Present: Chairman P Lenehan, Cllrs G. Hawkins, L.Harris, S.Mealing, and T.Samson.

Public Fifteen minute open Forum- No public present


1. To accept Apologies for Absence: Cllr D Higgs (holiday)

2. To confirm minutes of the Meeting held on the 6TH December- having been circulated and read the minutes were approved and signed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Hawkins, seconded by Cllr Lenehan.

3. Declaration of interests and pecuniary interests of items on agenda: Cllr Samson declared an interest in Item 6 (a) 1 as there is a family connection to Mr Springall.


i. Balances of accounts including Petty Cash- Barclays Current Acc - £1506.29 ;less unpresented cheques of £1135 – Balance £371.29; Barclays Business Reserve Acc -£11309.27; Petty Cash - £5 to Talaton PCC (room hire) Balance of £73.85

ii. Cheques to beauthorised: £771.32D.Main (3rdqtr. Salary); £8.60 D.Main (PAYE);

iii. Letter to Bankto transfer funds: A transfer of £780 requested

iv. To approve Budget & precept request for 2018/2019; Budget & precept request proposed for approval by Cllr Hawkins,seconded by Cllr Samson. Budget for 2018/19 £8691 .The Clerk to submit a Precept request of £8636 . CTDG £55

. 5. Report from Parish Hall Rep: Cllr Mealing to ask if any decision had been made regarding the bollards by the Moor. Feedback from the How D’ye Do- Cllr Hawkins suggested that there should bemore activities for children. Cllrs also felt that many of the stalls were selling products that were too expensive.

6. Correspondence:

(a) Correspondence:

1. Letter from Mr J Springall re garden building –Councillors had received a copy of the plans for the garden building. A letter of thanks to be sent and no further action required.

2. EDDC-Modification to the East Devon Villages Plan- the PC will not submit any comments.

3. Letter from Simon Spencer- Thank You letter received for the annual contribution to the running costs for the Calendar

4. Letter from Mrs Tucker re litter- letter and photo received showing how much litter she had picked up while walking round the block by Lashbrook. Photo to be put in the Calendar.

5. Letter from Mrs S Hogg Tale Valley Trust- thank you letter received from Sarah Hogg for the £200 village grant towards the ongoing work of the Tale Valley Trust

6. Talaton PCC – Thank you letter received for the £100 village granttowards the Brass Band for 2018 Carol singing evening.

(b) Items of late correspondence

1. Royal Garden Party invite –Parish Councils have been invited to put forward nominations for residents to attend the Royal Garden Party, Devon has been allocated 3 spaces for representatives and their partners.

2. Broadband Enquiry from Mrs S Brooks, Winsford– letter asking for any information on the process of obtaining Superfast Broadband.

7. To Discuss Casual Vacancy-Andrew Peters has agreed to be co-opted to the PC, the Clerk to arrange the paperwork.

8. To Discuss Parishes Together Fund- in the absence of any other proposals for the fund , Cllr Lenehan proposed that the total sum should be given to Plymtree PC for their bid for lights for the nightime landing site for Devon Air Ambulance, proposal seconded by Cllr Mealing

9. Parish Maintenance: Items requiring attention –.the followings items to be reported to Highways

  • The verge has been removed opposite Larkbeare Houseleaving a drop into the ditch which has been cleared out.Residents are concerned that a car could go into the ditch.
  • The ground appears to be collapsing under the road past Beacon Cottages where the barriers have been placed. Road needs to be assessed and clarification required on who is responsible for reinstating the hedge etc.
  • Deep Lane- water coming up through the ground from a blocked pipe- a letter to be sent to Helen Selby detailing what is wrong prior to the roadbeing resurfaced
  • Road past the entrance to Orchard Close – a resident slipped and fell on the ice on the pavement.The Clerk to obtain prices for a grit bin and salt/grit mix.
  • The missing finger post at Newtown Corner has still not been replaced.

10. Itemsfor information only or discussion on the next agenda (Defibrillator-Newtown check complete, shop site to be completed tomorrow; Certificates received for 2018; Drop-In –date of next Drop is Sat 3rd February 10.30am till noon; Broadband- Case Study- Talaton PC has been asked to provide information ; Chapter 8 training- Phil Deacon and Andy May have attended the training course;Emergency Committee- Letter sent to Mark Kerslake to say that the PC will be in touch once all the details are settled;Date and speaker for APM- the APM will take place on Wednesday 11th April at 7pm for 7.30pm Speaker still to be decided;

11. Matters of urgency-items not on the Agenda to be discussed at the Chairman’s discretion:

No items raised


12. Date of next meeting- Next meeting of the Parish Council will be Wednesday 7th February at 7.30pm.

13. Close of meeting - the Chairman thanked everyone for attending. The meeting closed at 9.20pm.