Stantonbury Parish Council Offices

Wednesday 9 April 2014,11:30 am

Paul Sanders - PS / Assistant Director, Community Facilities
Rebecca Trouse - RT / Programme Manager
Maureen Martin - MM / Project Support
Sue Brown - SB / Landscape Architect
Phil Bowsher - PB / Head of Landscape Strategy & Devp, The Parks Trust
Michael Snell - MS / Stantonbury Parish Council
Bob Lark - BL / Oakridge Park Residents Association
Helen Mortimer - HM / Clerk to Stantonbury Parish Council
Margaret Hulatt – MH / Stantonbury Parish Council
  1. Allotments

A petition signed by residents is going to Cabinet next week to request allotments on the Stanton Low Park site. Allotments were considered for the site but there is no area available with the necessary road access or water supply. The area near the car park at the local centre was highlighted but it is on a steep slope and could cause to rain to wash the soil away, leaching chemicals into the canal. There is also only capacity to fit around 8 plots in this area.
Once Cabinet see the petition it will be passed to the project team to considerwhile reviewing the Master Plan. The Parish Council has asked Haversham Council if there were any plots available on their allotments. Residents were offered Bradwell Road allotments but there were no takers. SB to look at the issue and address with the planning application and circulate. HM will forward information e-mail to SB regarding the allotment waiting list.
HM said another site was already highlighted for allotments, PS suggested speaking to Patsy Mellor as it was outside of this project. / SB, MH
  1. Master Plan

Feedback from the consultation will be completed and circulate. MKC will publish the updated information on the web page.The master plan is due to be completed at the end of May. Once approved the parish will print a spread in the parish magazine showing the details, next magazine is due the 6 June 2014. There are plans to move the cycle trail, fence the circuit track, and change the walkways and a new plan for the play area with smaller equipment at one end of the park for younger children.
Two options have been considered for Swans Way: either stop all traffic; or declassify the road and prohibit vehicle access except emergency vehicles. Discussed the effects of anti-social behaviour once the park has been implemented and fencing to prevent access to the park. Agreed that the Swan’s Way issue would be reviewed once the park has been implemented.
Stock fencing and enclosed footpaths will prevent some traffic crossing land and we could install bollards or pinch points to stop speeding. All entrances will have restrictions to stop motor cycles and quad bikes.Signs will be erected once change of ownership takes place. Waterways will be notified to check on the usage of moorings.
Current play area will have fences with gates installed behind the planting area (near to houses) and will be a dog free zone. Hedge will continue to the end of the block to stop people cutting through. This is a separate work stream and SB is negotiating section 106 funds for the work. Persimmon plans include a large number of benches in the play area which could be moved.
Dog bins will be sited outside of play area. Parish requested that a bin be place on the linear strip and another near the centre. Four additional bins are planned but if Parish funds are available then they will have more. It is the responsibility of the parish to empty dog bins.
SB will set up a consultation with residents regarding play areas.
Concerns over a broken fence across the site which has barbed wire and has become a hazard to dogs. SB to arrange for the fence to be removed. / HM
  1. Current Works

Planting has been completed with the area around the compound to be done in the autumn. Work on the grass will commence over the summer months. The hard landscaping laying paths and fencing will begin in May.
A survey of St. Peter’s church was carried out in April and there has been some deterioration. Fencing is being installed around the churchsoon. A budget for some remedial work has been agreed.
An archaeology report on the land around the area and old manor house has been delayed but should be completed by the end of May.
  1. Timescale

Planning application for the approval of the Master Plan reserved matters is due to be submitted in June. Tender document to procure a contractor to carry out the works on site will be prepared. PB has offered to help and advice on designing the tender docs.
Approval to go out to Tender (report to the Cabinet Procurement Committee) will be taken once approval has been given from Planning.
Elections in June could mean a new administration and RT will brief new members as well as keeping currents members aware of progress on site.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 3 June at 11.30 am until 1.00 pm

Minutes of Stanton Low Park mtg 090414Page 1 of 2