2016. Attendants have updated information and website updated.
- VILLAGE PROPERTY: *Timber cutting update – Equipment is on our property at Wells 1 & 3.
- Sign AT M/R
- CDA Board Report: Handouts on industry at 214 Nu-Line St. & vacant lots. Whiting reviewed the matters worked on at Monday’s CDA meeting including the food stand/pavilion, sign and M/R.
14. Other information requiring NO board action: NONE
15.CLOSED SESSION: Motion to convene in closed session on the following matters: State Statute 19.85 (b)(c)(f)—Personnel -- made by Miller and seconded by Kohlwey. Motion carried.
16. OPEN SESSION: Motion to convene in Open Session made by Whiting and seconded by Otradovec. Motion carried.
17. Motion to ADJOURN made by Whiting and seconded by Miller. Motion carried. Next board meeting Tuesday, APRIL 19, 2016 (3rd Tuesday of April)
Minutes prepared by Carol M. Heise, Clerk-Treasurer