Texts for IEP Classes

The office staff will send out the textbook order form at the beginning of one quarter for the following quarter. You are responsible for ordering texts for a class only if you are on the teaching schedule.

F Texts may be chosen from the following list of approved texts. The textbook committees have spent a great deal of time choosing books that we thought would best serve your level. We have also added pertinent comments for many Please remember, however, that the responsibility for choosing and using the book for your class is yours.

F Some of the books are shared with another level. We have tried to undo this as much as possible. It is especially important that in the grammar classes you only cover the grammar listed for your level. This will require skipping around in the book. Don’t cover grammar that’s not listed for your level because it’s probably listed for the level you share your book with!

F Basic book info:

G/W classes need a grammar book and a writing book. Some texts combine.

R/V classes need a reading book. All reading books now on the list have a strong vocabulary focus, so no additional vocab book is necessary.

L/S/P or L/S/N do not need to order pronunciation books. We have a class set of Pronunciation books, and books being approved by the committee generally include pronunciation.

F If you need to look at an exam copy of a book, there are copies in IB 3411A.

F Keep the following in mind when you choose your texts:

·  You lead the class, not your book. Please be extremely familiar with the objectives for your class and check your book to see if/how much you need to supplement.

·  Publishers are listed in italics after each book title. Please check the publisher’s websites for correct ISBNs. Use 13-digit ISBNs whenever possible. Be sure you are looking at the correct product!

o  The publisher’s websites are (control+click to get to them):

F Pearson Longman


F Thomson/Heinle


F McGraw Hill


F Cambridge


·  If a text that you would like is not on the list, give it to Marcie for approval. This process involves a number of people and takes time, so please plan accordingly.

FYour Textbook Committee was Amilee Roberge, Anna Kim, Amy Fenning and Susie Ross. The most recent books added are bolded in yellow. Please give us feedback if you use one of these books.

