The SCUBA Club Constitution

Article 1

Section 1: Name: The SCUBA Club

Section 2: Purpose: To create an active learning environment where students of all experience levels can come together to share their interests and knowledge, create and foster relationships, and explore the wonderful world of SCUBA.

Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate

against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or

expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, personal

altercations, or veteran status.

Article 2

Membership: Qualifications and Categories of Membership – Any Ohio State student,

alumni, faculty, professionals, or other campus affiliates are eligible to join. However,

all leadership roles and voting privileges are explicitly reserved for students.

Article 3

Organization Leadership: All leadership positions will be voted on annually by all eligible voting members of the club (students). There will be three operating positions in the club:

President: The SCUBA Club president will be the main governing member of the

organization in charge of planning meetings, outings, and other general duties.

Treasurer: The treasurer will organize, coordinate, and manage all financial activity

pertaining to THE SCUBA Club in a timely manner in accordance with university policies.

Vice President: The vice president will assist the president in whatever capacity needed.

Article 4: not necessary at this time

Article 5: not necessary at this time

Article 6:

Method of Removing Officers and Members: All members and leaders are expected to adhere to

guidelines laid out in this constitution and conduct themselves in a way that reflects positively

on the organization. In the event that these guidelines are not met, a member/leader may be

considered for membership probation or removal from the club. These decisions will be initiated

by the organization leaders and reviewed and voted on by all student members. Note: no

member may be removed for any discriminatory reason; please see Article 1 Section 3.

Article 7

Advisors: Advisors must be members of the University or Administrative and Professional staff.

Advisors are expected mentor organization leaders in the major conduct and decisions of the

club. Advisors may be expected to attend major meetings when available.

Article 8

SCUBA Club Meetings: There will be a minimum of two required meetings held/quarter with the exception of Summer quarter. Other meetings will be scheduled as needed.

Article 9

Amending the Constitution: Proposed amendments must be in writing, read in the general

meeting in which they are proposed, and finally re-read and voted upon in the subsequent

meeting. Approval requires a two-thirds vote of the members present (which must at least be

51% of total club members).

Article 10

Method of Dissolution of Organization: Debts will be paid by those who are responsible for creating them. If there are excess funds in the event of The Scuba Club termination, they will be donated to the OSU Union.


Article I - Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws of this organization.

Article II - Membership

Members are required to pay dues of five (5) dollars and are due at the beginning of autumn quarter, or when a member joins.

Article III - Election / Appointment of Government Leadership

President, Vice President, and Treasurer will be elected yearly, during the month of May. It will be decided by a majority vote, and those running, must be in the group for at least one (1) year. Members may nominate others that meet the requirements, starting in March, two months before elections.

Article IV - Advisor Responsibilities

Advisors are responsible for approving the constitution, as well as attending at least three meetings a year.

Article V - Meeting Requirements

Meetings will be held at least once a month. When voting, the majority of the members must be present. voting for office may be carried out electronically so all members, can participate.

Article VI - Method of Amending By-Laws

By-laws may be amended by proposing in writing and reading the change at a general meeting of the membership and then bring the proposed change up for a vote at the next general meeting with a 2/3 majority vote of the membership present. (1/2 of members must be present.)