Charlotte Danielson
The Framework for Teaching: Evaluation Instrument
Directions: While evaluators can use other forms during the actual observation, Form 1 must be completed by the evaluator and used during any conferences to provide written feedback to the candidate.
Grade Level(s)/Subject:______Field Supervisor/CT:______
Start Time: ______End Time: ______Visit Number: ______Class size:______
Summary of Lesson:Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished1a
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy / In planning and practice, the teacher makes content errors or does not correct errors made by students. The teacher displays little understanding of prerequisiteknowledge important to student learning of the content. The teacher displays little or no understanding of the range of pedagogical approaches suitable to student learning of the content.
/ The teacher is familiar with the important concepts in the discipline but displays a lack of awareness of how these concepts relate to one another. The teacher indicates some awareness of prerequisite learning, although such knowledge may be inaccurate or incomplete. The teacher’s plans and practice reflect a limited range of pedagogical approaches to the discipline or to the students.
/ The teacher displays solid knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline and how these relate to one another. The teacher demonstrates accurate understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics. The teacher’s plans and practice reflect familiarity with a wide range of effective pedagogical approaches in the subject.
/ The teacher displays extensive knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline and how these relate both to one another and to other disciplines. The teacher demonstrates understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics and concepts and understands
the link to necessary cognitive structures that ensure student understanding. The teacher’s plans and practice reflect familiarity with a wide range of effective pedagogical approaches in the discipline and the ability to anticipate student misconceptions.
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished
Demonstrating Knowledge of Students / The teacher displays minimal understanding of howstudents learn—and little knowledge of their variedapproaches to learning, knowledge and skills, specialneeds, and interests and cultural heritages—and doesnot indicate that such knowledge is valuable. / The teacher displays generally accurate knowledge of how students learn and of their varied approaches to learning, knowledge and skills, special needs, and interests and cultural heritages, yet may apply this knowledge not to individual students but to the class as a whole. / The teacher understands the active nature ofstudent learning and attains information about levels of development for groups of students. The teacher also purposefully acquires knowledge from several sources about groups of students’ varied approaches to learning, knowledge and skills, special needs, and interests and cultural heritages. / The teacher understands the active nature of student learning and acquires information about levels of development for individual students. The teacher also systematically acquires knowledge from several sources about individual students’ varied approaches to learning, knowledge and skills, special needs, and interests and cultural heritages.
Setting Instructional Outcomes / The outcomes represent low expectations for studentsand lack of rigor, and not all of these outcomes reflectimportant learning in the discipline. They are stated as student activities, rather than as outcomes for learning.Outcomes reflect only one type of learning andonly one discipline or strand and are suitable for onlysome students. / Outcomes represent moderately high expectationsand rigor. Some reflect important learning in the disciplineand consist of a combination of outcomes andactivities. Outcomes reflect several types of learning,but the teacher has made no effort at coordinationor integration. Outcomes, based on global assessments of student learning, are suitable for most of thestudents in the class. / Most outcomes represent rigorous and important learning in the discipline and are clear, are written inthe form of student learning, and suggest viable methods of assessment. Outcomes reflect several different types of learning and opportunities for coordination,and they are differentiated, in whatever way is needed,for different groups of students. / All outcomes represent high-level learning in the discipline.They are clear, are written in the form of studentlearning, and permit viable methods of assessment.Outcomes reflect several different types of learning and, where appropriate, represent both coordinationand integration. Outcomes are differentiated, in whateverway is needed, for individual students.
Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources / The teacher is unaware of resources to assist studentlearning beyond materials provided by the school or
district, nor is the teacher aware of resources for expandingone’s own professional skill. / The teacher displays some awareness of resourcesbeyond those provided by the school or district forclassroom use and for extending one’s professionalskill but does not seek to expand this knowledge. / The teacher displays awareness of resources beyondthose provided by the school or district, including thoseon the Internet, for classroom use and for extendingone’s professional skill, and seeks out such resources. / The teacher’s knowledge of resources for classroomuse and for extending one’s professional skill is extensive,including those available through the school ordistrict, in the community, through professional organizationsand universities, and on the Internet.
