Based on Article 11Lawon AssociationsofRepublic of Croatia ("Official Gazette" No.88/01), Inaugural Meetingof the Economic and SocialDevelopment Association, was held. , and passed

Article 1

These Articles of Association (the Statute), regulates, the provisions on: the name;headquarters; representation;establishing the objectives andactivities to achieve the objectives;theachievement oftransparency; membershipand dues; rightsand obligationsof members;theinternal organization;theAssociation bodies - their composition, authorities, decision-making, conditions and methods of electionand recall; theduration of the mandateand responsibilities of members; assets and disposalof possible income; asset acquisition;termination of existence, and assets managementin the eventof termination.

Article 2

Name ofthe Association is: Economic andSocialDevelopment Association

The abbreviatedname of the Associationis:esd-Association.
The headquartersof the Association is in Varazdin, Rebublic of Croatia, 42000, Krleza street, 1A

Article 3

Economic andSocialDevelopment Association
isregistered with the______(nameof the Bureau). Economic andSocialDevelopment Associationis a nonprofitentity.

Article 4

Association's seal:

The sealof the Association isround in shapewith adiameter of 3cm.Along the edgeinscriptionreads: Economic andSocialDevelopment AssociationVarazdin.

Article 5

The Associationis represented, independently, byPresident, Vice President and Secretary.Assembly mayauthorize otherpersons to represent theAssociation.


Article 6

Association wasfounded topromote, developand improve theeconomic andsocial development, without territorial, ethnicand religiousexclusivity,supporting the principles of economicefficiency,sustainablesocial development, corporatesocial responsibility andsocial entrepreneurship.

The highest aim ofthe Associationis the applicationand promotionof ethical standardsin all economicand social activities.

Article 7

Activities ofthe Association are:

  • Planning activitiesto achieve the objectives
  • Informing the publicabout the plansand resultsin achieving thegoals
  • Developinga program of internationalcooperations
  • Organizingvarious forms of educationto promotesocial andeconomic development(seminars, workshops, conferences)
  • Publishing of books andmagazines onactual activities
  • Strengtheningof cooperationwith similar organizationsin Croatia andbeyond.

Article 8

The work ofthe Association isopen to the public. The transparency of activitiesisprovided by the means enshrinedin thisStatute, namely: timely reportingon the work ofthe Associationand significant events, to the members;regular or occasional written reports;throughpublic announcements and by maintaining website.


Article 9

Member of the Associationmay be anynatural personor a legal entity.

Article 10

Becoming amember ofthe Association is possibleby enrolling inthe Register of Members,by the secretaryof the Association.

Article 11

The Assemblydetermines theamount of theannualmembership fee.

Article 12

The rights andobligations of the membersare:

  • Acting ethically
  • Payment ofdues
  • Engaging inactivities
  • Participatein managing theaffairsof the Association
  • Maintaining andupholding the reputationof the Association
  • Taking careof material goods andthe executionof commitments.

Article 13

Membershipin the Associationshall cease by:

  • Voluntaryresignation
  • Failure to payduesfor more thansix months
  • Suspension

Member is deletedfrom the Register ofMembers, withouta special decision,by the end ofthe yearif she or hefails to paytheduesfor this year.

The decisionto excludea member fromthe Associationbelongs to President.

Expelled memberhas the right, appeal tothe Assembly, withinfifteen daysfrom the date ofnotification of the decision.

The General Assembly mustmake a decision within30 daysfrom the dateof delivery of appeal.The decisionof the General Assembly is final.

Article 14

The Association may joinnational and internationalfederationsandassociations.

Decision is adopted bythe Assembly.


Article 15

The bodies ofthe Association are:

  • Assembly
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary.


Article 16

The Assembly is thehighest governing body ofthe Association.

Assembly isformed by allmembers.

Article 17

Assembly maybe regular,electiveor emergency.

Regular meetings takeplace once a year, until theelection meetingsheld everyfour years.

Assembly meetings are convenedby the Presidenton his own initiativeor at the initiativeof Members.

In thedecision to convenethe AssemblyPresidentestablishes the agenda, date and place of the meeting.

The President shallconvene ameeting whenrequested by at least1/3of its Members.

