

Sussex Inlet Neighbourhood Centre Cnr, Jacobs Drive and Nielsen Lane, Sussex Inlet

Commencing 7.30 pmMonday 15th May 2017

PRESENT:the attendance book records 13 ratepayers and residents present at the meeting.


Chairperson Gwen Downieopened the meeting with our Mission Statement, Acknowledgement of Country and welcomed all attendees.

APOLOGIES: Councillor White, Councillor Proudfoot, Robyn Queripel, Phil Queripel, Graham Williams, Nikki Flemming, Peter Van Ovost, John Pearse, David Tarbert


Resolved on a motion of Carol Hammond,seconded,Kerry Howesthat the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th April2017beaccepted as read and confirmed.


246/4SCC Kate Ryan– SCC Policy- Banning the Balloon- no release of in Council managed places and at Council events

247/4 SCC- Kate Ryan – Notice possible CCB Councillor Tour

248/4Peter van Ovost- Fwd email to Councillor White- re DP processing delays

249/SCC Peter van Ovost- Fwd Email to Councillor White- delays in SCC decision- making

250/4-Councillor White – re reported comments from April meeting

251/4 SCC Strategic Planner – re our submission-Proposal -Off Leash Dog Area and Dog Park-

252/4 LaviniaKaram- University journalism and law student – looking for community story

253/4SCC Kate Ryan – Media Release- SCC Disability Inclusion Action Plan – On Exhibition

254/4Vincentia Residents and Ratepayers Association - CCB- to all CCBs re-reduction in Federal Assistance to Local Govt

255/4SI Chamber of Commerce-Fwd- April SCC Tourism Talk

256/4 SCC Assets manager- Martin Upitis- reply Forum submission – relocation advertising seat not going ahead

257/4SCC Council email automatic response – April minutes received

258/5 SCC Kate Ryan – Communications- Director Planning, Tim Fletcher, leaves Council after 35years

259/5SCC Kate Ryan – Fwd from Strategic Planner – LTR facility to begin works this financial year- Thomson St

260/5SCC Kate Ryan – Delivery Program and Operational Plan Public Meetings Notice, 8, 15 and 24 May 2017

261/5 Robyn Florance- Shoalhaven Historian – reply to Forum - re info-Community Church matter

262/5 SCC Kate Ryan – organisation for CCB Council Tour

263/5 SCC Kate Ryan – Media Release- Special Rate Variation- IPART Decision – Allowed in part- on a year temporary basis

264/5 SCC K.R. Urban Design Workshop- Nowra Residential Character Controls

265/5 SCC Compliance Officer, Ian Staples- response to Forum January Letter re Supermarket Site Clean Up

266/5 SCC Mayor Amanda Findley – offer to visit due to inability to be on Tour

267/5 SCC Kate Ryan – Thank you Forum – Successful tour

268/5 Sussex Chamber of Commerce –re stage one streetscape works to begin soon

269/5 SCC - Media Release- Change-Making Youth Forum 15-30 yrs old

270/5 SCC Media Release- Foreshore rehabilitation- Sussex Inlet Road – Boat ramp

271/5 SCC Development notice Lot 1 DP1187144- Proposed development Bendalong

272/5 Scott Morgan Multimedia Design – Homepage – Forum website link to committee to test

273/5WlgaCrehan-Fwd- Update for Forum Meeting Facebook– summary of matters dealt with in April 17 Meeting


4/064 to SCC CouncillorWhite – reply email 21/4/17

4/065to SCC Councillor White – fwd- Action request – Supermarket site 25/3/17

4/066to R Neaves – fwd copy SCC response to Dogs off Leash and Proposed Dog Park

4/067to LaviniaKaram - Contact information- Community Church

4/068 to SCC Strategic Planner- comment on Proposal to relocate advertising seat Jacobs Drive

4/069 to Sussex Inlet Community Church- fwd email from LaviniaKaram

5/070 to Sussex Inlet Community Church- details of CCB/ Council Tour

5/071 to SCC Martin Upitis, Strategic Planning and staff – thanks for prompt reply and response

5/072 to SCC Kate Ryan Copy of Forum 3 questions for May CCB executive meeting

MovedJohn Lang, secondedWilga Crehan, that the correspondence be accepted as read.Unanimous


1.Banning the Balloon - Council policy to ban the release of balloons at Councilorganised functions and on Council managed lands.

2. Learn to Ride Facility – advice from Council- to be started soon on Thomson Street near Skate Park

3.SCC Disability Inclusion Action Plan On Exhibition-get involved on Council website 1.


4.IPART Decision on Special Rates Variation and Emergency Services Levy_ see copies of Media Release provided

and Council website-getinvolved.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au

6.SCC Compliance Officer Reply to Forum Letter of January 2017Council not certifier for SPAR development – so can’t ask to comply – Council need to go to certifier -as we did (not) know

7. Work to Commence on Sussex Road Boat Ramp Foreshore Remediation - Seacrest/Pelican Café area. Car park repair requested by Forum on last year Council tour along with survey of repairs/maintenance required all other boat ramps. John Lang reported that proposed work at foreshore near Marine Rescue that was to have been done quite some time ago has not been done.

FINANCIAL REPORT Presented by Treasurer Jan Lang


Balance brought forward fromMarch 2017 $1 077.08

INCOME INCOMEApril Bank Interest$ 0.49

TOTAL$1 077.57


BALANCE as at 1stMay 2017 $.1077.57

Moved, Jan Lang,seconded Dawn Pearse,that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.


  1. SCC DELIVERY PROGRAM & OPERATIONAL PLAN – Integrated Strategic Plan 2027


Secretary reported that thee committee members attended this meeting along with about eight other members of the public from the Northern Shoalhaven.

The meeting was addressed by Directors and the General Manager on The Integrated Strategic Plan that is broken down into the following parts

1.Our Priorities- Community strategic Plan

2. Delivery Program a& Operational Plan

3. Operational Plan-Financials.

4. Operational Plan – Fees and Charges

5. Operational Plan Budget and Capital works.

As there was no provision in theOperational PlanBudget & Capital Works for the Sussex Inlet Streetscape Stage Two, the Secretary asked why not and just what more Sussex had to do to get the funding. We were told there were 49 villages all wanting something and that we should write a submission –(we had already done so much letter writing an lobbying).

We had previously been told it could come from a special Strategic Projects fund- but this had already been fully allocated to other projects.

Secretary pointed out funds that could have been used for the planned Streetscape had been put to recently built, yet unprogrammed projects that had not appeared in DPOP or other forward planning documents. For example Chris Creek Bridge Walkway was planned and designed at the same time as MoonaMoona Creek, but MoonaMoonahad the funds budgeted and work is to begin soon- Chris Creek languishes on paper.Mollymook Park took $800,000 from special Strategic Projects Budget that could have come to Sussex.


Reports from Committee attendees:

CCBs were asked to submit 3 questions to Council to be answered at this meeting. The questions had to be submitted a week before the meeting to allow Council to prepare answers.

Question .Vice Chairman Kerry Howes, being new to the position, had submitted a question regarding how best CCBs could contact Council and receive responses or action on requests.

However, Council took this on by asking CCBs the question “How best does should Council communicate with CCBs?”

Kerry reported that the consensus of CCBs was that these tours were essential and the very best way of communication as it was onsite and gave opportunity for everyone to see and discuss situations first hand.

It was also suggested that fewer towns and villages should be visited on one day to be a more effective. 2.

Kerry said, at Forum that we as a CCB need to make a list of our priorities so that we can advance what needs first to be addressed by council, but also to have a long term strategic plan as budgets are planed well into the future as are Council’s Priorities.She said it would be beneficial to all if Councillors were given a list or summary of what we had asked for or seen the previous year, just prior to each tour.

Weneed to consider what is achievable and to have a list of what was requested on tours in previous year.

How can CCBs better engage with their community?

First CCB reply: Website very good, but hard to get used to- has everything you need to know where it is there is facebook.

For some CCBs - Flyers in shops or in notice boards work. Small communities can use letter drop. Other CCBs have websites that are successful for communication.

Forum will have website and do use email, town noticeboard and Inletter – may use flyers in shops as well.

INKIND Projects

Council encourages inkind work – ie community build infrastructure- Council can assist., by providing such things as witches hats and signs if given foreknowledge of needs .

Kerry said application for grants funding should be useful here for Sussex to perform inkind projects.

Application for Grants should be useful here said KerryEngage Council with what project you want to do

Secretary – interconnecting pathways mobility scooters Chris Creek

Chairman-Citizens Jury that was proposed also dropped.

*Question 2. Gail Drummond Secretary

What priority is given to the provision of safe access via interconnecting pathways for pedestrians, prams, wheel chairs and mobility scooters across the four planning areas of the Shoalhaven and is there a timeline for such essential works? We note that the Draft Disability gives a mid term priority in its timeline.

And How then can communities best lobby for specific needs projects such as the proposed walkway for Chris Creek Bridge ?

Background: This question is prefaced on study of the Disability Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan Document and the proposed provision of a walkway for Chris Creek Bridge, River Road, Sussex Inlet where the safety issue was identified by Council.

DPOP sites that “In Council Planning area 4-the age structure category with the greatest increase in persons is the “Seniors(70-84)”

That increase from 21.2% of the population in 2011 to the projected 23.7% in 2036 is notable compared with 19.25% of the region in 2036 and the current percentage of 15.6%.

Furthermore, the aged population, in Planning Area 4, taken from the SCC figures for people 60 to 85 and over was in 2011- 47% and the projection to 2026, 48.4% and 2036, 50.1%- certainly an area wherein many people have decreased personal mobility and provision of suitable infrastructure needs to be made now.

See also SCC Draft Livable Communities- Community outcome 2 “2.2 plan to progressively increase the amount of continuous accessible paths of travel to key destinations within the Shoalhaven.”

The current and future reliance on Mobility scooters as a means to accessibility and inclusiveness is problematic for the provision of safe, suitable infrastructure.

These modes of transport cause difficulties for both the disabled drivers/operators and the motoring and perambulating public.

Often these vehicles are driven on roads even if there is another option and the legalities of where these mobility scooters can be driven needs to be made clear and proper provisions made.Just as motorists do not always follow the rules, nor do mobility scooter riders.

In Planning Safe Routes, The NRMA suggests that mobility scooter riders:

Whenever practicable use footpaths or nature strips.The road should be a last option as scooters

aren’t designed for roads or mixing with traffic. Try to plan a route that allows you remain on the

Answer: Bike paths take priority and there is always great need for these.This is one way communities can do

Projects inkind as happens now.

*Question 3 GwenDownie- Chairman- Regarding Dogs Policy

Question:We have been reliably informed that Council is going to prepare a new Dogs Policy and that a special panel will be formed to prepare the policy and that the process may take a year.

Some districts have totally inadequate or unsuitable sites and need to have immediate decisions made to reinstate previously off leash areas where they are suddenly prohibited. What can be done in the case of an off leash beach area being prohibited because of only one reported nesting in eight years and they only off leash area in the whole Planning District is often inaccessible or unusable due to the varying heights of Swan Lake and resultant loss of foreshore? How can a reasonable decision, reinstatement or provision of a beach off leash area be made now—not in a year or so?

Answer- Craig Milburn – as Gwen just started asking the question

Council does not have the money to do a Review of Policy, therefore no plans for a review or new policy. 3.

Gwen reported no panel, no review- Swanhaven not suitable.

Discussion regarding many families with their dogs off leash on beaches and around reserves where they should not be.

It was suggested if a designated beach such as Cudmirrah beach accessed by Koolan Drive entrance were to reinstated as an off leash area this problem could solved. Council sells Shoalhaven as a Dog Friendly Place.

3.SCC DOGS POLICY and FORUM Response – Plan of Action

Council response to our submission regarding the of off lease area on Cudmirrah beach and the possibility of a Dog Park being developed on the Old School Site-

The reply stated:

“ Council encourages the community to identify and work towards delivering outcomes that are important to them. Council at this point has not identified a review date for Access areas to Dogs Policy.”

And directed us to the Lands Department for further enquiries regarding the use of the site.

Russell Neaves said that we as community need to do something .Do we continue to move ahead? He said that as there was only one off leash area in the district, he put the suggestion of the old school site for a dog park.

Council will not progress any consideration of that site until we have an answer from crown lands to see if this is feasible.

In response to this information Russell Neaves moved:

“ That Forum continue to pursue the matter and secretary write to Lands Department regarding clarification of the possibility and feasibility of the site being used for this purpose and with whom and how we might go about getting development approval ”

seconded WilgaChrean Unanimous


* This is just one option.

*Not every do owner would use this, but it may suit many older people

* Forum will continue the build a case and campaign to have Cudmirrah Beach reinstated and other beach areas declared off leash to satisfy the need and demand in our district fringed by beaches.

* If there are be a designated beaches provided, ranger could direct people to that or those places as we would then have one or two beaches and not dogs on all beaches illegally.

  1. CCB COUNCILTOUR FrIday 12th May and Tour by Mayor Findley Saturday 13th May

Tomerong, St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet and Wandandian

Council Engagement officer Kate Ryan thanked Sussex Forum for a successful bus tour. She reported that Councillor and Senior Council staff enjoyed their trip and loved their lunch and passed on their thanks to Gwen, Chris and Gail for the lnch. We noticed foot -tapping enjoyment of the entertainment

Gwen said some from council comment that it is all very well to see things on paper in Council, but to actually experience it on the ground was much better.

Shoalhaven City Councillors and senior staff were guided on a most successful familiarity tour around the district on Friday12th May by Forum. Within the time limit set, three main sites were visited and there was an opportunity for the visitors to experience our village in action and to converse with people in the street and Community Church Hall.

People stopped and talked to the councillors and made their own comments on what was important to them.

Jacobs Drive:

The tour began with a walk down Jacobs Drive from the beginning of the village centre to the river and back again to have the visitors take in the current streetscape in light of the proposed plans to upgrade that section.

The work that has been planned and promised for decades is finally to begin stage one this year in 2016/17 budget.

Ellmoos Reserve: site for a waterfilling station to be installed.

Gwen went by bus to keep talking and the bus followed for the rest of the tour.

Chris Creek: inspection of boat ramp for repair.

Chris Creek Bridge: inspection of present conditions and forfuture planning of a new, stand alone shared pathway for safety of pedestrians, cyclists and those reliant on mobility scooters. Fortunately we saw many people were out and about on their mobility scooters.

Community Church Hall:

Address by Bill Hunter, church treasurer, on the possible future of the Community Church and its service to the community.