Item 2
10 March 2015
Scottish Government offices, Victoria Quay
Richard Grieveson, Dumfries & Galloway, Chair
Heather Stuart, Fife Cultural Trust
Ian Hooper, Glasgow Life
Stephanie Anne Harris, City of Edinburgh
Laura Turney, Scottish Government
Jean Tsang, Scottish Government
Emma Broadhurst, Scottish Government
Margaret O’Connor, VOCAL support
1. / Apologies
Merrill Smith, Dundee City Council
Janette Castle, West Lothian
Eamon John, East Lothian
Lesley O’Hare, Falkirk
Susan Deighan, Glasgow Life
2 / Approval of minute of meeting held 29 Jan 2015
The minute was approved. Matters Arising covered under the agenda items below.
3 / Prospectus
Discussion focused on the need to consider the audience for the prospectus and accessibility. The legal and statutory framework will require to be referenced including interpretation of ‘adequate provision’. The structure for the prospectus was tabled. The need for the summary to use a manifesto approach was discussed and the potential for testimonials as well as case studies was considered. Re: audience, the importance of gaining access to the Cosla working group was noted. Re: case studies, it was noted that there is a need to profile approaches that can be replicated more widely. Investment will not necessarily be increased but it is also important to protect existing spend.
In addition to the programme for government themes, the importance of health and wellbeing was discussed noting that the prospectus needs to start a debate about the role of culture and leisure. One aim considered was the idea that the Cosla working group could in future be organised around the themes of the prospectus. The contribution of culture and sport to all the themes was discussed further including the value of targeting within the universal service context (eg. Library services), the importance of capacity building and empowering communities and the possibility of identifying evidence through the learning communities inspections. Richard will provide feedback at the next VOCAL Exec meeting from a meeting with Education Scotland. Linda Campbell at HGIOCS to be invited to the next meeting.
It was also noted that the prospectus will not focus on delivery models but on what is delivered. Other issues to be considered for inclusion in the prospectus include service improvement, service delivery, welfare reform, community sports hubs.
Timetable for prospectus: sign off by VOCAL Exec at next meeting, 21 May, presentation to the CoSLA meeting in June, date to be confirmed. It will be necessary to brief the culture and sports ministers in advance. / RG
4 / Strategic Discussion – update following meeting with Scottish Government/Sport Scotland
It was agreed to take items 4, 6 and 7 together. Emma Broadhurst is working as Local Authority Legacy Manager. She has spoken to about half of all local authorities to date re: sport, physical activity and legacy.
Some funding is available to take projects forward where they can scale up and achieve bigger impact. The potential for a joint prospectcus/legacy symposium was noted including projects that fit with legacy themes. Re: legacy leads group, how VOCAL supports Active Scotland Policy implementation at local level was discussed. It was noted that legacy is much wider than physical activity and sport with the wider agenda including wellbeing and flourishing. Losing sight of this would be unfortunate but getting the inactive active remains at the core. There are other agendas to consider too including economic impact and sustainability.
The possibility of progressing these issues through Heads of Sport rather than Legacy Leads was discussed. The importance of continued buy in at Head of Sport level was noted and retaining the focus on combating inactivity. It was agreed that Heads of Sport would be asked to choose who to bring to the meetings. / RG
5 / Presentation – Emma Broadhurst
Addressed under item 4.
6 / CoSLA – Sport Arts & Culture Working Group - update
The CoSLA culture and sport working group was discussed and concerns were expressed about how this is working, particularly that the group is not serving as a national strategic group for sport and physical activity. The importance of Sportscotland and Creative Scotland using the group as the focus for strategic engagement with local authorities was noted. The legitimacy of engaging directly with trusts and with Sporta is a concern. The importance of maintaining and asserting VOCAL’s legitimacy for driving the agenda for culture and sport through a process supported by local democratic accountability was noted. The importance of the Strategic Forum for Sport as a focus for informing the CoSLA agenda was also noted. It was agreed that Gavin should continue with Solace culture and sport remit. This matter was clarified at the 8 June meeting. Steve Grimmond of Fife Council is responsible for the culture and leisure portfolio but has delegated the legacy 2014 agenda to Gavin Stevenson of Dumfries & Galloway.
7 / National Strategic Group for Sport & Physical Activity
Addressed under item 4.
8 / Portfolio updates
Culture: note from Lesley was circulated. With reference to the Improvement Service, is was agreed that Colin Mair should be asked why VOCAL had not been asked to be involved. At the VOCAL Executive meeting 8 June the arrangements for involvement were clarified. It was noted that it is for each Council to nominate who they send to the meetings and most Councils opt to send some who works in the performance/policy field. The option for culture/leisure officers to assert a role through these meetings was noted which should be done via individual Councils as attendance is a local matter.
Lesley has agreed to attend the WW1 steering group.
9 / Website
It was noted that there was a danger of the website being too focused on culture news. More information about other activity to be sent to Heather. The website should also have minutes of previous meetings and dates of future meetings. / All
10 / Principal Sponsor Debate
There is a need to review the previous minutes to see who is responsible for dealing with each local authority.
It is now time to invoice individual members where the local authority has not taken out sponsorship.
11 / Project Management Support Discussion (M O’Connor)
13 Feb start date was noted. Wider policy development is required – carry over to next meeting.
12 / AOCB
It was noted that the financial position of VOCAL is currently healthy. Different levels of membership should now be reviewed.
Conversations are required with the NDPBs and CoSLA
Holyrood magazine article. / MS
10 / Date of next meeting
21 May 2015