In their request forthe conveningof the AssemblyMembers must include the proposedagenda.
If the President failsto convene a sessionof the Assembly within15 daysafter receipt ofthe requestfrom the Members, according toParagraph 5this Article, Member shall convene it by themselves (the decisionmust include theagenda,and the place anddate of the session).

Article 18

Assemblyis regularly chairedby the President, or in his absence,by the Vice President.In theabsence of both the PresidentandVice President, the Assembly,at the beginning ofthe session,vote for the personthat willpreside over the meeting.
During the meeting,the records are kept, which are permanentlystored in the archivesof the Association.

Article 19

Assemblycan make decisions only in the presence of majorityof all the membersof the Assembly,and decision is made ​​by a majorityvote of the present members,unless theStatute determines a special majority for the selected decisions.

Article 20

The Assembly:

  • Establishesthe Policyof Developmentof Association
  • Makeschangesandvote the Bylaws
  • DeliversAnnual Action Plan(the agenda), the Financial Plan and Annual Report
  • Vote forother acts and decisionsregarding the Association
  • Electe and dismissesthe President,Vice President andSecretary of the Association
  • Reviews and approvesreportson the activities ofthe Association
  • Provideguidance to theAssociation
  • Decideon appealsagainst decisions onexpulsionfrom membership
  • Decideon the dissolution ofthe Association
  • Performs otheractivities, specified byLaw or the Statute.


Article 21

President executesfunctions and otherduties specifiedby this Statute.

The President iselected by the Assemblyfor a term offour years.

Article 22


  • Representthe Association
  • Convenesthe Assembly
  • Manages the activities ofthe Assembly
  • Identifies andproposes Programof activities andthe Statute to theAssembly, for consideration andacceptance
  • Determines thesuggestionsofactivitiesand AnnualPlans
  • Concernes about theexecutionof the Programand other decisions adoptedby the General Assembly
  • Managesthe Association's property
  • Submits aReporton the activities to the General Assemblyof the Association
  • Appointscommittees and otherbodies as required, and defines their tasks
  • Takes careof informing thepublic on the workof the Assembly
  • Monitorsmaterial and financial operationsof the Association
  • Makes decisions onexpulsions of members,
  • Perform otherduties as specified inthe Statute and otherdocuments ofthe Association.

Article 23

The Presidentreports to the General Assembly.
Presidentsubmits the AnnualReport and other reports on hers/his activities.


Article 24

Vice-Presidentis electedand appointed bythe Assembly for aterm of4 years.

Vice Presidentassists tothe President.

Vice Presidentreplaces the Presidentwith allhis rights andprivileges, as well as obligations, if the President isabsentfor more than30 days.

Article 25

VicePresident reports to the President and the General Assembly.


Article 26

Secretary of the Associationshall be elected andappointed by the Assemblyfor a term of4 yearsfor executing professional and administrativeaffairsof the Association.

Secretaryassist to the President and Vice President.
The Secretaryshall keep a Registerof Members.
The Secretaryreports to the Presidentandthe General Assembly.

Article 27

The Assembly and the President may establishstanding and ad hoccommittees orother working groups toworkin certain areasof improving the Association’s activities.

Decisionon the establishment ofa committees or other working groups shall include information about their composition, objectives, time scaleof service,andresponsibilities.


Article 28

Assets of the Associationare:

  • Money
  • Tangible assets
  • Intangible assets
  • Otherproperty and rights.

Article 29

Association acquires assets by:

  • Membership fees
  • Charitiesand gifts
  • Grants from the budget
  • Other sourcesin accordancewith the law.

Article 30

Presidentsubmits to the Assembly Annual Report onMaterial and Financial Operations, to consider and adopt.


Article 31

Association ceasesto exist underthe law.
In theevent of termination,based on a decisionof the Assembly, the decision on the terminationof the Association,shall be adopted with two-thirdsmajority voteof the total membershipof the Assembly.

In the eventof termination, the remaining assets willbe distributedto charities,according to a decisionof the Assembly.


Article 32

Ths Statute is adopted by majorityvote of allmembers ofthe General Assembly, followingthe hearing.

Article 33

Interpretation of this Constitutiongives theAssembly.

Interpretation of otherAssociation documentsis provided by the President.

In Varazdin, ______.

MarijanCingula, President of the Association