Work Experience Placement/Internship Approval


Surname: ...... First Name: ......

Degree: ...... Matr. Nr.: ...... ………………Mobile- Nr.: ……………………………………………

Company/Training Centre

Firm: ......

Contact Person:......

Address:...... Abroad: 

Post/Zip Code: ...... Town: ......

Telephone: ...... Fax: ...... ………......


Placement/Internship topic


200 – 500 word, typed topic description (to be attached), including the following:


●project information (content and schedule)

●resources, labs, equipment/facilities, staff


Preferred university tutor (after consultation):......

Signature of university tutor as confirmation:......

The degree programme...... hereby grants approvalfor the proposed topic (First date: , last date: this year).


Date Director of Studies

Work Experience/InternshipTraining Contract (example)

company/training centre:
with mr./mrs./miss
resident in
as student of the programme
your work experience placement/internship begins on
the prescribed period of the placement is / 50 days
The placement therefore ends on / ......
in accordance with the curriculum of your course of study, you will mainly be employed and educated in the area/field of
Topic of the placement:
you must obey all company/organisation rules and regulationsand perform your work with due care and attention.
supervising Manager/mentor of the company/training centre
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….
position: ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………
professional qualification(s): ………………………………………………………………………..…………………
for this work experience placement/internship a monthly salary of
€ ...... is agreed.
the working week is hours on the following days:
there is no requirement for overtime/additional hours
absence must be promptly reported and supported in writing
in the event of absence through illness,written confirmation must be provided by your doctor , at the latest on the third day
any other employment which could adversely affect this employmentmust be avoided
Nach dem Urlaubsgesetz gebühren arbeitsjährlich 25 Arbeitstage wobei während der Zeit des Praktikums nur der anteilsmäßige Urlaub in Betracht accordance with holiday law, you are entitled to annual holiday of 25 days or the appropriate proportion thereof for the duration of this placement
payment is at the end of the placement whenyou will receive a full final salary statement which includes a proportional amount to cover the holiday and christmas bonuses (13th and 14th salary payment)
other employer services
any gross breach of the obligations under this agreement and the training guidelines which are based on it shall be deemed by both parties as grounds for premature termination of the work placement/internship
should any matters of dispute arise from this training contract , it is recommended that an amicable solution is first sought in cooperation with the college degree programme’s representative(s).
conclusion of the work placement/internship
at the end of the placement you will receive a certificate of confirmationof completion of the placement/internship and a grade/assessment of it.
For the company/training centre/employer:
as work experience/internship student:

Work Experience Placement/Internship Assessment


Surname: ...... First Name: ......

Degree Programme: ...... Matr. Nr.: ......



assessment by the employer/company

Number of employees: <10 <50 <300 <1000 >1000

Field of work:  Design  Research  Programming  Sales

 Marketing  …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Completion of the required placement period of 50 days is hereby confirmed.

Assessment:  above average  good  satisfactory  poor

Verbal assessment attached (project management, quality of work done, commitment, special achievements)

Which competences should have more emphasis in the degree programme:

 scientific bases Social skills  Economics  Project Management  Languages  Materials

 Design  Programming  Innovation
Manual Skills Other:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Where do you see the need for the emphasis:

 a broad education  specialisation in specific areas

 theoretical methods  practical methods


Date Stamp of the employer, name and signature of the supervisor

assessment by the university

Overall result: (documentation, assessment by the training organisation) ......


Date Name, signature of the university supervising tutor