National EMS Academy

Immunization Information

The following are the National EMS Academy’s required immunizations prior to enrollment:

Hepatitis B Alone or Hepatitis AB Combo Vaccine

All enrolled students must be immunized against Hepatitis B before contact with patients or any and all other potentially contaminated materials, products, or sources. The training center will accept either the standard Hepatitis B (3 injections) or the expedited Hepatitis A&B combo vaccine series (3 injections).The Hepatitis B series can take between 4 to 6 months to complete. The Hepatitis AB combo series can be completed in approximately 5 to 6 weeks, but will require booster the following year.

Each student must submit written and signed documentation by a licensed healthcare provider stating the student had a completed series of three (3) Hepatitis B or Hepatitis A&B vaccines with positive titer results drawn one to two months post vaccination. It is unnecessary to obtain a titer prior to starting classes if no post results were drawn.

A titer is not required for students whose documentation indicates a series was completed ten (10) or more years before enrollment. All documentation, whether verifying a recent or past completion, should include the date and type of vaccine administered and the date and result of a quantitative antibody titer if one were obtained. Documenting a positive titer alone does NOT meet the Hepatitis B or A&B requirement.

Diphtheria-Tetanus(Td) or Diphtheria-Tetanus-Acellular Pertussis (TdaP)

Proof of booster shot with either the TD or TDAP within the past10 years is required. Adults19-64 years of age should substitute TdaP for one booster of Td. Healthcare workers who have direct patient contact should get one dose of TdaP. A2-year interval since the last Td is suggested but not required.

Meningococcal conjugate vaccine quadrivalent (MCV4)

Note: Meningitis vaccine is not required if you are the age of 22 yrs. old, effective October, 2013.

Texas Senate Bill 1107 requires all newly enrolling or newly enrolling students who have had a fall or spring break in enrollment prior to enrollment in the academic center, to provide proof that the meningitis vaccination was administered at least 10 days prior to the first day of the class. Vaccinations must have been received or renewed within the last 5years. The legislation provides two exceptions: a) students who are over 30 years of age and b) student staking 100% of classes on line. Generally, these exceptions will be applied to students as appropriate by the training center without any action needed by the students.

In addition to the above exceptions, SB1107 also provides for exceptions based on health reasons, conscientious objection reasons, or if a student is on active military duty with the United States armed services. The health exception request must be accompanied by assigned document by a healthcare provider. The conscientious objection exception must be made on a specific exemption form provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Please contact them directly for details. The active duty exception must be accompanied by proof of active service. In any case, these specific exception requests should be submitted to one of the National EMS Academy.

The National EMS Academy supports mandatory immunization for meningitis. Students are strongly encouraged to fully review information about meningitis before deciding whether to seek an exemption. Meningitis information can be found at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website. Questions regarding the meningitis information may also be directed to the National EMS Academy.

Meningitis vaccine may be obtained at the local Health Department, primary care physicians, HEB, Walgreens, and other convenient care locations. Prices vary at locations.

NOTE: All the above exceptions do not apply during a disaster or public health emergency, terrorist attack, hostile military or paramilitary action, or extraordinary law enforcement emergency declared by an appropriate official or authority from the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Acceptable Evidence of Vaccination Includes:

1.  The month, day, and year the vaccination was administered, along with the signature or stamp of the physician or her/his designee, or public health personnel ;or

2.  An official immunization record generated from a state or local health authority; or

3.  An official record received from school officials, including a record from another state

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about Meningitis CDC Website can be found here:


Measles-2 vaccines required plus Mumps Rubella-1 vaccine each, OR 2 MMR combo vaccines (or titer proving immunity)

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

All students must submit one of the following:

Documentation of two immunizations administered on or after the first birthday and at least 30 days apart, or Documentation from a healthcare provider on the date of the previous disease (chicken pox or zoster), or Laboratory report of positive immune serum antibody titer(IgG).

Annual TB skin tests or TB evaluation

(for those who have had positive skin test previously)


Documentation of receiving the flu vaccination must be received annually. It is optimal to have immunity throughout the flu season, typically October–March. Please check with your school administration to determine if it has a particular timeline/deadline, or if you require an exemption.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the flu can be found on the CDC Website

For specific immunization questions, please contact your local site.

Austin – 512.929.1660

Beaumont – 409.347.7501