SPP final category, to be added by me, as a separate cover letter with any supporting documents.

When I applied ofr an SPP in 2010, hteletter wrotean ehtusiastic letter of support recommending that I receive the SPP. I did not , however, receive an SPP. I am applying again, and this time I thought it would be helpful if I were to explain why I think my work is particularly distinguished.

1. Working from the margins of a given field, I redefine fields by creating new subfields. Shakespeare. I was hired because I had already begun work on film; and on race; since then, on childhood, on foreign Shakespeare(Asian); on German Shakespeare. 2 vol encyclopedia (widely reviewed) Work on censorship before I was hired. Expanded into new areas of history of the book and philosophy (rhizomes) and films in medieval and early modern. highly innovative work—that blazes new trails. Bring fields together ike historians as consultants on film ,new hisoticists, adnfilm theory, and Renasisance studies.

2. International range of my work and international recognition. I had already done a Fulbright in Berlin. Went back to Berlin in 2003; invited to British Museum; paper published and cited by the curator of the Bayeux Tapestry in Bayeux Fance.

3. Influence and recognition my Work within the fields

  1. calculated in terms of frequency of citations and
  2. invitations to review major books like Film and Art textbook; I am an authority on texts central to the field while redefining the field. Norton Shakespeare another example. Oxford Middleton as well.

Shakespeare Bulletin

Volume 28, Number 4, Winter 2010

E-ISSN: 1931-1427 Print ISSN: 0748-2558

DOI: 10.1353/shb.2010.0031

Adele Lee

'Chop-Socky Shakespeare'?!: The Bard Onscreen in Hong Kong

Shakespeare Bulletin - Volume 28, Number 4, Winter 2010, pp. 459-480

Volume 27, Number 2, Summer 2009

E-ISSN: 1931-1427 Print ISSN: 0748-2558

DOI: 10.1353/shb.0.0073

John Blakeley

Shakespearean Relocations: The Final Scene of John Madden's Shakespeare in Love

Shakespeare Bulletin - Volume 27, Number 2, Summer 2009, pp. 249-259

richardthesecond: Adapting Shakespeare to the Local in a Culture of Global Celebrity

Robert Ormsby

Modern Drama, Volume 52, Number 1, Spring 2009, pp. 19-37

Ben Jonson book still being cited;


Work still being cited

Internationally recognized

Number of fields to which I have contributed

As Faculty (Self)Development

Shakespeare and film

Poco / Glocal Shakespeare

Shakespeare the Movie II

Shakespeare and Race


Shakespeare and Editing

Renaissance Drama and Film

Semenza and Pasacle

Film Adaptation

Editor of Adaptation

Becoming Jane

Blackwell Film Adaptation anthology on facsimiles. Print editions , and digital editions of films.

Writing and Film

Buchanan anthology

Secrecy and the Law

Amherst essay

Medieval and Early Modern media and film

Bayeux Tapestry (French and English)

Bayeux Tapestry NEH Exemplaria

British Musuem

Curatorof the museum—catalogue on film and BT.

Cinematic Paratext and narrative frame—articles cited before the book. Book already being cited.

Posthumous publication

Literary Theory, Philosophy, and Philology

Rhizomes monograph


Biopolitics and the Archive