Level 2 Grammar / Comments:
·  Grammar Form and Function 2, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill / Main book has explanations and few exercises. eWorkbook is only $7 more and has more exercises. All Level 2 objectives are covered.
·  Basic English Grammar, (Red Azar) 3rd Ed., Pearson Longman / Great foundation, but doesn't have past progressive or most of the pronouns on the Level 2 objectives. Will need supplementation.
·  Focus on Grammar 2, 3rd Ed., Pearson Longman / Doesn’t have past progressive, future, and a few other key items from outcomes. Will need supplementation.
Level 2Writing
·  Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs, 2nd Ed., Heinle Cengage
·  Fundamentals of Academic Writing, 1st Ed., Pearson Longman
Level 2 Reading:
·  Interactions Access, Reading, Silver Edition, McGraw Hill / Challenging; probably doesn’t need vocabulary book; comes with eCourse key (the book and additional supplemental materials are available online).
·  Reading for a Reason 1
·  (McGraw Hill) / Audio CD in IB3411A Ask for Teacher’s Manual from McGraw Hill
·  Active Skills for Reading 1, 2nd ed
Heinle Cengage / Exam CD and Audio CD and teachers guide need to be requested from the publisher
·  What a World 1, 2nd Edition (Pearson Longman) / Not much academic content, but could generate student interest; no manuals (answer key online, apparently) or test bank
Level 2 Listening/Speaking/Pronunciation (Ranked by Textbook Committee):
·  Interactions Access, Listening and Speaking (Silver Ed.) McGraw Hill
If anyone uses this in 2011-12, let coordinator know; otherwise it will come off the list / First half of book is probably too easy, but second half is good for this level. Skip around and see where your students are. Comes with eCourse key (the book and additional supplemental materials are available online).
·  NorthStar 1, Listening and Speaking (2nd Ed.) Pearson Longman
If anyone uses this in 2011-12, let coordinator know; otherwise it will come off the list. / You can include My NorthStar Lab, an online component to the book, for an additional $18 (book is about $32 in the catalog). For details go to www.mynorthstarlab.com.
·  Q Skills for Success: Listening and Speaking
(Oxford) / Rated highly by book committee. Has online practice, but requires student access code with new book.
Level 3 Grammar / Comments:
·  Fundamentals of English Grammar (Black Azar)
3rd Ed. Pearson Longman (used by current 031 teachers) / Perfectly matches the level.
·  Focus on Grammar 3, 3rd Ed. Pearson Longman / Needs supplementation. Check your Level 3 MCO
Level 3 Writing
·  Great Paragraphs, 2nd Ed., Heinle
·  First Steps in Academic Writing, 2nd Ed., Pearson Longman
Level 3 Reading:
·  Interactions 1, Reading, Silver Edition, McGraw Hill
(Currently in use/used by Alishio) / Thorough. Probably doesn’t need vocabulary book; comes with eCourse key (the book and additional supplemental materials are available online).
·  Active Skills for Reading 2, 2nd ed
Heinle Cengage
Currently in use/used by Shaw and Bradford / Exam CD and Audio CD and teachers guide need to be requested from the publisher;
·  Reading for a Reason 2 (McGraw Hill) / Audio CD in IB3411A Ask for Teacher’s Manual from McGraw Hill;
·  Real Reading 2 (Pearson Longman) / Online teachers manuals and tests are available at www.pearsonlongman.com/realreading
·  What a World 2, 2nd Edition (Pearson Longman) / Not much academic content, but could generate student interest; no manuals (answer key online, apparently) or test bank
·  Read This! Book 2 (Fascinating stories from the content areas) Cambridge University Press / MP3 and webquests online at www.cambridge.org/readthis
Level 3 Listening/Speaking/Pronunciation:
·  Interactions 1, Listening and Speaking (Silver Ed.) McGraw Hill
If anyone uses this in 2011-12, let coordinator know; otherwise it will come off the list. / Comes with eCourse key (the book and additional supplemental materials are available online).
·  NorthStar 2, Listening and Speaking (2nd Ed.) Pearson Longman
If anyone uses this in 2011-12, let coordinator know; otherwise it will come off the list. / You can include My NorthStar Lab, an online component to the book, for an additional $18 (book is about $32 in the catalog). For details go to www.mynorthstarlab.com.
·  Quest Intro, Listening and Speaking, 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill
If anyone uses this in 2011-12, let coordinator know; otherwise it will come off the list. / CD and DVD available.
·  Q Skills for Success: Listening and Speaking Book 2 (Oxford) / Online teachers manuals and tests are available at www.pearsonlongman.com/
Level 4 Grammar / Comments:
·  Grammar Form and Function 3, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill / For Level 4 only now.
·  Focus on Grammar 4, 3rd Ed. Pearson Longman
This is now ONLY for Level 4 / Needs a lot of supplementation.
Level 4 Writing
·  From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, Heinle / Currently in use by 041 teachers
·  Introduction to Academic Writing, 3rd Ed., Pearson Longman
·  Writing to Communicate 2, Pearson Longman
Level 4 Reading:
·  Interactions 2, Reading, Silver Edition, McGraw Hill / Thorough. Probably doesn’t need vocabulary book; comes with eCourse key (the book and additional supplemental materials are available online).
Real Reading 3 (Pearson Longman) / Online teachers manuals and tests are available at www.pearsonlongman.com/realreading
