Alexandra Junior School

Year 5Medium Term Planning: Autumn 2015

We will explore the period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age and what we know about it. How can we find out about it? How was it different to living today? What developments and changes occurred? Look at real Stone Age tools, and learn about clothing, shelter and life. We will also investigate Stonehenge. / English:Whole Class Text(s): Stig of the Dump
We will be reading Stig of the Dump by Clive King as a class. Our learning will involve studying characters and plots, and using the text as a stimulus for different genres of writing e.g. stories, letters, poems, reports, diaries.
We will also undertake cross-curricular writing activities linked to history, science and maths.
We will also examine different spelling patterns and how to use grammar and punctuation correctly. / Maths:
We will be following the new national curriculum for maths, focusing on core skills such as the 4 basic operations, but with an added emphasis on fractions, negative numbers, working with larger numbers and decimals, and developing mental strategies. / Art and Design:
We will study architecture from the Stone Age, and its development over time since then. We will use clay and other materials to create our own models of prehistoric buildings. / Computing:
We will plan our own simple computer games, design characters and backgrounds and create a working prototype which will be developed further based on feedback.
Physical Education (P.E.):
We will be developing our basic ball skills such as throwing, catching and striking to enable us to effectively play a variety of games and sports.
We will also be developing as gymnasts, learning about balance, flexibility and performance.
Religious Education (R.E.):
We will be studying various pilgrimages around the world and their impact on the communities that partake in them. Near Christmas, we will also study different ways the festival is celebrated.
The children will continue to learn about the Spanish language and culture, learning basic words, phrases and greetings.
Animals including humans – we will identify milestones in human development. This will include gestation and how babies develop.
Forces – we will investigate the impact and role of different forces such as gravity, air resistance, water resistance, and friction on the world around us, conducting experiments to build our knowledge and skills. / Music:
We will create music for a stone age setting – what would the sounds be? / PSHE/SRE
We will discuss our importance in the wider world and ways we can impact the local & global communities.
In SRE we will discuss building relationships, and recognising and managing emotions. / Design & Technology (DT):
We will use our knowledge of Stone Age structures to design and build replicas of settlements and religious sites.

Year 5Planned Progression of Learning: Autumn 2015

English / Maths / Science / History / Geography / Art & Design / DT
Progression of Learning / Key texts
Stig of the Dump
Key skills
Sentence structure
Varying types and length of sentences for effect
Story writing
Diary entries
Non chronological reports
Newspaper reports
Persuasive writing
Poetry / Number and placevalue – read, write, order, compare and round numbers up to 1 000 000
Order fractions and find equivalent fractions.
Calculation – add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits using written methods.
Multiply and divide numbers up to 4 digits by a 1 or 2 digit number.
Geometry – identify 3D shapes, draw given angles and measure them in degrees.
Measurement - convert between different units of metric measure. Calculate are and perimeter of rectangles.
Statistics – interpret information in tables / Animals including humans
•Describe the changes as humans develop from birth to old age.
•Development of babies.
•Gestation periods of different animals.
• Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object
• Identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces
• Recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. / Stone age to Iron age
Overview of era 10000 BC to Roman Invasion in 43 AD – neolithic age, new stone age, bronze age, iron age.
Stone age Settlements
Hunting and Farming
Stone age warfare – equipment and hill forts.
Stone age art
Depth Study – Stonehenge
Visiting stone age character
Historical Skills – comparing different times in the prehistoric era and with today, looking at sources, using relevant terms and labels for the period. / Covered in depth in Term 2 though Natural Disasters topic.
Study of a European Country – Spain and Spanish culture ( in depth focus in summer but covered throughout the Year in conjunction with learning Spanish). / Architecture
How has architecture developed since the Iron age?
Stone age to Iron age housing.
Cave paintings
Designing Iron Age shields.
Using clay to build model roundhouses
Geography link – European architecture / Making shelters
Design, make and evaluate shelters (ties in with Art projects)
Making a model Stonehenge

Year 5 Planned Progression of Learning: Autumn 2015

Computing / Spanish / Music / PSHE and SRE / PE / RE
Progression of Learning / Scheme of work – rising stars
‘We are game developers’
Create artwork and sound for a game
Design and create a program for a game, using sequence, selection, repetition and variables
Detect errors in their game
Use testing to improve their game / Scheme of work
Family members
Greetings and very common phrases
Asking and saying
“How are you?”
Numbers and counting
Classroom instructions / Music for the Stone Age
Creating music for a Stone Age setting.
Music Express scheme of work – possibly working with Music consultant
(Main music teaching is drumming sessions later in the year) / Living in the wider world
Expressing our opinions about things that matter to us
Understand our individual and community rights and responsibilities
Make choices and understand their impact
Recognising and managing emotions
Building positive relationships / Ball Skills
Catching Techniques
Throwing Techniques
Striking Skills
• Create and perform fluent sequences on the floor and using apparatus.
• Assessing, evaluating, and improving. / Pilgrimages(and harvest & Christmas)
What is the significance of going on a pilgrimage for
What happens when people go on a pilgrimage?
What is the importance of the Hajj for Muslims throughout
the world?
What is the main place of pilgrimage for the Hindu
What is the most important part of a pilgrimage for a
faithful person?
Caring at Christmas
Christmas can be joyful and sad for different people.
Study of one of the charitable groups and their work at Christmas.