Table of Contents



Code of Behavior4

Section IStaffing Requirements and Job Descriptions5

Section IISubcommittees: Responsibilities & Timelines13

Section IIIMESA Day Agenda with Samples23

Section IVRegistration Procedures25

Section VJudging31

*Lead Judge32


Section VIMaterials Checklist and Timeline35

Section VIIFacilities Checklist and Timeline43

Section VIIIDirector’s Checklist46

Section IXAdvisor’s Information48



Section XEvaluation51

Section XIOther Samples55

*Proctor Instructions60

Section XIIArbitration61


The Implementation and Management section of this manual covers recommended steps for planning and hosting a MESA Day event. The steps cover the year-long process including procedures for the day of the event. Dates are advisory only, but it must be emphasized that preparations begin many months prior to the actual event.

MESA Day has become a large event and is no longer a manageable task for a Center Director alone. The Host Director must look at establishing working MESA Day committees rather than taking full responsibility for the event. Directors need to view MESA Day as a year-long (not short-term) project. While there are many ways to approach MESA Day, starting on May 15th (directly following the completion of the current MESA Day cycle), the Host Center must begin the formation of MESA Day committees to begin the process of putting together the event on their campus.

From Statewide you will receive MESA Day rules, MESA Day medals, trophies and ribbons, Speech topics, Math Tests, and an electronic form for reporting results. In addition to the host center training, you can also request a site visit/walk-through prior to your MESA Day competition.

Finally, the information in this manual represents the work and contributions of many individuals. Thanks to all who contributed and to all who have agreed to host MESA Day.

MESA Day Contest rules 2014-2015

Master Set

©University of California Regents


  • Provide students with an opportunity to apply mathematics, engineering and science principles to individual and team academic contests and, over time, develop their mastery of these academic skills
  • Expose students to other campuses, college faculty, technical equipment, laboratories, etc.
  • Encourage students to explore attending college in other locations or cities
  • Build self-esteem and confidence in students
  • Encourage and motivate students to excel
  • Expose students to leading-edge technology thus increasing their exposure to and awareness of math and science careers


MESA students must remember that MESA competitions are academic events and participants should present themselves in a manner that respects teachers, students, judges, hosts and other officials at the event. Please remember that countless hours are spent in preparation and execution of the event for your enjoyment and many of the facilitators are volunteers giving of their time for you.

The “golden rule” of competition means treating your fellow competitors as you would like to be treated yourself. Show respect for yourself, your teammates and your opponents, for advisors from all schools and centers and for the judges and other officials. This applies to those who leave the competition with medals and those who do not. Knowledge, pride and empathy should be the cornerstones of any MESA competition. Please remember that the purpose of this contest is to use creativity to compete within the framework of the rules. The purpose is not to break the rules and see if you can get away with it

Everyone must be participating in a competitive event or other MESA Day activity at all times, either as a competitor or as an observer. Students are never allowed off campus or in areas not associated with MESA Day.

This code of behavior applies to MESA parents, MESA advisors and teachers and MESA staff. Any type of misconduct will result in the immediate disqualification of the students, team and perhaps the entire school. MESA reserves the right to ask anyone who is no conducting themselves per this code to leave the event.

I have read this Code of Behavior and will do my best to follow the “Golden Rule” of the competitions.


Name of ParticipantMESA Center Date

Grievance Form

The purpose of this process is to allow students to communicate with the MESA Day Host Director on matters regarding the administration of competitions or the administration of any part of MESA Day.

  1. Student completes a Grievance Form and places it in the designated Grievance Form Box located near the Arbitration Room.
  1. Student must be specific in describing the nature of the problem being grieved.
  1. Student must indicate how the particular incident or oversight affected them personally.
  1. Whenever possible, student should indicate how the incident or oversight might have been avoided.

Student (s) submitting the grievance:

MESA Center: ______School: Date:

What part of MESA Day does your grievance address?

Please state your grievance:

What recommendations would you like to offer? T




When students have expended great amounts of time and energy to prepare for participation in MESA Day Competitions, disqualification from the event can be very upsetting for the students. In an attempt to provide a student with every opportunity to understand the reasons(s) for a disqualification and to aid in mitigating an unpleasant situation, the Appeals Process has been developed. It is imperative that every student, judge, director and advisor attending MESA Day be familiar with the process and, if necessary, follows it to the letter.


