Table1. Livelihood Capital Asset, Building Variables, and to Quantitative Standard of the Index

Table1. Livelihood Capital Asset, Building Variables, and to Quantitative Standard of the Index

Supplementary Materials

Table1. Livelihood capital asset, building variables, and to quantitative standard of the index

Capital asset and its building variables / Quantitative standard of the index / Formula
1 Natural capital asset(N) / N= (N1+N2)/2
Percapita forestland area (N1)
(unit:mu) / N1≥10 (1); 8<N1≤10(0.8); 6<N1≤8(0.6); 4<N1≤6(0.4);2<N1≤4(0.2); 0<N1≤2(0.2); N1=0(0). / 1hm2=15mu
Percapitafarmland area(N2)
(unit:mu) / N2≥5 (1); 3<N2≤4(0.8); 2<N2≤3(0.6); 1<N2≤2(0.4); 0<N2≤1(0.2); N2=0(0).
2 Human capical asset(H) / H= (H1+H2+H3)/3
Adult labour (H1) / Proportion of adult labour(H11):H11>0.8 (1); 0.6<H11≤0.8(0.8); 0.4<H11≤0.6(0.6); 0.2<H11≤0.4(0.4); 0<H11≤0.2(0).
Quantity of adult labour(H12):H12≥5 (1); 4(0.8); 3 (0.6); 2(0.4); 1(0.2); 0(0). / H1= (H11+H12)/2
Labor education (H2) / College (1); Senior high school (0.8); Junior middle school(0.6); Primary school(0.4); Illiterate(0).
Labor health(H3) / Excellent(1);good(0.8); general(0.5);bad(0).
3 Physical capital asset(P) / P= (P1+P2 +P3+P4)/4
House(P1) / Structure of house(P11): Concrete (1);Brick (0.75);
Brick and wood(0.5); Soil and wood (0.25); Grass(0) . / P1= (P11+P12 +P13)/3
Age of house(P12):P12≤1(1);1<P12≤10(0.75);
10<P12≤15 (0.50); 15<P12≤20(0.25); P>20(0).
Area of house (P13): P13>500m2(1);300 m2<P13≤500 m2 (0.75); 100 m2<P13≤300 m2 (0.5); 0<P13≤100 m2 (0.25).
Livestock(P2) / Type (P21):Horse or cattle (1);Sheep(0.8);Pig(0.5).
Quantity (P22): P22>10(1);5<P22≤10(0.75);
2<P22≤5 (0.50); P22<2(0).
Durable goods(P3) / Quantity(P31):P31≥5 (1); 3 or 4(0.75);1 or 2(0.25).
Life(P32):P32≤1(1);1<P32≤3(0.75);3<P32≤5 (0.50); 5<P32≤10(0.25);P32>10(0). / P3= (P31+P32)/2
Household traffic tools(P4) / Car(1); Motorcycle(0.8); Electro-bike(0.5);Bike(0).
4 Financial capital(F) / F= (F1+F2 +F3+F4)/4
Net per capita income (RMB/Year) (F1) / F1≥5000 (1); 3000<F1≤5000(0.8); 2000<F1≤3000(0.6); 1000<F1≤2000(0.4);500<F1≤1000(0.2); F1≤500(0).
Family's total income(RMB/Year) (F2) / F2≥50000 (1); 30000<F2≤50000(0.8); 20000<F2≤30000(0.6); 10000<F2≤20000(0.4);5000<F2≤10000(0.2); F2≤5000(0).
Savings (F3) / Feel richly (1); Fell generally (0.5); None (0).
Liabilities (F4) / None(1);Yes, a little pressure(0.5);Yes, a lot of pressure(0).
5 Social capital asset(S) / S= (S1+S2 +S3+S4+S5+S6)/6
Participate in community activities (S1) / In the past year:
Times(S11):S11≥6(1); 3<S11≤6(0.75);1≤S11≤3 (0.50); S11=0(0).
Amount(S12):S12≥3(1);S12=2(0.5);S12=1(0.2); S12=0(0). / S1= (S11+S12)/2
Money to help(S2) / Encounter a crisis:
Obtain money and interest-free loan(S21): (1);
Only obtain money or interest-free loan (S22): (0. 5);
Cannot obtain money to help(S23): (0). / S2= (S21+S22+S23)/3
Food to help(S3) / Encounter a crisis:
Obtain food freely(S31): (1);
Obtain food on credit(S32): (0. 5);
Cannot obtain food to help(S33): (0). / S3= (S31+S32+S33)/3
village cadre in the family(S4) / Yes (1); None (0).
Communication fee (RMB /household/month) (S5) / S5>500(1);300<S5≤500(0.75);100≤S5≤300 (0.50);50≤S5≤100 (0.25); 0≤S5≤50(0).
Expenses of human relations (RMB /household/year)(S6) / S6>5000(1);3000<S6≤5000(0.75);2000≤S6≤3000 (0.50);1000≤S6≤2000 (0.25); S6<1000(0).

Note: The index quantitative score in brackets

Table2. Livelihood capital assets indicators

Capital asset components / Indicators(or aspects requiring initial development and ongoing maintenance)
Natural capital asset(N)
Per capita forestland area (N1)
(unit: mu) / Mainly refers to the clear property rights of forestland.
Per capita farmland area(N2)
(unit: mu) / Mainly refers to the clear property rights of farmland.
Human capital asset(H)
Adult labour (H1)
 / Ratio of workforce in a household.
Labour education (H2)  / Level of labours' education, including illiterate, primary school, junior middle school, senior high school, or above.
Labour health(H3)
 / Perceptionof status of labours'health,includingexcellent,good, general and bad.
Physical capital asset(P)
 / Mainly refers to three aspects: structure of house, age of house, and area of house.
Livestock(P2) / Mainly refers to two aspects: type and quantity.
Durable goods(P3) / Including goods quantity and used life.
Household traffic tools (P4) / Mainly refers to three aspects: car, motorcycle, electro-bike, and bike.
Financial capital asset(F)
Net per capita income (RMB/Year) (F1) / Cash income
Family's total income(RMB/Year) (F2) / Cash income by all households, including the income of agricultural production and the income of migrant jobs.
Savings (F3) / Perception of status of family's assets.
Liabilities (F4) / Perception of repayment ability
Social capital asset(S)
Participate in community activities (S1) / The times and amount of household participating in community activities in the past year.
Money to help(S2) / Once a crisis, the ways of getting money supports.
Food to help(S3) / Once a crisis, the ways of getting food supports.
Village cadre in the family (S4) / For the family, having a village cadre or not?
Communication fee (RMB
/household/month) (S5) / Mainly refers to two aspects: the internet fee and mobile phone communication costs.
Expenses of human relations (RMB /household/year)(S6) / Mainly refers to three aspects: gifts of cash, including a good friend's wedding, relative was admitted to university, and a good friend having a new baby.