Index to Volume II


2 Clement

merits and justification, 370

2 Maccabees

prayer for dead, 442


ability, 39, 43, 49, 105, 110, 213, 254, 306, 323, 343, 369, 403, 404, 410, 430, 549, 583

Abraham’s bosom (heaven), 722

absolute decree, 311, 477, 715

accident, 72, 633

actio, 270

additions to Scripture. See Word of God:sufficiency of

adiaphora, 416–18, 542

Christian's attitude governed by

must defend liberties when attacked in principle, 417

own conscience, 416

respect for liberty of others and welfare of weak brother, 416

Christian's attitude governed by, 416

offense, 418

adoption, 19, 111, 204, 213, 214, 226, 325, 358, 394, 463, 620, 731

adoration of the host, 278

advent, second, 669, 649–73

Aeschylus, 685

agreement of Word of God. See Word of God:contradictions--none

Agricola, 315

Albert the Great

New Testament sacraments, 186

aliena iustitia, 396

allegory. See Word of God:interpretation of

Alting, Johann

breaking bread necessary, 275


good works are injurious to faith, 435

Amt, 562, 563

Pfarramt, 562, 578, 579

Predigtamt, 562

angels, 651

Anglican/Episcopal teaching

apostolic succession of church, 520

Ankerberg, John

analytic justification, 371

annihilation, 630, 631, 697, 698, 704, 706, 707, 711

of body and soul, 630–32

of material, 697

Annihilationism, 706

announcement, 171, 296, 297, 302

Antichrist, 164, 556, 598, 600, 603, 604, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 598–620

any opponent of Christ an antichrist, 598–600

Lutherans teach this doctrine

others support this as well, 610

one great Antichrist spoken of, 600

distinuished from other anitchrists, 600

names for

Little Horn, King of the North, the Beast, the Great Prostitute, 601

Man of Sin or Lawlessness, 600

Pope in Rome is the Antichrist

agent of Satan, 616

archtypal representative of unbelief and opinio legis, 606

claims infallibility, 606, 607

claims to be vicar (subsitute) of Christ, 606

curses justification by grace alone, 606

damns those not subject to him, 608

doctrine highly deceptive, 616

fits historical outline given in Scripture, 609–10

lies are his chief strength, 609

Lutherans teach this doctrine, 613–16

others support this as well, 616

objections to, 611–13

opposes Christ in church and state, 604

performs counterfeit miracles, 616

political oppressor, 618

sets himself up in the church, 604

troubles consciences with sin, 605

usurps divine authority, 604

Pope in Rome is the Antichrist, 603–16

opposed by gospel, 616–20

only effective weapon is gospel, 618

some Christians remain under yoke, 617

opposeed by gospel

only effective weapon is gospel, 619

antichrists, 598, 599, 600, 608

antilegomena, 107

Anti-nomianism, 129

anxiety, 22, 317, 327, 380

Apocrypha, 107, 112


Art. II (I)

blessings of baptism, 208

on Catholic theology of baptism, 209

Art. III

centrality of justification, 376

forensic justification, 382

good works, 422

human nature admires works, 63

justification and good works, 385

law cannot be satisfied, 422

Lord's Supper offers forgiveness, 281

on empty formalism in sacraments, 184

on faith and will, 17

perfectionism, 428

Art. IV

civic righteousness, 419

justification, 356

merits separate from justification, 369

Art. IV (II)

clarity of Scripture, 104

definition of law, 128

defnition of gospel, 134

heaven, 741

in what way faith justifies, 32

Art. VI

death, 636

on works of supererogation, 429

power of the keys, 523

Art. VII

church called body of Christ, 497

means of grace marks of the Church, 513

unity of church, 516

Art. VII & VIII (IV)

church will remain, 542

on efficacy of sacraments depending on person administering, 178


Church as "kingdom", 501

communion of saints, 504

distinction between church in strict and loose sense, 514

Art. XII

absolution requires faith, 361

love follows faith, 317

on errors concerning divine call, 594

only contrition and faith mention with repentance, 315

only contrition and faith mentioned with repentance, 315

remorse inflicted by God through law, 318

Art. XII (V)

create and sustain saving faith, 174

Lord's Supper offers forgiveness, 281

other definition of sacrament possible, 171

sacraments promise forgiveness, 168


on ordination as sacrament, 596


faith receives blessings of sacraments, 181

marriage not a sacrament, 52

ministry of the Word, 52

on empty formalism in sacraments, 184

other definition of sacrament possible, 170

sacraments as "visible Word", 175

sacraments instituted by Christ, 168

Art. XV (VIII)

pope is Antichrist, 614

Art. XXI

on invocation of saints, 447

Art. XXII (X)