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished
Designing Coherent Instruction / Learning activities are poorly aligned with the instructionaloutcomes, do not follow an organizedprogression, are not designed to engage students inactive intellectual activity, and have unrealistic timeallocations. Instructional groups are not suitable tothe activities and offer no variety. / Some of the learning activities and materials arealigned with the instructional outcomes and representmoderate cognitive challenge, but with no differentiationfor different students. Instructional groupspartially support the activities, with some variety. Thelesson or unit has a recognizable structure; but theprogression of activities is uneven, with only some reasonable time allocations. / Most of the learning activities are aligned with theinstructional outcomes and follow an organized progressionsuitable to groups of students. The learningactivities have reasonable time allocations; they representsignificant cognitive challenge, with somedifferentiation for different groups of students and varieduse of instructional groups. / The sequence of learning activities follows a coherentsequence, is aligned to instructional goals, andis designed to engage students in high-level cognitiveactivity. These are appropriately differentiated forindividual learners. Instructional groups are varied appropriately,with some opportunity for student choice.
Designing Student Assessments / Assessment procedures are not congruent withinstructional outcomes and lack criteria by which student
performance will be assessed. The teacher hasno plan to incorporate formative assessment in thelesson or unit. / Assessment procedures are partially congruent with instructional outcomes. Assessment criteriaand standards have been developed, but they arenot clear. The teacher’s approach to using formativeassessment is rudimentary, including only some ofthe instructional outcomes. / All the instructional outcomes may be assessed by theproposed assessment plan; assessment methodologiesmay have been adapted for groups of students.Assessment criteria and standards are clear. Theteacher has a well-developed strategy for using formativeassessment and has designed particularapproaches to be used. / All the instructional outcomes may be assessed bythe proposed assessment plan, with clear criteriafor assessing student work. The plan contains evidenceof student contribution to its development.Assessment methodologies have been adaptedfor individual students as the need has arisen. Theapproach to using formative assessment is well designedand includes student as well as teacher useof the assessment information.
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished2a
Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport / Patterns of classroom interactions, both betweenteacher and students and among students, are mostlynegative, inappropriate, or insensitive to students’ages, cultural backgrounds, and developmental levels.Student interactions are characterized by sarcasm,put-downs, or conflict. The teacher does not deal withdisrespectful behavior. / Patterns of classroom interactions, both betweenteacher and students and among students, aregenerally appropriate but may reflect occasionalinconsistencies, favoritism, and disregard for students’ages, cultures, and developmental levels. Students rarely demonstrate disrespect for one another. Theteacher attempts to respond to disrespectful behavior,with uneven results. The net result of the interactionsis neutral, conveying neither warmth nor conflict. / Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrategeneral caring and respect. Such interactions areappropriate to the ages, cultures, and developmental levels of the students. Interactions among students aregenerally polite andrespectful, and students exhibit respectfor the teacher. The teacher responds successfullytodisrespectful behavior among students. The net result of the interactions is polite,respectful, and businesslike,though students may be somewhat cautious abouttaking intellectual risks. / Classroom interactions between teacher and studentsand among students are highly respectful,reflecting genuine warmth, caring, and sensitivity tostudents as individuals. Students exhibit respect forthe teacher and contribute to high levels of civilityamong all members of the class. The net result is anenvironment where all students feel valued and arecomfortable taking intellectual risks.
Establishing a Culture for Learning / The classroom culture ischaracterized by a lack ofteacher or student commitment to learning, and/orlittle or no investment of student energy in the taskat hand. Hard work and the precise use of languageare not expected or valued. Medium to low expectationsfor student achievement are the norm, withhigh expectations for learning reserved for only oneor two students. / The classroom culture is characterized by little
commitment to learning by the teacher or students.The teacher appears to be only “going through themotions,” and students indicate that they are interestedin the completion of a task rather than thequality of the work. The teacher conveys that studentsuccess is the result of natural ability ratherthan hard work, and refers only in passing to the preciseuse of language. High expectations for learningare reserved for those students thought to have anatural aptitude for the subject. / The classroom culture is a place where learning isvalued by all; high expectations for both learning andhard work are the norm for most students. Studentsunderstand their role as learners and consistentlyexpend effort to learn. Classroom interactions supportlearning, hard work, and the precise use of language. / The classroom culture is a cognitively busy place,characterized by a shared belief in the importanceof learning. The teacher conveys high expectationsfor learning for all students and insists on hardwork; students assume responsibility for high qualityby initiating improvements, making revisions,adding detail, and/or assisting peers in their preciseuse of language.
