HAVERKAMP showcases a turnkeysolution for critical infrastructure at IDEX, thelargestsecurity anddefence fairin theMiddle East

January 2011

For the first time ever, the experts from the HAVERKAMP Groupwill use the IDEX trade fairas a platform to showcase innovative security conceptsforairports, port and industrial sites, militaryfacilities and private homes – everything,in a one stop solution.

The HAMS special managementsystem enables customised turnkey solutions.

The HAVERKAMP Groupis one of the leadingGerman security companieswhich offers all services, from security analysisand installation through tooperational supportas a turnkey solution. The consultants and experts from the grouphave come to enjoythe trust of manyGerman andinternational managersofindustrial plants, nuclear power stations, and airports as well asthe directors of military and governmental installations. Security analysis, design and installation are always factors which are developedon an individualbasisand treatedwith utmostconfidence. In addition, HAVERKAMP is known in the United Arab Emirates as one of theleading expertsinhighly sophisticatedsecurity concepts in the field of energy.

From its experience, there are some things that the company is fully aware of: critical infrastructure risks are always dynamic and subject to high fluctuation. Each situation has to bereassessed and security conceptshave to be adapted. For many years, through comprehensive analyses and the concepts which have been developed from these, HAVERKAMP has successfully protected important industrial, governmentaland military installationsand theprivate homes of individuals who areexposed to particular risks.

At IDEX 2011(20- 24 February 2011), the company will be showcasing itssecurity technologies toa wide audience of specialists. H.A.M.S. (the specially developed HAVERKAMP managementsystem)is the central technologybehind thesecurity concepts and will form the focus of the trade fair stand. H.A.M.S.brings together andpresents all informationrelating toalarms, system statuses and situations where intervention has taken place. At the same time,existingdetectors andtechnical equipmentare also integrated into thisconcept. The boundaries of the building aremonitored by digitalsensors which, in the event of an alarm,detect theexact coordinatesof thealarmed building with pinpoint accuracy. In addition,theextremelypowerful PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) CCTV system(withwide-ranging integratedillumination)is focused onto theincident that has been detectedand follows theassailantautomatically–by day and night, thevideo images aretransmitted to theHAVERKAMP management system. In combination with twofold or threefold detection zones, the redundant sensor technology makesundetectedbreak-ins by unauthorised persons impossible. With the addition ofespecially sophisticatedmeasures,it is evenpossible to detect attacks from the seaat an early stageanddelay themuntil intervention forces arrive on the scene.

In addition, HAVERKAMPwill also be presentingitslatesthigh-performance alarmed fenceat the IDEX.WaveGARD® has been developedin order to satisfy the highestsecurity requirements and render manipulative attacksimpossible. On account of thereliable detection technology,thealuminium fence isexcellentfor reliablysecuring the outer perimeterof a buildingand is usedespeciallywhere a largearea has to be protectedfromintruders. In addition, WaveGARD®is the world’s firstalarm fence which is wholly manufactured fromtop grade,highly-resistant aluminium. Light metal has many benefits:aluminium resists corrosion and is especiallysuitedfor use in hot countriesconnected to the sea.

Because of these properties,light metal is ableto hold out against thetoughest weathering / extreme temperature conditions – e.g. high air humidityor saline air.

On theHAVERKAMP trade fair stand,visitorswill have the chanceto triggeralarms on thesecurity fencesand test theefficiency ofHAVERKAMP’s security technologiesfor themselves.

As Ulrich HAVERKAMP, the founder and Managing Director of the company states, “In a world in whichthe threat ofterrorism, piracy and vandalismis constantly present, individual, customised turnkey solutionsforcompanies, institutions and private personsare of great importance. We show how,with our technology,allsystems can be ideallycoordinated with each otherand are able tooffer a high level ofsecurity. In doing so,we don’t just concentrate ontechnology. Control rooms which are designed to resist explosions and bullets, andthe construction of walls, fences und video mastsare just as much part of HAVERKAMP’sturnkey solutionsas the installation ofdata networks and independentpower supplies”.“During our participation at IDEX 2011 in Abu Dhabi, we are looking forward to meeting security managersbased within the U.A.E. and of other GCC countries as well as taking the opportunity to present our solutions to see where we can be of service.”

Stand: CP-306

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HAVERKAMP – The Company

HAVERKAMP Security systems

HAVERKAMP manufactures explosion-resistant and impact-resistant films and window/door systems for the outer shell of buildings and for vehicles. These products are among the leading technologies worldwide. In addition, the company also manufactures, supplies and installs equipment for all projects relating to perimeter security - the perfect security fence system with a detection system that monitors attempts to break through and surmount the system. HAVERKAMP also provides integrated project work and designs comprehensive, high-performance and complex security solutions for strategic infrastructure, critical assets and prominent individuals. Experienced specialists design and develop customized concepts, working together with external security officers as and when required.

Company name:

HAVERKAMP GmbH founded in 1982 as a GmbH (company with limited liability)

Zum Kaiserbusch 26-28

48165 Münster

Managing Directors: Ulrich Haverkamp | Bernward Altmeppen I Rainer Hansen

HAVERKAMP Projekt GmbH founded 2001

Zum Kaiserbusch 26-28

48165 Münster

Managing Directors: Ulrich Haverkamp | Bernward Altmeppen

Ulrich Weynell


German Arabian Society (DAG)

Verband für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft (VSW) e.V.

(NRW, Niedersachsen, Baden-Württemberg, Norddeutschland, Bayern)

Verband deutscher Sicherheitsingenieure e.V. (VdSI)

Bundesverband für Hersteller und Errichter e.V. (BHE)

American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS)

International Window Film Association (IWFA)

Verband innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz e.V. (ViS)

Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft, Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e.V. (BVMW)

Verein der Kaufmannschaft Münster

Verband für Sicherheitstechnik (VfS)


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