Staveley with Ings Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 13th May 2013 in the Ayland Pavilion,Staveley at 8.30pm

Present:Cllr A.Capstick (Chairman), Cllr R.Batty,Cllr C.Johnson, Cllr M.Kidd, CllrA.Salisbury, Cllr D.A.Taylor, Cllr E.R.Ward, Cllr A.J.Wilkinson, Cllr G.L.Wilkinson,, P.Davidson (clerk), S.Simpson (outgoing clerk)

19/13Election of Chairman for council year 2013/14

It was resolved unanimously that Cllr A.Capstick be elected Chairman for council year 2013/14.

20/13Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Upon election, the Chairman signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

21/13Appointment of Vice Chairman for council year 2013/14

It was resolved unanimously that Cllr G.L.Wilkinson be appointed Vice Chairman for council year 2013/14.

22/13Apologies for absence

Cllr P.Harrison (working), Cllr A.Priestley (holiday) and Cllr S.Goffe (holiday).

23/13Declarations of interest: none


a)It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on 3rd April 2013 as a true record.

b)It was resolved that the minutes of the Parish Plan Working Group (PPWG) meeting held on 15th April 2013be received and that the recommendation contained therein to accept the proposed Parish Steward charging rate of £14/hour be confirmed.

The Chairman stated that the PPWG was underway with reviewing and prioritising the actions within the Parish Plan Action Plan. He emphasised that establishing ramped access to the railway station was a high priority.

Kendal road footway fencing - the Chairman acknowledged that the replacement fencing was not “like for like” as requested. Nevertheless, in order to avoid yet further delays in commencing this project, he considered that it was preferable to allow work to proceed with the given design. County Cllr Collins concurred with the Chairman.

25/13Appointments of members to committees and working groups

a)Parish Plan Working Group: it was resolved that the current members be reappointed. It was agreed that the Terms of Reference for the PPWG should be reviewed at the next PPWG meeting in June.

b)Allotments Working Group: it was resolved that the current members be reappointed. It was resolved that the Terms of Reference remain unchanged.

26/13Appointment of representatives

a)Administrator of Parish Steward: it was resolved that the Administrators would be the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the clerk

b)CALC South Lakeland District Committee: it was resolved that the representatives would be Cllr G.Wilkinson and the clerk.

c)CALC South Lakes Parishes: 2 representatives. No appointees.

d)Upper Kent LAP: it was resolved that the representatives would remain as the Chairman and Vice Chairman, with reserve as the clerk.

e)Staveley Village Association review: it was resolved that Cllr M.Kidd would remain as the representative.

f)Lakes Line User Group: it was resolved that Cllr E.Ward would remain as the representative.

27/13Review of Standing Orders

The clerk reported that the Standing Orders were in need of updating. A standard model text was available from NALC, which requires only minor tailoring to meet the needs of the council. The clerk would distribute a draft update before the next parish council meeting

28/13Risk Assessment

Council considered the risks that might affect the council’s ability to carry out its duties and to determine how these risks will be managed. It was resolved that the measures shown in Appendix 1 of these minutes be taken to safeguard the council’s position.

Cllr M.Kidd asked whether the risk of trees within the allotment falling and hitting a nearby house, was a risk covered by existing insurance. The clerk was asked to check the existing insurance provision.


a)Allotments – Cllr A.Salisbury summarised the notes from the Allotments Working Group. The main points were:

  • The current allotment area is not fit for purpose
  • The main issue with the proposed alternative site of Moss Side is one of access. The current access is unsuitable, so the working group are exploring alternative means of access
  • Suitable allotment provision therefore remains very much “work in progress” with, as yet, no clear way forwards

b)Highways – council reviewed the highways report from the Parish Steward. The clerk advised that both the damaged kerbstone and the non-working pedestrian crossing lights had been reported to Highways. Councillors confirmed that the kerbstone had now been repaired and the lights were now working.

c)Playground–council reviewedthe Ings playground inspection report. The Chairman asked the Parish Steward to assess what could be done about the slippery surface. The outgoing clerk offered the use of a pressure washer.

30/13Planning Applications

a)New Planning Applications

7/2013/5170 - Land near Littlewood farm, Staveley. Proposed general purpose/livestock housing. It was resolved that no objections be raised.

For information only: 7/2013/5202 - Land at Ratherheath adjacent to A591. Building ofagricultural shed. Councillors expressed concern that this application involved the same land and the same agent as the large scale business project that had recently been proposed and rejected.

b)To note planning applications determined since last meeting

7/2013/5091Hill Top, Ings. Formation of lightweight balcony.Granted

7/2013/5117Middle Fell, Staveley. New Passivhaus Eco home.Granted

7/2013/5118Crook Rd, Staveley. Erection of 3 local occupancy dwellings. Withdrawn

7/2013/5147Whasdyke, Blackmoss Lane, Windermere. External & internal alterations. Granted

c)To note Planning Applications still outstanding

7/2012/5191Sunny Orchard Farm, Staveley. Agricultural worker’s dwelling

7/2013/5126Railway Hotel, Staveley. Increase local occupancy definition, remove use of local slate condition, place solar panels on roof slope rather than recessed into roof

7/2013/5074Lakes Speciality Foods. To allow operation of machinery at night.

