St. John’s Planning 2010/11 Subject: History- Romans Year Group: 4Date: Autumn 1

Please use bullet points only

LO / Success
Application of number and IT
Working with others
Improving learning and performance
Problem solving / Activity / Differentiation – indicate adult support
  • G&T
  • HA
  • MA
  • LA
SEN / ICT and Thinking Questions
Evaluation / Resources
1 / To understand what the terms invade and settle mean
To understand that the Romans invaded Britain / I understand that the Romans invaded Britain in 43. A.D
I know that invade means to intrude and settle means to stay somewhere. / Intro- Ask children what they know about the Romans and Celts, produce a mind map on the board of all their information.
~ Ask the children to find the dictionary definitions of the words ‘invade’ and ‘settle’. Ask them to write their definitions in a two-column grid. Lead a discussion to develop the children’s understanding of these terms.
~ mini activity- Give the children cards with words and phrases that could be connected to either invasion or settlement. Ask the children to place the cards in the correct columns on their grids. Feedback.
~ Establish that groups of people have been visiting, invading and settling in Britain for a very long time. Do they know any groups that have visited Britain, when was the longest ago?
~Show children the power point about Romans invading Britain and recap on key dates. Discuss with children some of the reasons why they might have wanted to come to Britain?
Children to put the correct dates on the time line.
Activity~Give the children pictures showing a variety of Roman and Celtic images, armour, in battle, town life, country life, home life. Ask the children to sort them first into Roman and Celtic groupings, and then into invasion and settlement groupings / LA- Work with (T) and have a few words to place in the correct columns
MA- have more complex words to sort
HA – Have more words to sort out and can they think of their own using a thesaurus?
Children to then start to write some key facts about the Romans and celts / ICT- power point,
Why do you think the Romans wanted to invade Britain?
How do you think you would feel going to invade a country?
Can you think of another example of when someone has invaded or settled in a place? / Power point, LCP- romans, 2.2a, 2.2b, 2.2c
Pictures of invaders and settlers
2 / To be able to select and record information about Celtic and Roman ways of life.
To be able to make comparisons between these lifestyles. / I understand some of the ways of life of the Romans and Celts.
I can make notes successfully.
I can work with others in my table / Intro- What can children remember about the Celts and Romans? Feedbk
~ Show children pp about some of the differences between the two periods and refer back to the timeline.
~ State to children that they will be researching on the computer about the Celts or Romans and will need to write notes about them. Give them some ideas of what they could research and specific websites: language, life style, houses, dress. (Alternatively if there is Roman text books from resources then use them)
~Activity- children will write notes and design posters showing some of the features of them.
Remind them about title and neat presentation!
Plenary~ Children to say what they have learnt and jot down notes from other peoples work, compare differences.
history, romans or celts. / L/A- to research the different houses where they lived and draw differences
M/A- to research houses, dress and languages.
HA- to think about the lifestyle differences, i.e. religions, army. Work with (T) / ICT- power point and use of computers to research.
Do you think that you have researched as much as you can about the Romans? Where might you find more information?
Do you think the Celts needed to change? / pp on celts. ICT suite or roman and celt information texts.
3 / To identify characteristics of a Roman Solider
To understand what life was like in the Roman Army. / I understand that you had to be very strong and fit to be a Roman solider
I can name some of the commands and armour that the roman soliders would have used. / Intro- Discuss what life might have been like as a Roman solider? Do they think they would be up for it? Show pp of the requirements of a solider and discuss life as a solider. Think about how heavy armour would be.
Show website about weapons they would have used:

