Testimony of Lora Brugnaro

Presented by Faith Behum, MA Developmental Disabilities Council

To the Joint Committee on Labor & Workforce Development

September 10, 2013

RE: HB 136

Good Morning Chairpersons and Committee Members:

My name isLora Brugnaro and I am a long-standing resident of Boston, Massachusetts. I am proud to be employed full-time, a consistent voter in local elections, vice-chair of the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council and someone who happens to have a developmental disability. I joined the Council because it works to improve the system of supports for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families by bringing together lawmakers with advocates to make sure people with developmental disabilities are included in decisions about public policy.We lend a voice to people who often are not listened to even when they are heard. The Council is mandated by federal law to inform public policy at both state and federal levels, to better meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address you on House Bill 136: An Act to Increase the Commonwealth’s Compliance with Federal Law meeting requirements of the American with Disabilities Act. HB 136 proposesthat ALL vendors with multi-year state contractscreate employment opportunities for residents with disabilities within their organization.Finding work is difficult for anyone. For a person with a disability it is nearly impossible. If you don’t believe me look at the chronic unemployment rate of roughly 30% for people with disabilities for the past 30 years.The nation has been unsuccessful in significantly decreasing the unemployment rate for people with disabilities over the past 30 years, twenty of those years occurred after the ADA was signed into law. The state government has to be the leader for real change to take place; real employment opportunities for real people who face realchallenges in finding employment through the traditional private sector. I had a dismal employment record in the private human service sector; over-worked, underpaid but I was so lucky to be employed! Fortunately, the state employed me about 15 years ago and I have been able to live a regular independent life ever since. I pay more taxes than ever before and I have received two outstanding performance awards! I would say the state is getting as much from my employment as I receive. I am tremendously grateful.

Your support for HB136 would lead to an increase in state revenue. By leaving things as is, the state will continue to spend revenue on services that would end if people were employed. I have been working in this field for what seems a life-time. People want to work. People don’t want endless services. Help people with developmental disabilities become the tax- paying citizens that they want to be by voting favorably on HB136. In summary, the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council supports House Bill 136. We would like to thank Representative James O’Dayfor introducing such an important piece of legislation.


Lora Brugnaro

Vice-Chair, the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council

Resident, Boston, MA