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished
Managing Classroom Procedures / Much instructional time is lost due to inefficientclassroom routines and procedures. There is little orno evidence of the teacher’s managing instructionalgroups and transitions and/or handling of materialsand supplies effectively. There is little evidence thatstudents know or follow established routines. / Some instructional time is lost due to partially effectiveclassroom routines and procedures. The teacher’smanagement of instructional groups and transitions,or handling of materials and supplies, or both, areinconsistent, leading to some disruption of learning.With regular guidance and prompting, students followestablished routines. / There is little loss of instructional time due to effectiveclassroom routines and procedures. Theteacher’s management of instructional groups and transitions,
or handling of materials and supplies, or both, are consistently successful. With minimal guidance and prompting, students follow established classroom routines. / Instructional time is maximized due to efficientand seamless classroom routines and procedures.Students take initiative in the management of instructionalgroups and transitions, and/or the handling ofmaterials and supplies. Routines are well understoodand may be initiated by students.
Managing Student Behavior / There appear to be no established standards of conduct,or students challenge them. There is little or no
teacher monitoring of student behavior, and responseto students’ misbehavior is repressive or disrespectfulof student dignity. / Standards of conduct appear to have been established,but their implementation is inconsistent. Theteacher tries, with uneven results, to monitor studentbehavior and respond to student misbehavior. / Student behavior is generally appropriate. The teachermonitors student behavior against established
standards of conduct. Teacher response to studentmisbehavior is consistent, proportionate, and respectfulto students and is effective. / Student behavior is entirely appropriate. Studentstake an active role in monitoring their own behaviorand/or that of other students against standards ofconduct. Teacher monitoring of student behavior issubtle and preventive. The teacher’s response to studentmisbehavior is sensitive to individual studentneeds and respects students’ dignity.
Organizing Physical Space / The classroom environment is unsafe, or learning is notaccessible to many. There is poor alignment betweenthe arrangement of furniture and resources, includingcomputer technology, and the lesson activities. / The classroom is safe, and essential learning is accessibleto most students. The teacher makes modest useof physical resources, including computer technology.The teacher attempts to adjust the classroom furniturefor a lesson or, if necessary, to adjust the lesson tothe furniture, but with limited effectiveness. / The classroom is safe, and students have equal accessto learning activities; the teacher ensures that thefurniture arrangement is appropriate to the learningactivities and uses physical resources, including computertechnology, effectively. / The classroom environment is safe, and learningis accessible to all students, including those withspecial needs. The teacher makes effective use ofphysical resources, including computer technology.The teacher ensures that the physical arrangementis appropriate to the learning activities. Studentscontribute to the use or adaptation of the physicalenvironment to advance learning.
Domain 3: Instruction
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished3a
Communicating with Students / The instructional purpose of the lesson is unclearto students, and the directions and procedures areconfusing. The teacher’s explanation of the contentcontains major errors and does not include any explanationof strategies students might use. The teacher’sspoken or written language contains errors of grammaror syntax. The teacher’s academic vocabulary isinappropriate, vague, or used incorrectly, leaving studentsconfused. / The teacher’s attempt to explain the instructionalpurpose has only limited success, and/or directionsand procedures must be clarified after initial studentconfusion. The teacher’s explanation of the contentmay contain minor errors; some portions are clear,others difficult to follow. The teacher’s explanationdoes not invite students to engage intellectually or tounderstand strategies they might use when workingindependently. The teacher’s spoken language is correctbut uses vocabulary that is either limited or notfully appropriate to the students’ ages or backgrounds.The teacher rarely takes opportunities to explain academicvocabulary. / The instructional purpose of the lesson is clearly communicatedto students, including where it is situatedwithin broader learning; directions and procedures areexplained clearly and may be modeled. The teacher’sexplanation of content is scaffolded, clear, and accurateand connects with students’ knowledge and experience. During the explanation of content, theteacher focuses, as appropriate, on strategies studentscan use when working independently and invites student intellectual engagement. The teacher’s spokenand written language is clear and correct and is suitableto students’ ages and interests. The teacher’s useof academic vocabulary is precise and serves to extendstudent understanding. / The teacher links the instructional purpose of thelesson to the larger curriculum; the directions andprocedures are clear and anticipate possible studentmisunderstanding. The teacher’s explanation ofcontent is thorough and clear, developing conceptualunderstanding through clear scaffolding and connectingwith students’ interests. Students contributeto extending the content by explaining concepts totheir classmates and suggesting strategies that mightbe used. The teacher’s spoken and written languageis expressive, and the teacher finds opportunities toextend students’ vocabularies, both within the disciplineand for more general use. Students contribute tothe correct use of academic vocabulary.
