Purpose of the class: To explain and promote current issues in the legal and incarceration justice system. Perhaps to motivate someclass members in volunteer or donor work with the programs described. To allow creators and principals of these reform programs to describe them to the OLLI audience.
Schedule: (for privacy reasons, names are purposely left out)
January 26, 2017 - San Quentin News- One of professional journalists who advise the inmates will discuss the history and development of this newspaper which is distributed not only in San Quentin but other California prisons as well.
Prisoners write the news about issues affecting their lives and interests assisted by professional journalists who volunteer their expertise. Will include talk by former inmate.
February 2 - Marin Shakespeare Co. A director will explain role of drama presented inside the prison as well as its role for individuals. How drama becomes therapy for offenders.
February 9 - YMCA Youth Court. The founder of this court, where teen age peers act as judge and jury, will discuss the “Education to Prison Pipeline” and how the idea of Restorative Justice helps keep teenagers out of the legal punishment system.
February 16 - California Death Penalty Status -Director of UC Berkeley Death Penalty Clinic will discuss where the propositions have left us. What are the alternatives?
February 23 - The Last Mile -a computer training program for both coding skills and more sophisticated training for outside jobs has expanded from San Quentin to several other California prison venues. A program director will explain the huge success of this training.
March 2 - Nation wide many prison re-entry programsuse Restorative Justice techniques to help individuals resolve traumas that have led them to incarceration. San Quentin has been a leader in this philosophy with programs such as, Houses of Healing and the Victim/OffenderEducation Group. A long time San Quentin volunteer will present this class along with a former inmate.
Location & time details:
The class will be held from 10 a.m. to noon, in Room 41B of University Hall, corner of Addison St. & Oxford, in Berkeley. Nearest parking is at the Berkeley Way lot, entrance on Berkeley Way between Milvia & Shattuck, map available on request.