CS539 Machine Learning.Fall 2014.Project 7:Genetic Algorithms.

Students’ Names: <write your names here>

[10 points] Description of your chosen Objective/Task for this project (at most 1/2 page):

[10 points] Description of your chosen Datasetand any initial preprocessing (at most 1/2 page):

[10 points] Description of the code you used for this project (at most 1/2 page):

[100points] Description of yourdesign choices (at most 1.5 pages)

Make sure you explain your design choices clearly and concisely. Use graphical depictions or examples to illustrate your choices.

  • [20 points] Individuals: elaborate on what an individual represents and how its chromosome is encoded.
  • [20 points] Fitness function used.
  • [10 points] Selection method used.
  • [10 points] Cross-over method used.
  • [10 points] Mutation method used.
  • Evolution:
  • [5 points] Size and initialization of the population.
  • [5 points] Construction of a next generation: fractions of the population constructed using selection and crossover; mutation rate; and how a generation is constructed based on the previous generation.
  • [10 points] Termination condition(s) (e.g., fitness threshold, number of generations evolved, ...)
  • [10 points] Choice of final answer (i.e., individual) output by your GA.

[?? Points]Description of your experiments (pre-processing, parameters, …); and description,in-depth analysis, and visualizationsof your results(at most 2 pages):

  • Don't forget to look at the resulting individuals, and elaborate in your report on what these individuals are/"say".
  • Report the training time taken by each of the experiments, number of generations evolved, fitness of the output individual, and any other relevant metrics.
  • Include both analysis of each experiment, and overall analysis across experiments.

[40 Points] Advanced Topic: (at most 1 page) <include name of the topic here>

List of sources/books/papers used for this topic (include URLs if available):


Summary of what you learned:

How does this topic relate to Genetic Algorithms and the material covered in this course?

Authorship: Describe in detail the work that each of the two team members did on this project. This authorship description must accurately reflect the work done by each team member, and must be approved by the two members of the team (at most 1/4 page)

[Up to 30 out of 260 = 12 out of 100extra points] Individual student’s contributions to the CS539 Wiki (at most ¾ page). Follow the guidelines for Wiki contributions on the Project 7 webpage. Add high quality contributions; do not repeat what others have posted on the Wiki already.

Student 1: <name> / Student 2: <name>
List Student 1’s contributions to the Wiki here / List Student 1’s contributions to the Wiki here