Strathpine Community Centre - Tom Petrie Room venue information

Facility location

The Tom Petrie Room is part of the Strathpine Community Centre located on the Corner of Gympie Road & Mecklem Street, Strathpine, QLD. 4500

Contact details

Phone Email Web


3205 0555



After hours emergencies

Council’s after hours’ service can be used to report emergencies (e.g. unable to gain access or to secure the room, requiredequipmentnotworking,brokenglasspanelorsimilar).Councilwillendeavourtoresolveanyissueshowever some issues may not be able to be rectifiedimmediately.

Calloutchargeswillapplyiftheyrelatetothemisuseofthecentreorhirererror.Forexample,ahirermaybecharged a call out fee if council is required to open a room because the hirer omitted to pick up the key. This fee will be deducted from the bond prior to releasing the balance to the hirer. Minor issues such as broken crockery can be reportedthefollowingbusinessday.

Room features

Room dimensions Capacity maximum
Rectangular tables Dividers
Audio visual equipment Microphones
Stage Vinyl Floor Lectern
Air conditioned / 350 x 14m
250 Supper style (dependent on set up) 300 Theatre style
40 1830mm x 760mm 10
300 Chairs
Projector and screen X 2 2 Handheld
Portable 6 x 183cm x 2 pieces

Kitchen features

Crockery and cutlery / 130 dinner plates, side plates, bowls, cutlery, wine, champagne and water glasses.
Carafes & water jugs,
1 x 30L (appox. 160 cups) 32L
Drinks fridge

Council supplies the dish washing liquid and rinse aid for the dishwasher. The hirer is required to provide all cooking utensils, pots, pans, serving equipment, dish washing liquid, wash cloths and tea towels.

Equipment operation

Instructions for the use of all equipment can be found in the Venue Information Folder located in the foyer.


Female and Male toilet facilities are located off the main foyer. There is also unisex/disabled toilets which includes a baby changefacility.

There are no dressing or change room facilities for concerts available in the centre.

Community Centre inspections/orientations

Council provides prospective hirers with one complimentary inspection prior to booking to ensure the venue is suitable. Prospective hirers wanting to undertake additional inspections may only do so when other inspections are being conducted. Inspections are conducted between - 4.30pm business days and are subject to the room availability. To request an appointment complete the venue inspection requestonline.

Storage of equipment

The Tom Petrie Room has a designated room for the storage of all furniture and equipment, including tables and chairs. Please ensure that all furniture is stacked on the trolleys provided and returned to the room in a neat and orderly fashion. All furniture and equipment should fit back into the room and the door should be closed. Funds may be withheld from the bond or the hirer invoiced if the room is not, in council’s opinion, suitably packed away. Please refer to the store room layout signage available onsite inside the storeroom for more information.

Hirers are unable to store their own equipment at the facility.

The portable stage is on wheels. Tables and chairs are stored on trolleys as per below pictures. Trestle tables to be face down, base up with 20 per table. Chairs are hung with back facing out, chair facing forward with 6 upholstered chairsper arm.

Thereisabi-folddoordividingthetworoomswhichcanbeopenedtoaccommodatelargeevents.Hirersarerequired tocollectthebi-folddoorkeyfromcustomerservicewhencollectingthecentreaccessswipecard.

Uncollected goods

All hirer property must be removed by the end of the hire period, unless special arrangements have been made. Any property left on the premises may be removed and disposed of at council’s discretion.

Audio visual equipment

Please note: Cables and batteries are not supplied. Please ensure that you bring the appropriate cable with you.

The following audio visual equipment is available.

  • PAsystemincludingaCDplayer.ThissystemonlyacceptsVGAAudiocables
  • Twowirelessmicrophonesprovided-Hirertoprovide2AAbatteriespermicrophone
  • Two fixed dataprojectors

InstructionsonhowtooperatethePAsystemarelocatedinsidethePAstoragecupboardandtheVenueInformation Folder located in thefoyer.

Power supply

There are several 3-phase power outlets available in the Tom Petrie Room. The location of the outlets are on thecentreservicesplanwhichcanbedownloadedfrom

Equipment operation

Instructions for the use of all equipment can be found in the Venue Information Folder located in the foyer.

