Tallahassee Community College

MAC1105 Syllabus – Fall 2016

Instructor: Mr. Zachary Monaco

Reference #16761(9)(2) / Office hours: / Bring to class:
Class (9) meets in SM 134
TR 2:35-3:50
Class (2) meets in SM 137
TR 2:35-3:50 / Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-6:30 PM
Or by appointment /
  • Graphing calculator
  • Homework questions

Office: SMA 225
Email: /
  • Extra paper
  • Class notes

All homework is done online thru Canvas. There is nothing you need to purchase other than a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator and a notebook for doing your homework problems.

CELL PHONE USE: You may not have cell phones on or out during class. A violation of this policy will result in a zero for the quiz grade on the day during which the violation occurs. A zero earned by a cell phone violation may not be dropped or replaced for any reason.

COURSE DESCRIPTION (Catalog): MAC 1105 College Algebra (3) F, Sp, Su. Topics include characteristics of functions in general; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, rational, absolute value, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions and equations; systems of equations and inequalities; and applications. This course is a prerequisite for MAC 2233 Business Calculus, MAC 1114 Trigonometry, and MAC 1140 Pre-calculus for Science Majors. This course may not be taken for credit by any student having a grade of “C” or better in a higher level math course. Graphing calculator required; please check with your instructor for the most appropriate one for you. Lecture 3 hours.


NOTE: The online text is in your Canvas course.

Prerequisties: One of the following must be satisfied:

i)score of 550+ on SAT

ii)score of 21+ on ACT

iii)score of 88+ on CPT

iv)grade of A, B, or C in the TCC course, MAT1033

v)transfer credit with a grade of a least C in course equivalent to MAT1033


Part One: If you decide to withdraw from this course, the deadline date for you to take this action is November 1, 2016.

Part Two: If you miss the first test without notifying me within 24 hours, I will withdraw you from this course. I do not withdraw students for any other reason. Weekly attendance is required for your success in this course. Each section builds on previous information. Missing class, arriving late, or leaving early will adversely impact your grade. I will always take attendance and absences may affect your financial aid. If you miss, you will lose money. Please do not contact me about this. It is between you and the financial aid office. If you miss class, you may miss a quiz that cannot be made up for any reason.

CLASSROOM POLICIES: In order to provide an environment that facilitates learning as well as a professional atmosphere, please:

  • No eating, drinking, or smoking allowed in the classrooms
  • Cell phones must be turned OFF for the entire class (see penalty for violation of this policy above)
  • Wear appropriate clothing that is not distracting to others
  • Let conversation be part of learning the material

TESTING POLICIES: If you miss a test and notify me immediately, it may be possible to allow a make-up test IF you can take it before the next time our class meets. If not, the final exam will replace the missed test grade. This can be done for ONE unit test. If you miss a second test (or third) you will receive a zero for the missed test. NO MAKE-UPS will be given for a missed final exam. Missing the final exam will result in a course grade of F.

The final exam score will be used to replace one lower test IF the final exam score is higher AND you have not missed a test.


You will take quizzes in class and online thru Canvas. Your quiz average is 10 percent of your grade - so do not miss class. There are no make-ups for any reason. However, an adjustment to the quiz average will be made at the end of the semester to allow for missing one. You have two tries per question on the online quizzes.


  • Online homework will be completed on Canvas. Remember that your online homework will count as 10 percent of your grade, so it is extremely important to complete it, ON TIME. Do not miss deadlines.
  • You have unlimited attempts on any homework assignment up to the assignment’s due date. You have 3 attempts per question and then you have to do a new, similar problem.
  • There are generally two due dates per week. However, you should not wait for these deadlines to get started on homework. You should work on homework every day, Monday – Thursday, and may need to finish some work on weekends.

LATE PASSES: Each student has 10 late passes for the semester. These may be used to make up any online homework within 8 days of the deadline. Once homework is due, it goes into review mode. This means you can use it for practice but you will not receive credit. However, if you missed the deadline, you may use a late pass within 8 days in order to receive credit. NO EXTRA LATE PASSES WILL BE GIVEN BUT YOU SHOULD USE THEM AS NEEDED. To use a late pass, click on the blue link in the upper right hand corner of the assignment that says “redeem late pass”.

GRADING POLICY: Your course grade will be determined by the grading scale and factors listed below. These standards are how your final semester grade will be determined – no exceptions.

