Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Year at school:
Home phone:
Your mobile:
Mum mobile:
Dad mobile:
Mum name
Dad name
Main caregiver name:
Home address:

Thanks for applying to be on In beTWEEN Series 3. What you think really matters to us but we want you to know that the information you give us won’t be shared with anyone else without you knowing first. Feel free to write loads of stuff cause we love hearing what you have to say. The questions below cover some of the stuff that we want to talk about on this series. Make sure your folks know you are applying and remember to include ONE photo of yourself (Max size 1MG) with your application!

  1. How would you describe yourself?
  1. What do you get up to in the weekend (sport, music, hanging out with friends or family)?
  1. What’s your favourite thing to do.
  1. Tell us about your family - maybe it’s different from most of your mates?
  1. Are you or any of your friends twins? If so what’s this like? Any different from other kids or just the same as everyone else?
  1. Are you or any of your friends adopted? If so tell us about what that means to you.
  1. Do you or any of your friends have a parent (or both parents) who is gay? - tell us about that.
  1. How important is being healthy to you?
  1. Do tweens really care about healthy food - if so what would you call healthy food and do you eat it most of the time? What about your mates?
  1. What’s your idea of a really unhealthy meal?
  1. How often do you cook or make your own food at home?
  1. Whenpeople talk about global warming what do you think they mean?
  1. How important do you think it is for tweens to be aware of the environment?
  1. What do you do that helps the environment- maybe you recycle, belong to an organization that helps the environment, take part in clean the beach or tree planting days?
  1. If you have a pet or pets –tell us all about them?
  1. How important are your pets to you and why?
  1. Adults always ask what are you going to be when you grow up…but seriously do you think you know? If so, what?
  1. How do you feel about your future career- don’t think about it, worry about it or know exactly what you are going to do and that’s that?
  1. How important is being popular to tweens?
  1. What sort of things do tweens do to get popular?
  1. Have you ever felt unpopular- if so what happened and how did you feel?
  1. How often do you watch the news- on TV, online, in newspapers?
  1. Do you understand everything you see on the news?
  1. Do you think tweens are influenced by what they see on TV, online and in magazines? If so how?
  1. What about advertising? Do you think advertising influences you - like what to buy, how to look, how to act?
  1. What does the word Media mean to you?
  1. What dos the term free speech mean to you?
  1. What do you think about politics?
  1. Is politics a subject you talk about much- at home, at school, with your friends? If so, what do you talk about?
  1. If you had a chance to talk to Prime Minister John Key - what would you ask him?
  1. Tweens feel lots of emotions- is anger a big deal for tweens?
  1. Why do you think tweens feel angry sometimes?
  1. If you ever feel really angry- what’s going on?
  1. Do you like gadgets? E.g. mobile phones, computers, games - all the latest stuff. OR haven’t you got time for all that?
  1. What’s so great about technology?
  1. What topics would you like a TV show for tweens to talk about?
  1. Email this form to post to: “in beTWEEN”, Greenstone Pictures, Private Bag 56-909 Dominion Road, Auckland 1446
  1. Please include 1 photo of yourself (maximum 1MB) and if you have any video footage of yourself in action then you can post that in to us too.
  1. The next step is we will go thru your application form and you will hear back from us with a possible audition date.