Cllr G.Wilkinson reported that he had attended the LDNPA development control committee site visit to Lakes Speciality Foods. He had advised the committee that the parish council were supportive in general of businesses which brought employment to the local community. However, he had emphasised that, as the application is retrospective, night working has been impacting noise and traffic levels at night. Cllr Wilkinson also suggested to the committee that Lakes Speciality Foods may be outgrowing this particular site.

Cllr A.Salisbury reported that local residents remained very concerned about the current status and potential future developments at Lakes Speciality Foods, which was not considered to be operating within the “light industry” classification of business.

31/13Highways: Kendal Road footway fencing –see 24/13b) above


a) Income since last meeting:

  • Rent for Poor Field£60.00


It was resolved that the following payments be made:

  • Staveley Village Association: Pavilion PPWG meeting 14/4/13£20.00
  • Staveley Village Association: Pavilion Annual meetings 13/5/13£20.00
  • Annual insurance premium£2055.46
  • Cumbria Playing Fields Association£20.00
  • CALC annual subscription£267.00
  • SLDC annual playground inspection (Staveley)£150.00
  • SLDC annual playground inspection (Ings)£384.00

33/13Annual Accounts

It was resolved that the Annual Accounts for 2012/13, which had been approved by the Internal Auditor, be approved and that the Chairman be authorised to sign Section 1 of the Annual Return.

Council considered Section 2 of the Annual Return and completed each question in the affirmative. It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign Section 2.

34/13Cycle Racks

Council considered the offer from GoLakes travel of cycle racks and also noted the need to liaise with Barbara Colley, to ensure that the parish was speaking with one voice. It was resolved that the Chairman and Cllr A.Salisbury would act as coordinators, to engage with GoLakes and with Barbara Colley and report back to the Council.

35/13Contract of Employment for the clerk

It was resolved to authorise the Chairman to sign the contract of employment for the clerk.

36/13Contract of service for the Parish Steward

It was resolved to authorise the Chairman to sign the contract of service for the Parish Steward, noting that the timesheet needed to be amended to reflect the actual insurance figure of £5m.

37/13Letting of the Poor Field for grazing

It was resolved to authorise the Chairman and Cllr A.Taylor to sign the grazing license for 2013/14


The list of correspondence received since the last meeting was noted.

39/13Meetings dates for council year 2013/14

Council resolved that council meetings for council year 2013/14 should be held as follows:

2013 / 2014
Monday 3 June / Wednesday 8 January (Ings)
Monday 1 July / Monday 3 February
Wednesday 4 September (Ings) / Monday 3 March
Monday 7 October / Wednesday 2 April (Ings)
Monday 4 November / Monday 12 May (Annual Meetings)

All meetings will begin at 7.15pm. Planning applications to be available for inspection from 7.0pm.

Signed ………………………………………………………………………. (Chairman)



Appendix 1


Risk Assessment

Item / Risk to Council / Proposed Action
1 / Loss or injury to members of the public
Injury to employees while carrying out council duties
Loss of or damage to money belonging to the council
Loss caused by fraud or dishonesty of employees / Public Liability Insurance (£10,000,000)
Employers Liability Insurance (£10,000,000)
Insurance cover
Fidelity Guarantee Insurance up to £2,000
These insurances will cost £308.32 in this council year
2 / Damage to property-
- 23 Street Lights
- 3 Stone bus shelters and bus shelter in Abbey Square
-Play equipment, Ings
-2 seats in Abbey square and 1 in Haw Lane
- 3 wooden seats, Ings Play area
-1 wooden seat on Miles without Stiles footpath
-1 plastic seat on Crook Road
-1 plastic seat at junction of Hall Lane and Littlewood Road
- / Insure for £39741.04
These insurances will cost £474.50 in this council year
Insure for replacement value £29653.44
This insurance will cost £354.13in this council year
Insure for replacement value £27490.49
This insurance will cost £328.33 in this council year
Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
Insure for replacement value £695.06
This insurance will cost £8.32
Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
3 / Damage to War Memorial / Insure to replacement value of £41256.27
This insurance will cost £492.48 in this council year
4 / Injury to members and officers on council business / Personal accident insurance. £41.11 in this council year
5 / Legal expenses in settling claims / Legal expenses insurance £44.11 in this council year
6 / Damage to notice boards / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
7 / Damage to Poor Field walls and water trough / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
8 / Damage to walls and surface of Ings Play Area / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
9 / Damage to allotment walls and drainage / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
10 / Emergency cover for clerk if ill / Costs to be met from revenue budget
11 / Laptop computer / Insure for replacement value of£600.07
Insurance £7.16 in this council year
12 / Salt bin at Lakeland Speciality Foods / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
13 / Metal Coronation seats / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
14 / Salt gritter / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget
15 / Strimmer / Repair costs to be met from revenue budget

13th May 2013