Competitions that require a specifications check should have that check while students are participating in the math and/or SAT tests during the first portion of the morning. For any project disqualified during the specification check judges will describe the reasons(s) for the disqualification and post this information in a prominent area near the contest site. .A special “window of time” (20 – 30 minutes) will be designated immediately following the math testing when students may proceed to that area to check the status of their project. If a student feels that he or she has been unjustly disqualified from an event and wishes to protest the action, the student may first appeal to the event judge, if possible. If the issue is immediately resolved, the student may still have the opportunity to participate in the event. However, if the student remains dissatisfied with the judge’s decision following that appeal, the student must then complete the MESA Day Event Appeals Form and present it to the designated arbitrator(s). The appeal must be submitted by the student. An advisor or parent cannot accompany a student during the appeals presentation. A final decision will be issued within 15 minutes. The Arbitrators’ decisions are final


Composed of 3 or 5 individuals who are drawn from a pool of persons designated to make up the committee, with one person acting as Chair of the committee

Selected by the HostCenter with the collaboration of the MESA Statewide Office

Committee is activated when:

  1. a student disagrees with a judge’s ruling or decision
  2. an issue surfaces, and the judge refers the contestant/aggrieved party to the appeals committee


  1. The student(s) may first appeal to the event judge concerning the decision. If the student(s) continues to disagree with the decision, the student may then proceed to the arbitration committee.
  2. The issue should be expressed in writing by the student(s) using the ”Official Event Appeals Form (see form attached) prior to the committee’s review
  3. The issue should then be presented by the student(s)t to the appeals committee.
  4. The committee reviews the issue/dispute and seeks clarification from the judge(s) if needed..
  5. The committee will resolve the dispute as quickly as possible..
  6. The decision of the committee is final and will be communicated to the contest judge, to the student(s) and to the MESA Day Host. Any attempt by the student(s), the advisor or the parent to continue with an appeal once a final decision has been rendered by the appeals committee may cause the student(s) to be disqualified from ALL MESA Day events.


Staffing Requirements


Job Descriptions


MESA Day Host:The designated Director who is implementing the event at their campus is known as the HOST. They are in charge of the event.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate with other staff on implementation
  • Facilitate orientation
  • Assume primary responsibility for problem solving
  • Prepare accurate roster of stakeholders to receive thank you letters

Year-Long Responsibilities:

  • Complete checklists

-Directors checklist

-Facilities checklist

-Judges checklist

-Parents checklist

-Registration checklist

-Food checklist

-Signs checklist

-Media checklist

-MEP checklist

-Awards checklist

  • Establish local site implementation committee and relevant subcommittees
  • Articulate with local site subcommittee chairs to:

-Reserve necessary facilities for event

-Involve campus MEP Director as applicable

-Involve the MCCP Directors in your region

-Develop and distribute campus specific information (i.e. emergency

procedures, lost and found, campus map, hospitality room, event

results room, etc.)

Post- MESA Day Responsibilities:

  • Send Thank You letters as appropriate
  • Submit final results to MESA Statewide
  • Submit recommendations to MESA Day Oversight committee
  • Return borrowed equipment/supplies

Events Coordinator:Consultant or staff member designated to plan and implement

(if applicable)event. Works with host to reserve facilities and set schedules. Should be experienced with event planning process and have some familiarity with MESA.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Trouble Shoot

Year-long Responsibilities (as determined by MESA Day Host):

  • Aid in the arrangement of event refreshments
  • Notify competition managers of event location, probable set-up and final set-up
  • Aid in the design and order of T-shirts (optional); Must use official MESA logo
  • Identify and organize University Students, Guides, Greeters, Security Patrol to help on day of event.
  • Prepare and provide all materials for events (see materials checklist/timeline)
  • Arrange for event parking
  • Establish schedule for the day in conjunction with events committee and MESA Statewide
  • Arrange for the distribution of schedules to all participating centers by due date
  • Determine registration procedure
  • Arrange for the distribution of registration materials to participating centers by due date
  • Facilitate all subcommittees
  • Etc.

HostCenter Support Staff:Academic Coordinator, Counseling Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, student assistants, clerical support from office.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Responsibilities as assigned

Year-Long Responsibilities:

  • Distribute schedules and registration materials to participating Centers by due date
  • Distribute Industry/IAB invitations to participating centers as appropriate
  • Prepare events materials
  • Provide supporting materials for events
  • Prepare orientation materials, schedules, tabulation sheets and awards
  • Notify participating centers of parking arrangements
  • Distribute travel, location, and event maps to all centers at least one month prior to MESA Day
  • Etc.

Host MEP Director:Serves as the liaison between college faculty and staff, IAB and

(if applicable)college fair exhibitors. Coordinates outreach component of MESA


Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Serve as resource for Industry Representatives and College Fair participants.
  • Facilitate campus tours.