on one kind, 277


ministry of the Spirit, 562

on prayer for dead, 443


baptism not a human work, 211

blessings from Lord's Supper, 289

Eucharist, 232

faith receives blessings of sacraments, 182

Lord's Supper called the Mass, 233

on empty formalism in sacraments, 184

on Malichi speaking of propitiatory offerings, 285

sacraments to be used with God's Word, 168

use of sacraments, 174

worthy and unworthy reception, 290


traditions, 575

apostles, 519, 589

apostolic age, 271

apostolic authority, 222, 543

Apostolic See, 276

application of law and gospel. See law and gospel:opposites:proper distinction between


on faith, 17

on transubstantiation, 260

on worthy and unworthy reception, 292

Arand, Charles

on papacy as Antichrist, 613

Arminian teaching. See Reformed teaching

Arminians, 307, 371, 472

Arnulf of Rheims, Bishop of Orleans

pope is Antichrist, 610

articulus stantis et cadentis ecclesiae, 375

Asimov, Isaac

on Judgment Day, 685

Assemblies of God

"baptism in the Spirit", 210

assembly, 65, 191, 281, 440, 495, 496, 503, 508, 514, 515, 518, 522, 535, 540, 663, 708, 733

assent, 13, 17, 18, 19, 25, 37, 54, 89, 208, 343, 361, 608

assertions, 64, 123

associate judges, 688

assurance, 6, 26, 27, 28, 54, 55, 64, 193, 195, 202, 210, 289, 326, 372, 385, 386


work of Christ, 504

Augsburg Confession

Art. II

original sin, 298

Art. IV

justification a verdict, 384

Art. V

Holy Spirit works through Word and sacrament, 37

ministry of Word equals means of grace, 561

Art. VII

Church, 504

doctrines of Scripture treated as unit, 551

unity of Church be means of grace, 516


hypocrites mixed in church in this life, 504

on efficacy of sacraments depending on person administering, 178

Art. X

on moment of presence, 281

Art. XII

on once saved, always saved, 472

remorse inflicted by God through law, 318

repentance two-fold, 315


use of the sacraments, 37


use of the sacraments, 49


create and sustain saving faith, 174


faith receives blessings of sacraments, 181

Art. XIV

administration of sacraments for called ministers, 192

divine call, 584

public ministry, 573

Art. XVI

gospel does not destroy state, 415


Millennialism, 660

Art. XX

faith as confidence of salvation, 26

Art. XXI

on prayer to saints, 447


create and sustain saving faith, 174

faith receives blessings of sacraments, 181

Lord's Supper called the Mass, 233

Art. XXV

examination prior to Lord's Supper, 297


perfectionism, 428


abrogation of law, 161

headship principle, 581

key identical with means of grace, 522


civic righteousness, 420

clarity of Scripture, 105

connection of OT and NT, 59

infant baptism, 222

on Pelagians, 632

predestined from all kinds of people, 485

resurrection of dead, 680


apostolic, 588

divine, 87, 110, 604, 605, 615

authority of Scripture, 88, 90, See also Word of God:causitive authority


Bacchiocchi, Samuele (Adventist)

