OSUTeach: An Overview of
“How to Get Involved in Your UTeach Program”
Danielle Cain, OSUTeach Club President,
Brittni Foster, OSUTeach Club Vice President,
Oklahoma State University – Stillwater, OK
Presented at the UTeach Conference, Austin, TX
May 24, 2016
Ambassadors are selected by the Co-Directors and Program Coordinator of OSUTeach. They must volunteer 15 hours per semester at recruiting events. Ambassadors represent OSUTeach at university foundations and speak with alumni and donors about their personal experiences in the program. Ambassador recruitment opportunities include: Campus Tours, STEM Fairs, Club Fairs, and handing out flyers. During a typical recruiting event, the conversation usually goes as follows:
Ambassador: Hi, how are you today?
Incoming student: I’m doing good, how are you?
Ambassador: I’m great. Are you interested in math or science?
Incoming student: Yes, I love chemistry. I want to be a chemist some day!
Ambassador: That’s awesome! Have you ever thought about teaching?
Incoming student:No, but I have heard that is an option.
Ambassador: Yes, it is (continues to tell student about the OSUTeach program).
Interns must complete an application, and are selected by the OSUTeachMaster Teachers. They are placed in internships based on their interests and location preferences. Internships placements were very accommodating, including out-of-state internships for students returning home for the summer. Some internships include Tulsa Zoo, Tulsa Aquarium, Fab Lab, Upward Bound, National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI), The New School, etc..
OSUTeach Events
OSUTeach events are scheduled through the Program Coordinator and the OSUTeach office. OSUTeach events are opportunities for students to network with faculty, meet other OSUTeach students, and have fun. Some events are meant just for students such as recognition receptions, ice cream socials, open houses, and meet-and-greets. Other events include an internship showcase, Grandparent University, campus tours, major spotlights, cookouts, and more.
OSUTeach Club
OSUTeach Club Monthly Meetings:
●January: Color and Communicate
○OSUTeach Club held meeting to communicate with other members about the requirements of the club and what the members wanted to see in future club meetings/activities. Once we finished the business of the meeting, we watched Frozen and had coloring sheets of Frozen characters.
●February: Practice Teach Meeting
○Several students mentioned that Step 1 and Step 2 students were getting ready to teach their first lesson of the semester. The officers of OSUTeach club decided that we would open the floor to anyone needing/wanting to practice teach during the meeting.
●March: Board Game Night
○We began the night by discussing club information. We had a bake sale scheduled for April, so we talked about what we needed, who was working, and when it was. Once we finished discussing, we began playing board games.
●April: Frisbee and Football
○This was our end of the year meeting. We talked about the success of the bake sale, and what to expect next year. We, then, went outside to play frisbee and football.
●Fall 2014
○GOAL: To build a supportive network of pre-service math and science teachers
○4 Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a staff advisor
○We wrote our club constitution and got it approved on campus
○Responsibilities were distributed by officers
○Bi-Weekly Officer Meetings and Monthly Club Meetings
●Spring 2016
○GOAL: To build an organization to support and promote future STEM teachers in every capacity.
○Bake Sale
○Bi-Weekly Officer Meetings and Monthly Club Meetings
●Communication with the Officers:
○Groupme, Group texts
○Doodle Poll
●Communication with the Students:
○Social Media, Campus Link (OSUTeach Club website)
○Mass Email
Successes, Challenges and Suggestions:
Successes-Fun, enjoyable meetings
-Relationship building
-Strong leadership from both Executive Board and members
-New member recruitment
-Finding an appropriate meeting time
-Tasks of the Executive Board were not clearly delineated
Suggestions for Next Year
-More student recruitment activities
-Provide regular opportunities for anonymous feedback and suggestions from all officers/members (suggestion box, surveys, post-it notes)
-Use Master Teachers to encourage attendance and participation in organization.
For your UTeach Club:
Suggestions for Next Year
OSUTeach Club Constitution
Oklahoma State University
Article I- Name
The name of the organization shall be OSUTeach at Oklahoma State University hereafter referred to OSUTeach Club.
Article II-Purpose
The Purpose of OSUTeach Club is to promote the success of math and science pre-service teachers at OSU and to advocate excellence in math and science education, as well as develop life-long friendships and professional networks. The OSUTeach Club is affiliated with the OSUTeach program at Oklahoma State University. The OSUTeach club also joins together science and mathematics majors while also promoting the on campus science and mathematics clubs (NSTA and Pi Mu Epsilon).