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Contact all prospective industry representatives
  • Serve on Facilities committee

Competition Manager/s:Responsible for competition areas. Competition managers (Lead Judge) may be consultants, advisors, IAB members, or other

Center Directors.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate proctoring/judging/tabulating for assigned event
  • Trouble Shoot for assigned event

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Orient consultants, judges, proctors and event advisors to MESA Day Procedures.
  • Communicate regularly with the advisors responsible for the event at MESA Day
  • Complete and submit “Best Practices” sheet from judges notebooks
  • Ensure all event lists and material requests are current and submitted to host center at least one month prior to event day
  • Serve as primary link for event advisors and judges

Event Sponsor:Responsible for updating event workbooks. Participates in MESA

Day Oversight committee and provides clarification of rules and

makes recommendations as appropriate.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • None

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Provide revisions to MESA Day oversight committee by due date
  • Review event evaluations

Center Directors:Self explanatory

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Check in all students from their centers
  • Responsible for own center’s students, parents, advisors, etc.
  • Responsible for prompt transportation to and from event
  • Distribute t-shirts, tote bags, etc.
  • Ensure corporate sponsor banner is in place
  • Available to fill in as needed
  • Orient advisors on MESA Day protocol (i.e. competition disputes)

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Distribute MESA Day rules to advisors upon receipt from MESA Statewide
  • Provide link to MESA event training/s
  • Organize center preliminary MESA Day. Ensure local schedule follows that of regional MESA day
  • Distribute registration materials to schools qualifying for MESA Day
  • Collect all registration materials, check for completion, and forward to HostCenter by due date
  • Provide t-shirt order to HostCenter (if applicable)
  • Distribute maps and orientation materials to participating schools.
  • Arrange transportation to event
  • Provide final numbers to host center by due date

Advisors:Responsible for checking-in and chaperoning their students.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Distribute materials for the day: name tags, schedules, maps, snack and lunch tickets
  • Answer student questions
  • Responsible for own students’ conduct
  • May serve as competition judge, proctor, or greeter

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Ensure students fill out and submit appropriate project registration
  • Attend all available training
  • Prepare students for MESA Day participation, including Preliminary competitions
  • Ensure all registration materials are completed and returned to center director by required due date
  • Provide students with all transportation and orientation information
  • Inform participating students of all rules and provide a complete listing of competitions
  • Provide participating students with the current MESA Day event schedule
  • Familiarize students on event day procedures, the appeals process, and code of behavior

Statewide MESA:Representative/s of Statewide MESA who are responsible for


Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Speak at Opening Ceremony if requested
  • Serve as representative of Statewide office or provide alternative representatives
  • As requested, serve as arbitrator, proctor, etc.
  • As requested, participate in awards ceremony

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Distribute rules to Center Directors by due date
  • Provide advisors handbook for advisor training in all event areas to Center Directors by due date
  • Communicate regularly with MESA Day Host to ensure consistent information and rule interpretation across all centers participating in MESA Day
  • Provide HostCenter Training Manual
  • Provide Statewide thank you letters to key stakeholders (i.e. Deans, Chair, University Presidents, etc.) as requested by HostCenter
  • Convene and facilitate MESA Day Oversight Committee

Judges:Responsible for all official decisions in the scoring of the competitions.

Will work with proctor/s to evaluate the competition. Judges may be

advisors, IAB members, parents, MEP students, other Center Directors.

All materials will be provided by the host center, including judges


Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Arrive early for coordination of competition
  • Observe protocol for competition disputes
  • Know procedures as defined in judges’ notebook

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Attend any judging/orientation sessions offered
  • Acquire working knowledge of the rules pertaining to their competition.

Proctors:Responsible for the competition room and competition implementation. Upon

completion of competition, proctors will clean up room, take down

competition signs and return materials to specified location. Proctors may be

advisors, IAB members, parents, MEP students, other Center Directors.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Set up event rooms
  • Check all event materials
  • Complete score sheets promptly
  • Run events
  • Clean up event room
  • Attend all available training
  • Communicate with coordinator/s to obtain information related to their specific event
  • Work out details of the event with judges

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Acquire familiarity with event rules

Arbitrator:Responsible for the mediation of student disputes (written) over project and/or

rule disqualification, inappropriate scoring of event, judge bias, or any other

perceived unfair judgement. Arbitrators are usually MESA Statewide personnel

MESA Statewide Officials.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • All day availability
  • Knowledge of event rules

Year-long Responsibilities:

  • Become familiar with current MESA Day Rules
  • Become familiar with current arbitration policies

Guides:Must be familiar with event locations and able to give directions about university facilities. Guides must arrive early to assist with set-up requirements. Guides may be university students, advisors, or office staff.

Event Day Responsibilities:

  • Direct event participants to registration and project check-in.
  • Post signs
  • Roam event areas for lost participants, parents, advisors, etc.
  • Provide directions to control room for first aid, questions and answers, etc.
  • Clean up and sign removal

Year-long Responsibilities: