SpringBankPrimary School

Spring Road




Tel: 0113 204 3120

Fax: 0113 204 3121

24thApril 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

This half term our topic is ‘The Struggle for England!’ which has a historical focus on the settlement and conflict between the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in the time leading up to 1066. We will be visiting the Yorkshire Farming Museum on Friday 26th May to experience what life was like in Danelaw.

In Literacy the children will start with writing different forms of poetry (acrostic and Haiku). After that they will be writing a story set in an imaginary world. I am looking forward to reading the weird and wonderful settings they will create!Guided Reading is still on Monday and tasks will be set every week to be completed in time for the next lesson.

In Mathematics we will be working on place value, formal methods of the four number operations, problem solving, fractions, coordinates and interpreting data. Times table tests will still be on Friday morning.

On Tuesday afternoons the class will continue to go for swimming lessons at Kirkstall Leisure Centre. Thank you for ensuring your child has had their kit each week.Our other PE lesson is still on Wednesday and rounders is being covered this term. Please continue to ensure your child has the correct PE kit.

The Ukulele lesson will still be on Monday afternoon and the instrument will need to be in school for that day each week.

On Wednesday afternoons a group of ten children will be visiting the Ash Road allotment to maintain a plot and plant a variety of vegetables. They will be led by Elena and each group will go consecutively every week. Weather permitting, in the next half-term we will go up as a class for a picnic and to eat what has been grown.

In the final week of this half term (w/c 22nd May) I will be away on the Y6 residential at Ingleborough. Miss Clark will be taking the class that week.

I will keep you updated with any further information but if you have any questions then please contact me at school.

Mr Wrankmore