Laurel Farm Kindergarten

Updated Oct 2016 by Dominika Baran

Next update Oct 2017

The document Guidance on First Aid for Schools (see references) and the Health and Safety Executive Accident Book should also be referred to for information.


This organisation recognises and accepts its responsibility as an organisation for providing a safe and healthy environment for all its employees, volunteers, parents, children, pupils, and visitors.

As part of our Health and Safety procedures the First Aid Policy is to ensure that at all our operations, including any activities off-site, there are sufficient numbers of staff who have received appropriate First Aid training, adequate accessible first aid equipment, and that an adequate procedure for dealing with accidents and injuries is carried out.

All staff are required to undertake appropriate First Aid training, suitable for their job and the age ranges of the children.

There is a First Aid kit on site within the kindergarten room,which is checked weekly, and is replenished promptly after the use of any contents.

In accordance with the Health and Safety Policy risk assessments should be undertaken of all activities to ensure that actions are carried out to reduce any risk of accident or injury.

All staff should take precautions to avoid infection and must follow basic hygiene procedures. There is access to single-use disposable gloves and hand washing facilities. Care must be taken when dealing with blood or other body fluids and disposing of dressings or equipment.


Casualty should be assessed and given appropriate First Aid treatment as soon as the member of staff is made aware of the incident.

Casualty should be treated by a member of staff, should not be left alone, and assistance should be gained from colleagues to look after the other children as necessary, to fetch the nearest First Aid and other equipment, and call emergency services as required.

The emergency services should be called as soon as possible if required.

Parents of any child involved should be called if the injury is serious. If injury is minor and child able to remain, then parents should be informed of incident when they normally pick up the child.

In a serious incident, after the casualty has been treated, staff should concentrate on reassuring the other children, and colleagues who may be affected. Parents of the other children may have to informed of what has occurred so they can be aware of the possibility of any after-effects their children may suffer. Staff also need to be aware that they themselves may suffer effects after dealing with or witnessing a serious injury etc.


All accidents, injuries, and any First Aid treatment administered must be recorded in an Accident Record Book.

If the accident is minor involving just comforting a child, administering a plaster etc. the accident should be recorded in the Minor Accident Book; one is kept by the Kindergarten staff, and one is kept with the First Aid kit.

These records include:

the date, time, place of incident,

name and class of the injured or ill person,

details of the injury/accident/illness and what first aid was given,

what happened to the person immediately afterwards (eg. went home, resumed normal duties, went back to class, went to hospital),

name and signature of the first aider or person dealing with the incident

name and signature of parent or guardian if the person is a child.

These records also include reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence as required under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995.

These regulations apply to all incidents involving children or adults which result in death or major injury, the person involved is taken form the accident to hospital, the incident prevents the injured person carrying out normal activities for more than three days.

All cases involving fatal and major injuries and dangerous occurrences must be notified to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or the Incident Contact Centre without delay (eg by telephone, see references), followed up by a written report on Form 2508 in ten days.

All other reportable accidents do not need immediate notification but again must be reported on Form 2508 in ten days.

All records will be monitored to identify any recurring incidents or trends so that further preventative measures and new methods can be considered.

All serious accidents involving children who attend the Kindergartens and the Afternoon Care must be notified to Ofsted Early Years by the School Administrator.

All accidents that are not minor cuts and bruises, and near misses should be reported to Helena Pooley, Health & Safety Person, who will also inform the Chair of Trustees.



In marked cupboard in Kindergarten room.


Small phials of eyewash in each First Aid Kit.


Minor accidents in Kindergarten kitchen

Minor accidents with First Aid Kit in designated space in the kitchen .

More serious accidents HSE Accident Book in Kindergarten filing cabinet.


Parents are discouraged from bringing in their children to the School and Kindergartens if they are unwell. Particularly if children are suspected to have an infectious illness, which could range from a bad cold to a more serious illness such as measles, mumps, chickenpox etc. or have any sort of rash, or a high temperature.

If it is suspected or confirmed that a child has an infectious disease, such as measles, mumps, chickenpox, scarlet fever, whooping cough, parents must not bring that child in. Parents are requested to tell this organisation if the illness is suspected or confirmed so that we can inform other parents to look out for symptoms, and if necessary inform the Health Protection Agency. Also the staff can be kept informed so that any individuals who may be susceptible such as those who have not had measles, pregnant women, and anyone who has immuno-deficient disorders.

Any child suffering with diarrhoea, winter vomiting disease, or any other symptoms, which may be infectious, it is requested that children do not return until 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased.

If a child is discovered to have head lice parents are requested to keep the child at home until it has been treated. The teacher should be informed so that other parents may be made aware and take preventative measures.

If a child becomes unwell whilst at Kindergarten or Afternoon Care the person collecting the child will be informed when they arrive. If the illness becomes more serious the parents will be contacted and told the symptoms and advised if possible to collect the child. If the child’s condition deteriorates and becomes serious the child will be treated accordingly in accordance with the accident procedure. The child’s parents will be kept informed of the situation by the kindergarten staff.


Staff are required to inform the kindergarten office as soon as they realise that they are unable to work because of illness, so that other arrangements can be made to cover their post appropriately.

Staff who consider that they are ill with any illness that may be infectious, have a high temperature, any sort of rash, should not come into work. It is essential that staff consider any possible effects on children and other staff.

Any member of staff suffering with diarrhoea, winter vomiting disease, or any other symptoms, which may be infectious, it is requested that they do not return until 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased.


Reporting of Accidents: These can now be reported to a single point:

Incident Contact Centre (ICC), Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly

CF83 3GG Tel: 0845 300 9923

Health and safety: advice for schools


Laurel Farm Kindergarten, 17 Carlingcott, Peasedown St John, Bath, BA2 8AN

Reg Charity No. 1163992 on 15th October 2015

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