Minutes of meeting held in the Popham Hall on Wednesday 11th May 2005 at 6.30pm

The Chairman gave parishioners the opportunity to comment on items on the Agenda

PRESENT: Martin King (Chairman), Stuart Parkman, Jane Kimber, Adrian Little, Charlie Ritchie, Alannah Hunt (Clerk)

APOLOGIES: Larry Day, Sharon Davis, Michael Watson (TDB Councillor)

IN ATTENDANCE: Christopher Wolverson (Somerset County Councillor)

ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: Martin King was unanimously re-elected as Chairman to serve for another year.

ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN: Stuart Parkman was unanimously re-elected to serve as Vice Chairman for another year.

STANDING ORDERS: It was agreed that the existing Standing Orders would be endorsed for a further year.

PUBLIC REGISTER OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS: All Councillors present confirmed there were no changes in respect of their interests.

REPRESENTATIVES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: It was agreed that the following would maintain responsibilities as shown:

Footpaths - Elaine Woolacott

Roads - Adrian Little

Quantock Advisory - Stuart Parkman

Cricket Club - Larry Day

Village Hall - Larry Day

Emergency Liaison - Charlie Ritchie

Playground Checks - Adrian Little

MINUTES: Minutes of the last meeting, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.


(i)  All grants had now been finalised for 2004/5. While investigation had taken place to see if further funds could be found for the Churchyard, Quantocks AONB had been unable to help


The following cheques were authorised for payment:

(i)  £20 to Community Council for Somerset (annual subscription)

(ii)  £60 to Bagborough Popham Hall for rent covering Parish Council meetings

(iii)  £55 to Bagborough Popham Hall for contribution to rent for the Youth Club

(iv)  £453.11 to Allianz Cornhill Insurance for the annual insurance for the Parish Council and village.

(v)  £176.25 to AN Little for the erection of the new gate to Jubilee Walk

Internal Auditor: Martin Seamark was re-appointed as Internal Auditor to cover the last financial year. However, as Martin may be leaving the village in due course, it was agreed that Gordon Irish be appointed in due course to take over this role.

Annual Accounts:

The Receipts and Payments accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005 were distributed, discussed and signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer as a true record.

Parish Precept:

The Clerk confirmed that the Precept received for 2005/6 was £1,000. This had been reduced from last year by £1,000, although it was anticipated that due to increases in insurance and other expenses, the Precept requested for 2006/7 would need to go back up to £2,000.


(i)  45/2005/003 – Erection of free standing open air trellis structure at Triscombe House. No objections raised.

(ii)  45/2005/004 and 45/2004/005 – Renewal of plans for Bagborough Rovers Football Club to erect an extension to building for shower facilities and siting of portacabin for toilets. No objections raised.

(iii)  45/2005/006T – Notification to fell one Turkey Oak at Shattocks. The Parish Council have responded to this objecting to its removal unless independent evidence can be produced that the tree is definitely diseased and needs to be felled, when it will re-consider its objection.

(iv)  Mr Michael Adams at Shenley had approached the Chairman to the Parish Council to see if there were likely to be objections to a new drive being constructed at Shenley. The view of the Parish Council was that it could not make a firm response until such time as plans were seen.


Double White Lines on A358: There was a further discussion on this (also raised at the last meeting). Christopher Wolverson had followed this up on the Council’s behalf with Somerset Highways who were looking at the possibility of putting in a lay-by.


Due to the fact that the Clerk will be moving away from the village in the next few months, Alannah Hunt resigned as Clerk. Thanks were expressed to Alannah for her help over the last 2 years. A new Clerk is now being sought.


(i)  Councillors were reminded of the importance of the Register of Interests and Disclosure of Personal or Prejudicial Interests at Meetings.

(ii)  Martin King notified the meeting that a Quad Bike/Motor Bike event was taking place on Sunday 15th May on land belonging to Milton Farm.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 13th July 2005 at Popham Hall at 7.00pm.