St Wilfrid and Mother of God Parish, Abbeydale Road, Sheffield11, St Ronan’s Road, Sheffield S7 1DX; Tel: 255 0827

20thMay 2018.PentecostSunday. Month of Devotion to Mary.


Sunday:8.30 & 10am. Rosary & Benediction at 4pm offered for World Peace. Burning the garment of Suffering after Benediction.Musicians and singers of all ages are needed and very welcome to join in at the 6.30pm Mass on Saturday and 10am on Sunday morning.

Monday: 7.30pm Monthly Mass for SVP, Exposition until 8.30pm. SVP at 8pm. Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church.

Tuesday:9.15am Monthly Mass at St Wilfrid’s Centre &10am.

Wednesday:10am & 7pm Followed by Confirmation preparation. Toddler group 10.30am to 12.

Thursday: 7am & 12. Novena with Holy Communion and Benediction at 7.30pm.Soup lunch after 12 Mass. Everyone welcome.

Friday: 10am. Holy Hour at 2pm in the Day Chapel.

Saturday:10am & 6.30pm first Mass for Sunday. Confessions 10.30-11am & 5.30 – 6pm.

Please pray for the Sick: The Sick in Nether Edge Hospital, Martin Doyle, Beverley Hope, James Baker, Robert Baker, Robert Goodwin, Harry Bishop, Leanne Chesney, Eleanor Goring, Mary Alderson, Quentin Whitlock, Beverley Clayton, Nichola Martin,Des McCann, Nichola Ross, Philip Jones, Steve Horn, Sally Riley, Noel O’Donovan, Asia Bibi, Ofelia Ramos, Mandy Voyce,Isabel Bela, Frances Richardson, Rob Bradley, Elizabeth Coakley, Sue Smith, Anya Crook, Jane Scott,John Kirk, Norman Jones, Cora Armstrong, Christopher Gallagher, Tom Flanagan, Mary Tooley, Christopher Browne.

Lately Dead: Kenneth Stapleton, John Coffey, Dorothy Lancaster, Tina Bullen, Mary Miles, Brian smith, Ted McCready.

Anniversaries: Michael O’Shea, Oonagh O’Shea, Mary Waddington, Emilia Knapton.

Masses Received:Thanksgiving to the VenSt.Bede, Tom Doherty, Special Int.

Offertory collection: loose plate £551, Envelopes £580. Thanks.

Eucharistic Ministers: 6.30pm (12,13,14,7,11) 8.30am(8,9),10am(9,11,12,7,8)

Altar Servers:SHardwick, JGoodchild,8.30am:U Norris, 10am: F Jones.

Priests’ Training Fund Annual collection this weekend May 19th, 20th after Communion at all Masses. Please make the month of May a month of prayer for vocations to the priesthood in our Diocese. Cheques to the Diocese of Hallam Priests Training Fund. Thank you.

Tote: Winning numbers were19 & 27 with 2 winners receiving £20 each.. We welcome new members at any time. 10p for 2 numbers between 1 & 30. Number

sheets at theback of Church.Please pay now if you are paying for the year – cheques to Mother of God parish.

Mother of God now has a news announcements section on its webpage. If you have a social media account such asFacebook,please share this link with your

contacts. Visit This will help to remind you about upcoming meetings and events.

First Communions: Sunday 17th June at 10am Mass. Practise on Sunday June 10th with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 3pm followed by picnic tea in the park.

Marriage Enrichment Weekend in Hallam (non residential) Hallam Pastoral Centre June16th and 17th. For more information and to book your places enrichment/

St Wilfrid and Mother of God Credit Union Committee wish to reassure shareholders that the recent hacking of Sheffield Credit Union does NOT affect our Credit Union. We have NOT been hacked. Also you should know that we don’t have our bank account details on computer – only the personal details we require to keep track of your account with us.

Fr Joe Turay. From Makeni, Sierra Leone would like to thank the parish for their welcome last weekend. He recognises the generous contribution parishioners have made in the past, which has provided clean water to the hospital and university, paid for the transport of furniture and IT equipment to the university; medical supplies to the hospital; supported staff training and needy students; helped families hard hit during the Ebola crisis and Freetown mudslide and provided funds for the running of a diabetes clinic. Your money has touched many lives – Thank you.

St Wilfrid’s Junior and Infant School Reunion. Did you attend St Wilfrid’s School and leave between1956 and 2000? If so please come along to the school reunions. Tickets priced at £10 per head. The reunion will take place on Saturday 7th July at St Wilfrid’s School, 7.30 to 11pm. There is a licensed bar and live band. All profits from the evening will be split between Mary’s Meals and St Vincent’s Furniture Store. Please contact Lorraine at the Furniture Store 0114 2703990, email or Anne at St Wilfrid’s School on 01142365529 for tickets and/or more information.

Your Credit Union and General Data Protection Regulations. You may be aware that soon new regulations will come into force that will govern the information that an organisation can hold about an individual, and will regulate what the organisation might do with that information. The St Wilfrid & Mother of God Credit Union will be bound by those regulations which in broad terms mean that any information the Credit Union has must be used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals, and collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. The information must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is needed and it should be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate should be erased or rectified without delay. The Management Committee will be reviewing what information - and its relevance – they hold about members and will contact members in due course if necessary.