Name: ______



Quarter Book Report- Genre:______

Book Title:______Author:______

Teacher Approval:______Parent Approval:______

Directions: Pick one activity from each column for your book. All text must be typed 12pt font, Times New Roman

Choice # _____, #_____, and #_____.

Book Report Due Date: ______

A- Art Category / B- Language Arts Category / C-Technology Category
1. Create a comic strip using characters from the book placing them in a setting and illustrating the plot.Be sure to include characters, setting, dialogue, andplot. All dialogue must be types. / 2. Write a news report about one of the events or characters in the book. Give the news report a headline. Remember to include who, what, where, when, how, and why. Report must be typed and include illustrations or printed pictures.
Minimum 1 page (12pt font, times new roman, double spaced) / 3. Discuss novel basics using PowerPoint. Make a slideshow about the book. Must include:
  • Intro
  • Genre
  • Author
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Plot & Plot Resolution
  • Theme
  • Recommendation
*Limited to 8 slides
4.Create a poster (1/2 size) promoting the novel as a newly released movie. The poster should include:
  • Information about the author
  • Use persuasive language to encourage people to go see the movie
  • A picture/drawing showing main character/key event
  • All text must be typed
*Full Size Posters Will Not Be Accepted And Sent Home / 5.Write book review of your book as though you are the book critic for the Los Angeles Times. Needs to include:
  • A brief summary of the story
  • Critical Analysis-
“What’s good….What’s bad…” Use in text citations
  • Recommendation—Why/Why Not with reasons- back up your statements
  • Minimum 1 page (12pt font, times new roman, double spaced)
/ 6.Create a test on your book using Microsoft Word.
Needs to have:
  • 9 Multiple Choice
  • 9 True/False
  • 5 Short Answer
  • 2 Essay
Must include an answer key for all questions including short answer and essay questions.
7. Redesign the book cover. Must include:
  • Front cover: title, author’s name, a picture pertaining to the book (Do Not Copy the existing cover!)
  • Back cover: synopsis/summary of the book, author information, and one “praise” comment from another source
/ 8.Develop a travel brochure about the setting of the book. Needs to include:
  • Describe the setting as a vacation place.
  • Provide pictures and a physical setting. Use captions with pictures
  • Points of Interest
  • Recreational Opportunities
  • History of the place
/ 9.Character Summary-This is a typed, 1 page description/analysis of a single character. Include the following:
  • Physical description
  • Personality
  • Actions
  • Motivation
  • How this character is like/unlike you