GRADING SCALE: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D others F


Test 1 / 20% / Online HW / 10%
Test 2 / 20% / Quizzes-online & in class / 10%
Test 3 / 20% / Cumulative Final Exam / 20%

NOTE: No average will be allowed to succeed 105%.

CANVAS GRADES: While the individual grades posted on Canvas should be accurate, the averages will not be. Canvas does not allow me to program my gradebook the way I want. For example, I can either count all ungraded assignments as zero or count none of the ungraded assignments as zero. I choose the latter, but that means if you do not do an assignment your homework or quiz average will reflect only the assignments you have worked on. If you fail to do an assignment, it will count as a zero in my official gradebook. Also, Canvas does not allow me to replace a lower test score with the final exam score unless I do this by hand. I will not do this by hand. Additionally, no average will exceed 105%. You can always calculate your grade yourself, or come by my office to have me look at it with you.

HELP OUTSIDE OF CLASS: Where can you get help?

  • Go to your instructor’s posted office hours.
  • Go to the Learning Commons (LC building) near the library, bring a TCC ID. They offer 30 minute conferences for mac1105 students. Do a search on the TCC webpage to find their hours.
  • Form a study group with some people in your class
  • Read the textbook and watch the videos paired with the homework problems.

FINAL EXAM: This is a BLOCK exam. You do NOT use the final exam schedule to determine your exam time. ALL traditional day classes of mac1105 take the cumulative final exam on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 at 12:30pm. Do not be late!!! And make sure you write this date and time on your calendar. The location will be announced at least one week prior to the exam.Bring your valid TCC photo ID, #2 pencils, and your graphing calculator. Missing the final exam will result in a course grade of F. If something tragic occurs, email me immediately.

COMPUTER USAGE: If you have a computer at home you should be able to do all of your ONLINE homework and quizzes via your home computer. Your instructor is not available for technical support. However, if you feel something is wrong with a question (keyed incorrectly, etc) please email the instructor and also use the “message instructor about this question” link on the problem. If you need help with the question, you may also use this link. It is wise to email the instructor to let her know you have posted a question.

COMPUTER ACCESS AT TCC: You are not required to have a home computer in order to do your MyOpenMath homework. HOWEVER, you should build computer time on campus into your schedule each week because doing your homework and quizzes by the specified deadlines is critical to your success in this course. There are two locations on the TCC campus where you can go to use computers to do your online assignments -The Learning Commons and a lab in AC210.

For more info including hours of operation for these two locations visit click on CURRENT STUDENTS (do not use the pull-down menu – CLICK), then click on TECHNOLOGY under Campus Links. Note: you can also find Learning Commons tutoring hours through these links.

MATHEMATICS PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Students who complete the general education mathematics requirements will attain the necessary knowledge and skills in Mathematics to prepare them for transfer to the university in their chosen discipline or entry into the workforce. They will acquire a level of mathematical literacy so that they can recognize and appreciate the role of mathematics in our society.

The targeted mathematics program-level general education learning outcomes are that each student will be able to:

1. Solve mathematical problems using quantitative methods that include numerical, graphical or algebraic techniques.

2. Apply mathematical models or concepts to analyze and solve application problems.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Finalized MAC1105 Learning Outcomes - May 3, 2010

  1. Describe the relationship between the equation of a function and its graph with respect to domain, range, and other characteristics.
  2. Solve various types of equations or inequalities including quadratic, absolute value, exponential or logarithmic.
  3. Analyze the effect of transformations on the equation and graph of a function.
  4. Use a graphing calculator to analyze characteristics of the graph of a function.
  5. Solve applied problems using linear, quadratic, or other graphical models.
  6. Determine inverse and composite functions and describe their characteristics.


Students with Disabilities: Tallahassee Community College provides accommodations to eligible students in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA 2008). Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. If you have a disability and may need accommodations to fully participate in this class or accurately assess achievement of learning outcomes, please visit the Disability Support Services (DSS) Office. All accommodations MUST be approved through DSS (Student Union, 172). Please stop by or call 850-201-8430 to make an appointment with a counselor.


Please be advised that any form of academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary action. If a student receives a zero on any assignment or assessment due to academic dishonesty, that zero cannot be dropped or replaced for any reason. The TCC academic dishonesty policy may be found at in the student handbook.

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