Level 4 Listening/Speaking/Pronunciation:
·  Interactions 2, Listening and Speaking (Silver Ed.) McGraw Hill / Comes with eCourse key (the book and additional supplemental materials are available online).
·  NorthStar 3, Listening and Speaking (2nd Ed.) Pearson Longman / You can include My NorthStar Lab, an online component to the book, for an additional $18 (book is about $32 in the catalog). For details go to www.mynorthstarlab.com.
·  Quest 1, Listening and Speaking, 2nd Ed.
McGraw Hill / CD and DVD available
·  Lecture Ready 2, Oxford / Lecture/Notetaking. CD and DVD available; good note-taking instruction. Lectures 9-10 min. Needs speaking supplementation
·  Intermediate Listening Comprehension 1, Heinle / Lecture/Notetaking. CD available; Lectures 2-9 min. Needs speaking supplementation.
·  Real Talk 1
Pearson Longman
Currently in use by 043 teachers / Has a pronunciation focus in each unit, but may need some supplementation. CDs and teacher’s manual in IB3411; transcripts in the back of the book (could be good or bad) Great book, but a lot for one quarter.
·  Contemporary Topics 1, 3rd Ed., Pearson Longman / Academic listening and note-taking skills; DVD models discussion groups, has note taking tips, etc. CD and DVD available.
·  Q: Skills for Success Listening and Speaking Book 3 (Oxford) / Rated highly by book committee. Has online practice, but requires student access code with new book.
Level 5 Grammar / Comments:
·  Understanding and Using English Grammar, (Blue Azar) 4th Ed., Pearson Longman
·  Grammar Form and Function 3, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill / This is now only for Level 5
·  Focus on Grammar 5
Pearson Longman / This is new to the list and perfectly matches L5 objectives
Level 5 Writing
·  Great Essays, 2nd Ed., Heinle (currently used by 051)
·  Writing Academic English, 4th Ed., Pearson Longman
·  Writing to Communicate 3, Pearson Longman
Level 5 Reading
·  Making Connections, Intermediate, Cambridge / Thorough and challenging; Probably doesn’t need vocabulary book.
·  Mosaic 1, Reading, Silver Edition, McGraw Hill / Challenging; probably doesn’t need vocabulary book; does NOT come with eCourse key at this point.
·  Inside Reading 1 (Oxford Publishers) / Academic word list focused around contextual themes. Does not need vocabulary supplementation
·  Real Reading 4 (Pearson Longman) / Online teachers manuals and tests are available at www.pearsonlongman.com/
Realreading; piloted by Roberge and Ravenson. Ask them
·  Focus on Vocabulary 1 (Pearson Longman) / This is a reading book with a focus on AWL. “Online tests”
Level 5 Listening/Speaking/Note Taking:
·  NorthStar Listening and Speaking 4, 3rd Ed., Pearson Longman / You can include My NorthStar Lab, an online component to the book, for an additional $18 (book is about $32 in the catalog). For details go to www.mynorthstarlab.com.
·  Academic Listening Encounters: American Culture Studies (Cambridge) / The only culture studies book on the list; has a lecture CD
·  Quest 2, Listening and Speaking, 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill / CD and DVD available.
·  Lecture Ready 3, Oxford / Lecture/Notetaking. CD and DVD available. Lectures 9-12 min. Needs speaking supplementation.
·  Noteworthy 2, 3rd Ed., Heinle / Lecture/Notetaking. CD and DVD available. Lectures 6-15 min. Needs speaking supplementation.
·  Contemporary Topics 2, 3rd Ed., Pearson Longman / Alternate with CT 3. Use CT 2 Fall and Spring quarters. Academic listening and note-taking skills; DVD models discussion groups, has note taking tips, etc. CD and DVD available.
·  Q Skills for Success: Listening and Speaking, Book 4 (Oxford) / Rated highly by book committee. Has online practice, but requires student access code with new book.
Level 6 Grammar (at instructor’s discretion): / Comments:
·  Understanding and Using English Grammar, (Blue Azar) 4th Ed., Pearson Longman / Talk with Level 5 teachers, as they most likely will have used this book.
·  Better Writing through Editing (McGraw Hill College) / Focus on editing skills with grammar covered.
Level 6 Writing:
·  Greater Essays, 2nd Ed., Heinle
·  Refining Composition Skills, 5th Ed., Heinle / Much more like a college textbook; includes grammar review. We love this book.
·  Destinations 2: Writing for Academic Success
Heinle Cengage / Note: You would not need a reading text with this book, as there are readings, vocab and model essays in each unit. Accompanying grammar book is also available as a packet, but main book has sentence structure foci in each unit.
Level 6 Reading
·  Making Connections, 2nd Ed, Cambridge / Thorough and challenging; Probably doesn’t need vocabulary book. Great book.
·  Mosaic 2, Reading, Silver Edition, McGraw Hill / Challenging; probably doesn’t need vocabulary book; does NOT come with eCourse key at this point.
·  Inside Reading 2 (Oxford) / Academic word list focused around contextual themes. Does not need vocabulary supplementation
Level 6 Listening/Speaking/Note Taking:
·  NorthStar Listening and Speaking, 5, 3rd Edition, Pearson Longman / You can include My NorthStar Lab, an online component to the book, for an additional $18 (book is about $32 in the catalog). For details go to www.mynorthstarlab.com.
·  Quest 3, Listening and Speaking, 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill / CD and DVD available.
·  Advanced Listening Comprehension 3, 3rd. Edition, Heinle / Lecture/Notetaking. CD and DVD available. Needs speaking supplementation