~Activity- Children to write a diary entry or newspaper article about Roman soliders, model on board writing a diary entry and a few ideas that they could use.
~Plenary:listen to some of the reports or diary entries, go to hall and start to do some of the formations Roman army would have done and the commands. (see resource sheet) / L/A- To draw a solider and label its clothes, annotate feelings.
M/A – To write a letter home as a solider
H/A- to write a news paper article persuading people to fight in army! (T) / Would you have liked to be a solider for 20 years?
What were the consequences if you didn’t listen to your general? / Roman pp, newspaper template, LCP 6.2 and 5.1
4 / To know who Boudicca is
To understand that there were lots of different opinions of her / I know that there are different opinions of Boudicca
I know who she is and what role she played in History. / Discuss with children their perceptions of the Romans so far, are they fear? Show children pp about the upheaval about Boudicca and discuss points as to why would the king leave his money? Was it right for the romans to come to take it? Stop at the images of her on pp.
~Explain that the Romans were worried about the Celts attacking them, question children on pp.
~ Read the description out from a Roman Writer- She was huge of frame, terrifying and had a harsh voice. A great mass of bright red harir fell to her knees. She wore a tunic of many colours, fastened with a brooch. Now she grasped a spear, to strike fear into all who watched her.
~Ask children what they think of her? Explain that people may have different opinions of her, that she was brave and a hero / L/A- Give a simple description to them to help with their drawings
M/A- give a more complex description of her (T)
H/A- to extend this and write a column of why she was good or bad. / ICT- images of her
Why do you think there are two very different views of her?
If you were a Roman/ Iceni what would you think of her? / Pp on Boudicca, lcp 7.1a/ b
5 / To know the main events in Boudicca’s revolt.
To know the reason for the revolt. / I know how different people saw the revolt.
I know why the revolt happened. / -Ask children who Boudicca was and recap on knowledge. Show the website which discusses the story from lots of view points.

-Read through the interactive website together and talk about the key dates, why do you think Boudicca killed herself? Was the fight necessary?
-mini activity= children in their groups to separate the story into six parts as a draft, explaining what happened in each part.
Activity- to do a story board of what happened in the revolt with commentary, / L/A work with (T) to have sheet eight.1 from LCP and cut them out in order with pic for each one
M/A- to six and write a commentary
H/A- to make a short play script. / ICT- white board with website
Was the revolt necessary in the end? / Website up
6 / To be able to understand impact of an event on people’s lives.
To know about the results of Boudicca’s revolt. / I can suggest consequences of Boudicca’s revolt.
I can show how a Roman or a Celt would have perceived the revolt. / Intro- Discuss with the children the immediate consequences of the revolt for the Celts and the Romans and record these on a big piece of paper. Also discuss the longer-term impact of the revolt on Britain.
Ask the children to think about how a Celtic or Roman survivor of the revolt might feel. . Discuss with the children why people might view the revolt differently (link back the website from last lesson)
Hotseat characters!
Activity- Provide them with a suitable sentence-starter and ask them to write about the results of the revolt from the point of view or report of either a Celt or a Roman
It is important to emphasise that the population of Britain did not become Romans, but that the Celts adopted Roman lifestyles. Many Celts living far away from the towns retained their old lifestyles throughout the Roman period. / LA – work with (T) brainstorm some of the feelings the celts would have had or the romans.
HA- Write a report from a roman solider’s view of what happened. / Do you think that things are going to change now?
Are the Romans going to remain in power? / website
7 / To understand what life was like in Roman Britain / I understand the type of food that the Romans ate
I understand
I know the alphabet they used
I know how they made roads /
Show children pp of the different types of food that they ate in the roman times, what would you eat and why?
Look at the images of the alphabet and discuss the differences between the alphabet, why do you think it changed? What language did they speak?
-move on to the woodlands site about the roads and talk about the implication of why the romans were so good about making roads?
Activity- children to design their own menu using information from pp and the roman alphabet. / L/A- work with (t) devising menus
H/A- can they do instructions about how they made the roads? / What would life be like if they didn’t have roads?
How would they get about? / LCP alphabet, pp.

Please use the following abbreviations for adult support: (T) – Teacher, (TA) – Teaching Assistant, (P) – Parent, (S) – Student, (O) - Other

Please use the following colours to highlight evidence of Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic