Walnut Beach Association

Meeting Minutes

October 12th, 2015

St. Gabriel Parish Hall

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.

Sign in sheet circulated: 16 members in attendance.

President’s Report- Joe Garbus: Enhancement Committee is dissolved. There are issues regarding payments for projects already underway and there is no money left.

Secretary’s Report – Tina Pritchard: September minutes provided and previously emailed.

Treasurer’s Report – Leisa Gazdik: Treasurer’s report provided and read

Tina asked for motion to accept board reports. Joe Viscount and Eric Johnson seconded. Motion passed.

Membership Report – Carol Garbus: 31 new members. 165 renewals being mailed. It was suggested (by Janet MacAllister) that a welcome email to new members be sent as soon as they sign up explaining when we meet and some of the things we do and invite them to join meetings.

Website- Phyllis Powers: Disclaimer was added to contact page referring people to Parks & Rec with questions about Walnut Beach or the pavilion.

Summer Concert Series-Wendy Terenzio:

·  The committee for the 2016 Concert Series will be formed in January.

·  We need to determine the budget when the year-end numbers are reconciled and investigate fundraising ideas.

·  The concert banner was removed from the pavilion by a concert goer.

WBABA Committee:

·  Third Thursday Strolls will continue every month. Dance party in June, July, August, and September only.

·  This Thursday will include live music at Wild Expressions, the Pet costume parade at Scoot & Paddle, wine tasting at Seaside Wine & Spirits, Open House for Walnut Beach Wellness, ArtFish42, Smoke & Mirrors Parlor, and the new Couture Fitness. The Firehouse Gallery will be open and visitors can sit and paint with the artists.

·  November is the Chili Cookoff.

·  Tree Lighting planned for December with carolers, Santa, and more

·  Susan started a “MEETUP” page for the WBA events: Walnut Beach Happenings

Holiday Party- Susan Patrick:

·  December 14th from 7-9PM. Members only. Pot luck but entrée will be ordered in from restaurant, possibly from Lasse’s, Rich offered to get price. Getting a DJ again this year. Will need new centerpieces.

New Business: Aldario’s Restaurant has been sold to the Knights of Columbus and they will be moving out of the area.

Old business:

1.  Janet MacAllister has been working with the city on beach preservation. At this point she is requesting the Walnut Beach Association present a letter to the city in support of the attempt at receiving grant funding. Took vote, all in favor.

2.  Rich Coda gave update on his meeting regarding the storm drains. The city is spending $325,000 in grant funds to replace broken drain pipes on streets between Wildemere and Walnut Beaches. There is no time line at this point. Plans to replenish sand at beaches on Laurel Ave., Stowe Ave. and Park St.

3.  Eric Johnson gave an update on the DEEP meeting at City Hall regarding Silver Sands on September 24th. Also announced that the Connect canvass that was being planned may be on hold for now because they are focusing on the Silver Sands project. Next meeting October 21st, 7PM at St. Gabriel’s.


·  Ballots passed and counted. Board remains the same. Joe Garbus as President, John Powers as VP, Leisa Gazdik as Treasurer and Tina Pritchard as Secretary.

Motion to adjourn made by Rich Coda, seconded by Carol Garbus, meeting adjourned 8:30

Respectfully submitted by Christina Pritchard