Figure Legends of the on-line publication
Fig I (data on disk: figI.ppt)
Non-radioactive cell proliferation assay of IL-6 stimulated vs unstimulated HepG2 cells. HepG2 cells were preincubated with low serum medium for 24 h, followed by stimulation with IL-6 (25 ng/ml, 12.5 ng/ml) or growth medium for 5, 24 and 30 h. Cells incubated with low serum medium alone were used as control. Proliferation was assessed using the Cell Titer96TM assay (Promega, Heidelberg, Germany) according to the instructions. Data are presented as means +/- SEM of two independent experiments each one performed in six replicates. Asterisks indicate a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between stimulated cells and control.
Fig II ( data on disk: figII.ppt)
Analysis of LDL-R mRNA half-life in HepG2 cells stimulated with IL-6. After preincubation with low serum medium for 24 h, cells were stimulated with IL-6 (25 ng/ml) for 2 h; control cells were incubated with low serum medium alone. Cells were incubated with Actinomycin D (5 mg/ml) for the indicated periods of time. Northern blot analysis (20 µg total RNA per lane) was performed. At zero time point the levels of LDL-R mRNA, normalised to GAPDH, in the IL-6 treated and in the control cells were set as 100, respectively. The data are expressed as percent decrease in LDL-R mRNA levels over time and represent means ± SEM of three independent experiments. The difference between IL-6 treated cells and control cells at the different time points is statistically not significant, as shown by an independent Student´s t-Test (p<0,05).
Fig III (data on disk: figIII.ppt)
Effect of cycloheximide on IL-6 dependent stimulation of LDL-R gene transcription. After preincubation with low serum medium for 24 h, HepG2 cells were incubated with cycloheximide (5 mg/ml) 2 h prior to treatment with IL-6 (25 ng/ml) for additional 2 h. Northern blot analysis (20 µg RNA per lane) was performed. The level of LDL-R mRNA of the control cells at zero time point was set as 1. The diagram shows mean values ± SEM of three independent experiments. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (p<0.05) vs control.