Article III – Membership and Eligibility
Students who are currently enrolled in SMED 1011 and/or declared an OSUTeach major are eligible for the OSUTeach Club. Members must participate in at least three (3) meetings, events, or activities per semester to be considered active. Only active members may be nominated for an officer position or vote in officer elections.
Article IV – Quorum
Only active members can vote in elections. Voting will be done in ballot format. Winners are chosen after the ballots are counted; the nominee with the majority votes wins the election (50% + 1).
Article V – Officers
OSUTeach Club shall consist of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The duties of these officers shall include but not be limited to the following:
●The President shall serve as the head of operations, organizing and delegating primary responsibilities among other officers and members.
●The Vice President shall act as public relations in relaying information about the event to the members and the public (students). If the President is no longer able to fulfill his/her duties, the Vice President shall fill this void.
●The Treasurer will handle all financial matters and will attend the annual Treasurer’s workshop provided by the Department of Leadership and Campus Life.The Treasurer, with the supervision of the organization advisor, shall keep accurate records and maintain the budget of the organization.
●The Secretary will handle all documentation and will record all officer meetings in minutes. The Secretary shall also file organizational reports.
The President has the executive power to appoint short-term officers to fill vacancies as needed during the year.
Requirements to be eligible include the following:
1. Must be a full time student at Oklahoma State University
2. Must be an active member of the OSUTeach Club
3. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA
Officer terms shall be one year in length from January to December. Members are limited to two (2) terms of office. Those running for Executive Board must have their nominations in no later than two weeks prior to election. Nominees for Executive Board must have been active members for the past year, excluding the first Executive Board, which members will be appointed. In the event an officer does not fulfill his or her duty, the President, with other board members approval, may appoint a temporary member to hold the office until elections occur. This temporary board member IS eligible to run for Executive Board the following year.
Article VI – Meetings
General meetings will be held monthly when school is in session, and every attempt will be made to keep these meeting times consistent from month to month. The Executive Board shall provide written notice of each meeting by posting information at an approved location and through a mailing to members.
Monthly Program Agendas will consist of a brief business meeting to discuss pertinent organizational business followed by a special program or event designed to promote the goals and mission of the organization. The President in conjunction with the Executive Board will develop meeting agendas.
Article VII – Dues
Membership in the OSUTeach Club shall be free. Dues may be only be collected if necessary (see Bylaws).
A budget shall be provided by the OSUTeach fund. Funds shall be used at the discretion of the Executive Board with approval of the organization advisor to provide academic, professional, and social recourses for members and to cover costs of meetings and events.
Article VIII – Executive Board
The officers of the OSUTeach Club shall constitute the Executive Board, which shall be directed by the President. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to direct the activities of the organization and call meetings of the organization. The Executive Board will also include the Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Article IX – Advisor
The advisor of OSUTeach Club must be a full time member of the faculty or staff of the OSUTeach program at Oklahoma State University.
The advisor shall direct and assist the Executive Board in organization activities of the organization and shall provide necessary support to ensure the success of the organization. The advisor shall attend all organization meetings and events, unless unforeseen circumstances inhibit their attendance.
Article X – Amendments
The constitution of the OSUTeach Club may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a 2/3 vote of active members present, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) has been sent to all active members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Amendments shall be effective upon approval by Oklahoma State University. All changes must be submitted to the Department of Leadership and Campus Life for approval of committee on student organizations.
Article XI – Rules and Regulations
The OSUTeach Club shall function in accordance with all rules and regulations set by Oklahoma State University.
Article XII – Bylaws
Any rules or regulations specific to OSUTeach Club, which shall be included, must be created and proposed by the Executive Board and/or the Advisor and presented to the membership for approval.
Monthly meetings shall be limited to one hour in duration so the membership can always know what to expect. Members are always encouraged to come early and stay late to enjoy the fellowship of other members. Social meetings of OSUTeach Club may be called at the discretion of the Executive Board President with the approval of the organization advisor and 2/3 approvals of the Executive Board members.
OSUTeach Club President OSUTeach Club Advisor
Signature of Organization President Signature of Organization Advisor
Date Date