annihilation of soul and body, 631

bad works, 434


clarity of Scripture, 105

definition of sacrament, 168

divine certainty of canon, 110

infant baptism scriptural, 217

Judgment Day, 688

justification, 357

on definitions of sacrament, 172

provincial church, 537

words of institution, 273

Baker Eddy, Mary

on hell, 717

Balduin, Friedrich

dealing with errorists, 553

on resurrection, 682

baptism, 192–231

administration of in emergencies, 191

as means of grace, 201–3

definition of, 199

different uses of the word

ceremonial washings, 192

metonymy for persecution and martyrdom, 192

pouring out of Holy Spirit, 192

sacrament of, 193

synecdoche for ministry of John the Baptist, 193

distinguished from other rites in Scripture, 166

earthly element water, 199

errors concerning, 209–10

immediate working of Holy Spirit apart from, 210

Pentecostals and Charismatics, 210

Roman Catholic errors, 209–10

essentials of, 224–25

immersion vs sprinkling, 196–99

infant baptism, 215–25

Christ's command for, 215

objections to, 218–21

other scriptural evidence for, 216–18

practiced throughout church history, 223

institution of, 201

John's Baptism, 228–31

new life a result of, 213–15

non-trinitarian, 204

not to be repeated, 225–27

power of, 210–13

produces regeneration, 53

reunion with God and man, 203, 204–5

sacrament of initiation, 225

spiritual element--none, 200

terms for, 205–10

being clothed with Christ, 208

clean conscience, 207

gift of Holy Spirit, 208

membership in communion of saints, 207

regeneration or rebirth, 206

remission or forgiveness of sins, 207

repentance, 206

salvation, 205

βαπτίζω, 192, 193, 197

Barth, Karl

Bible becomes Word of God, 38, 121

bibliolatry, 120

inspiration, 75, 86

law and gospel confused, 155

Scripture not infallible, 120

view of Scripture, 118

beast, 162, 164, 601, 602, 603, 618, 639, 661, 662, 688, 692, 705, 709, 712, 732

Becker, Siegbert

Judgment Day, 699

variant readings, 86

δικαίωμα, 352

becomes the Word, 121

Beelzebub. See Satan

Behm, Michael

efficacy of the Word, 117

Belgic Confession

Lord's Supper as, 288

Belial. See Satan

believers, 3

enjoy eternal happiness, 638, 738

hearts of, 489

believing, act of, 28, 31, 367


Church visible and tangible, 508

diluting wine with water in sacrament necessary, 246

hell, 718

interpretation of Scripture, 93

justification a process, 358

New Testament sacraments, 186

on faith, 18

penance, 320

perfectionism, 426

prayer for dead, 442

tradition trumps Scripture, 99


double predestination, 477

Beza, Theodore

on virtue of Christ's death in Lord's Supper, 254

regeneration can be lost, 325

Bible. See Word of God

Bible "becomes" Word of God, 121

See also Barth, Karl

biblical inerrancy, 84, 86, 120, 121, See also Word of God:contradictions--none

Biel, Gabriel

New Testament sacraments, 185

on fides implicita, 18

Biship Kallistos (Timothy) Ware

hierarchical structure infallible, 608

Bishop Kallistos (Timothy Ware

prayer to icons, 446

Bishop Kallistos (Timothy) Ware

apostolic succession of Orthodox Church, 520

authority of the Church to interpret Scripture, 94

canon, 110

insists on seven sacraments, 173

justification process resulting in deification, 359

purgatory, 645

blessedness, 22, 353, 355, 377, 380, 695, 706

blindness, 299

Bloesch, Donald

efficacy of the Word depends on man, 117

blood of Christ. See Lord's Supper:elements:invisible

Blood, Sweat, and Tears, 685

Blutsaeufer, 259


designed to function in union with soul, 638

stature and sex of raised body, 680

transformed, 678

Boniface VIII

no salvation ourside Roman Catholic Church, 608

Boy Scouts, 370

Braaten, Carl

authority of Scripture, 84

Bible contains contradictions, 123

historicity of Scripture, 75

literal meaning of Scripture, 64

Brandenburg Confession

spiritual eating of Christ by faith, 266

unbelieving communicants do not receive body and blood, 266

unworthy recipients do not receive body and blood, 292

bread of life, 235, 239, 240

breaking of bread, 231, 271, 273, 281, 294, 436, 503, 520, 547, 548, 553, 554

Brief Statement

election, 483

fellowship, 554

Brochmand, Jesper

cross of Christian, 455

eternal damnation, 704

brotherhood, 412, 564, 606

Brug, John

apostles, 589

Brunner, Emil

Bible becomes Word of God, 122

on justification, 358

Scripture not infallible, 120

verbal inspiration, 75

view of Scripture, 118


communicant must receive bread with hand, 277

regeneration not lost, 325

Bultmann, Rudolf

interpretation of Scripture, 95

burial, 81, 82



support for Eucharist as unbloody sacrifice, 283

call to public ministry, 584–98

appointed by Holy Spirit, 591

carried out on behalf of church, 191

church administer sacraments through specially appointed persons, 190

direct (immediate) call, 587–89

errors concerning, 594

Enthusiasts, 594

Rome, 594

just causes for dismissal of, 586

mediate call, 590–94

minister represents those who called him, 584

ministers servants of God and congregation, 591

necessity of, 584–87

need for ministers, 569

no mode of calling prescribed in Scripture, 592

ordination confirms legitimate, 595, See also ordination

possession of keys implies the right of congregation to call, 590

call to salvation, 298–311

characteristics of, 305–11

efficacious, 305


efficacy assured by efficacy of means of grace, 306

not irresistible, 305

sincere, 305

universal, 308–11

God judges people's contempt for call by withdrawing it, 310

God wants all to be saved, 308

definition of, 305

God invites sinners to receive salvation, 298–305

moved because of grace, 304

uses means of grace, 303–4

identical with preaching of gospel, 302

natural man opposes gospel of free justification, 298–301


contrition, 313

cross of Christian, 458

in what way faith justifies, 32

justification, 356

justifying faith, 314

Lord's Supper offers forgiveness, 281

mediate cause of justification, 32

mystic union encourages believer, 492

on allegory, 92

on infused grace, 364

on the object of faith, 25

real presence, 249

universal justification, 361


faith our response to God's call, 34

necessity of sacraments, 188

on Christ's body being inconsistent with human nature, 268

on Old and New Testament sacraments, 187

on real presence, 253

once saved, always saved, 325

predestination to damnation, 485

spiritual eating of Christ by faith, 266

the church includes children of believing parents, 21

Calvinist teaching. See Reformed teaching

canon of Scripture, 106–12

divine certainty, 110

established by God, 110

Canons of Dordt

God's eternal election, 44

Capernaitic eating, 259, 260

carbonaria. See fides implicita

carnal security. See security, carnal

Carpzov Jr., Johann Benedict

justification and sanctification synchronous, 397

Carthusian monk