Stage lighting

There is no stage lighting available.

Air conditioning

The air conditioning is programmed to turn on automatically when entering the centre. There is an air-conditioning over-rideswitchlocatedinthekitchenthatwillturntheairconditioningonandoffshoulditnotcomeonautomatically.


ThereareanumberofwaystomanagethelightingintheTomPetrieRoom,pleaseseetheVenueInformationFolder locatedinthefoyerfordetailedinformationontheoperationofthelighting.

Hirers are responsible for ensuring that the hall has been packed up and cleaned as outlined in the Conditions of Hire. Cleaning includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Furnitureandequipmentmustbewipedcleanpriortobeingplacedondesignatedtrolleyssafelyandreturned to the designated storage areas. DO NOT drag furniture. Trolleys and wheeled equipment are provided so thatfurnitureisnotdraggedacrossthefloorscausingdamage.
  • Allfloorsaresweptandanyspillsmoppedwithwarmwateronly.Nochemicalsaretobeusedonthefloor.
  • Allcutleryandcrockeryistobewashed,driedandreturnedtoitsallocatedstoragearea.
  • Benches,fridgesandcooking/heatingequipmentareemptiedandwipeddown.

Mops, buckets, brooms, dustpans and garbage bin liners, are supplied and are stored in the hall cleaning equipment room located in the foyer. All cleaning items must be returned to the cleaning room after use.

Cleaning time is to be included in the hall hire period. Arrangements may be made for the hirer to come back the next day to clean, but this time must be booked and paid for from the first available time the following morning. If hirercleaningobligationsarenotfulfilled,additionalchargesmayapplyandmoneysdeductedfromthesecuritybond.

Rubbish removal

All rubbish is to be emptied into the industrial bin located outside in the car park area. A key for the industrial bin is on the swipe card ring provided by council.


Decorations must not be placed or affixed in any way that may cause damage to any part of the venue (e.g. interior/exterior floors, walls or other surfaces) and must be removed at the conclusion of the hire period.

Naked flames of any kind, smoke or haze machines, jumping castles, helium balloons, BBQs and spits are not permitted inside the centre under any circumstances.

Broken items

If you find something is broken, please ensure you put an ‘out of order tag’ (if appropriate) on the item and contact council to report it. Tags can be found in the Venue Information Folder located in the foyer. If an item of cutlery or crockeryisbrokenbyaccidentpleaseadvisecouncilsothattheitemcanbereplacedandthestocklevelmaintained.

Smoking area

Inaccordancewithstatelegislation,nosmokingispermittedinoraroundthefacility.Smokersmustensuretheyare a minimum of five metres from anyentranceway.


There is no WiFi available.

Car parking

There is ample unrestricted shared parking at the front of the centre. There are also disabled parking bays located at the front of the centre.

Access to the Tom Petrie Room

Access to the communal foyer is via a swipe card. The swipe card reader to disarm and unlock the automatic doors to the Tom Petrie Room is located on the left hand side of the main door in the foyer

Collection of security cards

Casual hirers

For casual hirers, the access card is available for collection during business hours, 8.30 am to 5 pm week days, two business days prior to commencement of the booking, and is to be returned on the first business day following theconclusionofthebooking.AccesscardcanbecollectedfromCouncil’sCustomerServiceCentrelocatedat:

  • StrathpineCustomerServiceCentre,220GympieRoad,Strathpine(accessfromHallStreet).

After hours’ key returns can be made at the Strathpine Customer Service Centre, in the drop box located on the left hand side of the entry door.

Regular hirers

Groups who book the centre on a regular basis may be provided with a permanent security swipe card.

Access to rooms

Instructions for use are as follows:

The light will be red when the door is locked and the alarm is on.

1.SwipethecardonceinfrontofthecardreadermarkedTomPetrieandthelightwillthenturngreen.This indicatesthatthedoorisunlockedandtheareahasbeendisarmed.


3.Slowlyswipethecardinfrontofthecardreaderthree(3)times.Onthesecondswipethesystemwillbeep twice.

4.Afterapproximately5to30seconds,thereaderwillbeepandthelightwillturnredtoindicatethefacilityis secure.
