DVRPC 2016 Competitive CMAQ Program: Transit Improvements/Programs

Project Name ______

Please fill this application out completely and review your entries carefully.

The fields marked with a double asterisk (**) are required.

1. Type of Transit Program** (for bus pull-offs, go to ‘Traffic Flow Improvements’ form): Select all types of transit programs that apply.

Vehicle replacement / new purchase
Transit amenities improvements
Change inservice frequency for existing service
Change in time of day for existing service
New express service coverage (new routes or extensions)
New local service coverage (new routes or extensions)
New shuttle service at transit stop
Transit center
Bus Rapid Transit
Financial incentives for potential transit users
High speed rail
Public education, outreach, marketing promotions (See Transportation Demand Management) form
If other, describe: ______

2. Transit System Characteristics**:

a. Service area (square miles):
b. Estimated service area population:
c. Estimated service area employment:
d. Annual vehicle revenue hours:
e. Annual vehicle revenue miles:
f. Average weekday unlinked trips:
g. Vehicles operated in maximum service:
h. Peak-To-Base ratio:

3. The associated transit agency is**: ______

A. Vehicle Replacement and/or New Purchase Project:

1. Vehicles to be replaced:

a.Quantity: ______heavy duty transit bus ______para transit bus

b.Average Age: ______years

2. Replacement vehicles:

a.Quantity: ______heavy duty transit bus ______para transit bus

b.Bus Model Year: ______

c.Fuel Type : ______

d. If other, describe: ______

______Yes / _____ No

3. Will the new vehicles be dedicated to special service/routes?

a. Daily vehicle revenue miles on service route: ______

______Yes / _____ No

4. Are the new vehicles associated with an increase in service?

a. Average additional daily vehicle revenue miles/new vehicle: ______

B. Transit Amenities Improvement Project:

1. Daily boardings on route(s) impacted by improvements: ______boardings

2. Level of improvement:___ high ____medium ____low Explain: ______

______Yes / _____ No

3. Night service availability:

4. Peak-to-base ratio (optional): ______

5. Service type (select one):

___local (existing) / ___express (existing) / ___reverse commute
___local (addition) / ___express (addition) / ___satellite shuttle

If other, describe:______

6. Time period targeted (select one): ___peak ___off-peak ___daily

C. Change in Service Frequency for Existing Service Project:

1. Change in daily revenue bus VMT on impacted routes: ______miles

2. Daily boardings on route(s) impacted by iImprovement: ______boardings

3. Headway: existing ______minutes and proposed ______minutes

4. Parallel service headway (optional): ______minutes

5. Service change duration: ______hours

6. Percentage share of service operated closed door (express): ______%

7. Data for buses providing new service:

a. Average year bus was manufactured: ______

b. Bus fuel type: ______

c. Service type (select one):

___local (existing) / ___express (existing) / ___reverse commute
___local (addition) / ___express (addition) / ___satellite shuttle

If other, describe: ______

D. Change in Time of Day for Existing Service Project:

1. Change in daily revenue bus VMT on impacted routes: ______miles

2. Base unlinked transit trips on impacted route(s): ______trips

3. Percentage share of service operated closed door (as factor): ______%

4. Number of hours of service change: ______

5. Type of service:___ local ___express

6. Time period of service change: ___midday ___night

7. Data for buses providing new service:

a. Average year bus was manufactured: ______

b. Bus Fuel Type : ______

E. New Express Service Coverage (new routes, or extensions) Project:

1. Change in daily revenue bus VMT on new express service: ______miles

2. Daily bus vehicle trips on new express service: ______trips

3. Park-n-Ride spaces serving new express service: ______spaces

4. Headway for new express service: ______minutes

5. Percentage share of service operated closed door: ______%

6. Data for buses providing new service:

a. Average year bus was manufactured: ______

b. Bus Fuel Type: ______

F. New Local Service Coverage (new routes, or extensions) Project:

1. Total households within ½ mile radius of new service: ______households

2. Change in daily revenue bus VMT on new local service: ______miles

3. Ratio of new transit revenue miles in previously unserved areas to all new miles: ______

4. Share of households along new one-way loop service: ______

5. Off peak headway for new service: ______minutes

6. Peak headway for new service: ______minutes

_____ Yes / _____ No

7. Night service available?

8. Data for buses providing new service:

a. Average year bus was manufactured: ______

b. Bus Fuel Type: ______

G. New Shuttle Service at Transit Stop Project:

1. Total station boardings: ______boardings

2. Shuttle information:

a. Shuttle fFare: $______

b. Headway: ______minutes

c. Shuttle capacity: ______

d. Shuttle route distance: ______miles

e. Average year bus was manufactured: ______

f. Bus fuel type: ______

H. Transit Center Project:

3. Change in daily revenue bus VMT on impacted routes: ______miles

4. Average in-vehicle travel time (minutes): ______existing and ______proposed

5. Average transfer wait time (> 0 minutes): ______existing and ______proposed

6. Number of existing riders: ______riders

7. Number of existing transfers: ______

8. Percentage share of service operated closed door: ______%

9. Service Type: (select one):

___local (existing) / ___express (existing) / ___reverse commute
___local (addition) / ___express (addition) / ___satellite shuttle

If other, describe: ______

_____ Yes / _____ No

10. Night service available?

11. Average year bus was manufactured: ______

12. Bus fuel type: ______

I. Bus Rapid Transit Project:

1. Increase in daily revenue bus VMT due to BRT: ______miles

2. Attracted new ridership due to implementation of BRT: ______

3. Percentage share of new ridership diverted from autos: ______%

4. Percentage of people walking to BRT stations for work trip: ______%

5. Off peak headway for BRT service: ______minutes

6. Peak headway for BRT service: ______minutes

7. Night service available? ______Yes _____No

8. Average distance from home to BRT stations parking lots: ______miles

9. Average year bus was manufactured: ______

10. Bus fuel type: ______

11. Is new BRT service : ____on existing arterials ___off existing arterial

12 Road section length: ______miles

13. Speed limit: ______mph

14. Number of lanes (1-way): ______lanes

15. Volume (1-way AADT): ______

16. Peak hour level of dervice (A-F): ____

17. If new BRT service is on exclusive new bus lanes (answer below):

______Yes / _____ No

a. Is an HOV / bus-only lane to be added?

______Yes / _____ No

b. Is a queue jump lane to be added?

______Yes / _____ No

c. Is a bus pull-off lane to be added?

d. Average number of buses per hour: ______AM ______midday ______PM ______night

e. Number of buses per hour using bus pull-off lane (if applicable): ______buses

J. Financial Incentives for Potential Transit Users Project:

1. Daily fare reduction / incentive: $______

2. Number of employees in affected area: ______employees

K. High Speed Rail Project:

1. Description of proposal:

Origin City / Destination City
a. Population: / ______/ ______
b. Employment: / ______/ ______
c. Income: / ______/ ______

2. Proposed HSR speed (select one):

3. Total length of corridor: ______miles

4. Length of corridor in county: ______miles

L. Public Education, Outreach, Marketing, Promotions:

Information about this type of project should be provided on a “Transportation Demand Management” form.

M. Other:

1. Describe transit improvements/programs that do not fit above categories A-L.

2. Additional Information:

If you need additional space, use and attach as many “Additional Information” forms as needed.

DVRPC 2016 Competitive CMAQ Program AQ Analysis Form Transit Improvements/Programs Page 1 of 7