Town Leave General Risk Assessment

Location / Hastings
Group/Class affected / Students ontown leave in Hastings
Written by / Mr Goodman-Eastwood
Date written / 12th May 2017
Review date / 9thSeptember 2017
Relevance to Policy / Student Activities and Free Time Policy
Risk / Level / Actions taken / Relevance to policies
New or international students; missing, lost or confused. Any detriment to a positive student experience / Low / All new students are paired with a shadow (and a larger group if a junior student) who will show them the town of Hastings, where they may shop for necessities and relevant safe locations or meeting points. The staff member on duty at Café Nero may also be involved in this process but it is decidedly student-led. Students experiencing a significant language barrier or cultural/social complication may be escorted by a school prefect, senior student of staff member where necessary. Student safety, wellbeing and experience are paramount. / Student Induction Policy
Missing/Lost Students / Med / ID Cards and Wristbands are carried by each student, complete with school contact details. School contact details are given to each student. Meeting points are agreed upon before students are leave the school. A staff member is posted to Café Nero every 30 minutes. A curfew of 18:20 is imposed for all students. Students must report to their Houseparent at this time. / Student Activities and Free Time Policy
RTC/Incidents involving traffic / High / Students briefed on potential hazards in Hastings and relevant avoidance strategies. Special care is taken in build-up areas where traffic levels may be high. Students are supervised when embarking and disembarking transport. Every student has access to complimentary school transport into town and back to school, in the form of the Buckswood coaches, driven by a qualified, certified staff member. A timetable for which is posted in each house and on the relevant coach. A staff member is posted to Café Nero every 30 minutes. / Student Activities and Free Time Policy
Public Safeguarding Concerns / High / This risk assessment acknowledges that the general public may pose a risk to students. Therefore, students are encouraged to remain in their groups at all times. Students separated from their group are instructed to go to the designated meeting points (the coach pick up or Café Nero) and contact the school for assistance. A staff member is posted to Café Nero every 30 minutes. / Safeguarding Policies
Student Activities and Free Time Policy
Medical Emergency whilst in Hastings / High / All students are briefed on the locations of the nearest public offices (police station, fire station, ambulance station, school, council offices or building). There, they may seek emergency medical assistance. Alternatively, Buckswood ‘The College’ (AKA Buckswood St George’s) or the main school campus can be contacted. All students are informed of the UK emergency services number (999) and this is listed in every bathroom in the boarding houses. / Student Activities and Free Time Policy
First Aid Policy
Personal Security / Med / This risk assessment acknowledges that the general public may pose a risk to students. Students are briefed by staff regarding local security concerns and any necessary steps are taken to ensure student safety. Should the staff deem that the security situation presents and unacceptable risk, the trip may be cancelled. Pocket money is determined and administered by the Headmaster, reducing the likelihood of theft. / Student Activities and Free Time Policy
Inadequate student supervision / Med / The Student Activities and Free Time Policy acknowledges the extent of town leave and the importance of free time. However, a staff member is always present in Hastings during town leave and can be found at Café Nero every 30 minutes if required. / Student Activities and Free Time Policy
Safeguarding Policies
Exposure to substance, tobacco and alcohol use / High / Every effort is made to educate students regarding the effects of tobacco, drugs and alcohol, UK law and the school behaviour policy. Nevertheless, this risk assessment acknowledges that students will be exposed to many influences by the general public. Buckswood School maintains a strong working relationship with the local police and town council and supports initiatives to irradiate the illegal sale of alcohol, tobacco and illegal products. Students partaking in such activity will be subject to the school Behavioural Policy. / Safeguarding Policies
Behavioural Policy
Inappropriate or unacceptable student behaviour / Low / The school Behaviour Policy applies to town leave. A staff member is always present in Hastings during town leave and can be found at Café Nero every 30 minutes if required. Staff may intervene in instances of such behaviour and students may bring any concerns to the staff member in-situ or at school. / Behavioural Policy