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques / The teacher’s questions are of low cognitive challenge,with single correct responses, and are askedin rapid succession. Interaction between the teacherand students is predominantly recitation style, withthe teacher mediating all questions and answers; theteacher accepts all contributions without asking studentsto explain their reasoning. Only a few studentsparticipate in the discussion. / The teacher’s questions lead students through a singlepath of inquiry, with answers seemingly determined in advance. Alternatively, the teacher attempts to ask
some questions designed to engage students in thinking,but only a few students are involved. The teacherattempts to engage all students in the discussion, toencourage them to respond to one another, and to explaintheir thinking, with uneven results.
/ While the teacher may use some low-level questions,he poses questions designed to promote student thinkingand understanding. The teacher creates a genuinediscussion among students, providing adequate timefor students to respond and stepping aside when doingso is appropriate. The teacher challenges studentsto justify their thinking and successfully engages moststudents in the discussion, employing a range of strategiesto ensure that most students are heard. / The teacher uses a variety or series of questions orprompts to challenge students cognitively, advancehigh-level thinking and discourse, and promotemetacognition. Students formulate many questions,initiate topics, challenge one another’s thinking, andmake unsolicited contributions. Students themselvesensure that all voices are heard in the discussion.
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished
Engaging Students in Learning / The learning tasks/activities, materials, and resources are poorly aligned with the instructional outcomes, or require only rote responses, with only one approach possible. The groupings of students are unsuitable to the activities. The lesson has no clearly defined structure, or the pace of the lesson is too slow or rushed. / The learning tasks and activities are partially aligned with the instructional outcomes but require only minimal thinking by students and little opportunity for them to explain their thinking, allowing most students to be passive or merely compliant. The groupings of students are moderately suitable to the activities. The lesson has a recognizable structure; however, the pacing of the lesson may not provide students the time needed to be intellectually engaged or may be so slow that many students have a considerable amount of “downtime.” / The learning tasks and activities are fully aligned with the instructional outcomes and are designed to challenge student thinking, inviting students to make their thinking visible. This technique results in active intellectual engagement by most students with important and challenging content and with teacher scaffolding to support that engagement. The groupings of students are suitable to the activities. The lesson has a clearly defined structure, and the pacing of the lesson is appropriate, providing most students the time needed to be intellectually engaged. / Virtually all students are intellectually engaged inchallenging content through well-designed learning tasks and activities that require complex thinking by students. The teacher provides suitable scaffoldingand challenges students to explain their thinking. There is evidence of some student initiation of inquiry and student contributions to the exploration of important content; students may serve as resources for one another. The lesson has a clearly defined structure, and the pacing of the lesson provides students the time needed not only to intellectually engage with and reflect upon their learning but also to consolidate their understanding.
Using Assessment in Instruction / Students do not appear to be aware of the assessmentcriteria, and there is little or no monitoring ofstudent learning; feedback is absent or of poor quality. Students do not engage in self- or peer assessment. / Students appear to be only partially aware of the assessment criteria, and the teacher monitors student learning for the class as a whole. Questions and assessments are rarely used to diagnose evidence of learning. Feedback to students is general, and fewstudents assess their own work. / Students appear to be aware of the assessment criteria, and the teacher monitors student learning for groups of students. Questions and assessments are regularly used to diagnose evidence of learning. Teacher feedback to groups of students is accurate and specific; some students engage in self-assessment. / Assessment is fully integrated into instruction, through extensive use of formative assessment. Students appear to be aware of, and there is some evidence that they have contributed to, the assessment criteria. Questions and assessments are used regularly to diagnose evidence of learning by individual students. A variety of forms of feedback, from both teacher and peers, is accurate and specific and advances learning. Students self-assess and monitor their own progress. The teacher successfully differentiatesinstruction to address individual students’misunderstandings.
Component / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished
Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness / The teacher ignores students’ questions; when studentshave difficulty learning, the teacher blames themor their home environment for their lack of success. Theteacher makes no attempt to adjust the lesson evenwhen students don’t understand the content. / The teacher accepts responsibility for the successof all students but has only a limited repertoire ofstrategies to use. Adjustment of the lesson in responseto assessment is minimal or ineffective. / The teacher successfullyaccommodates students’questions and interests. Drawing on a broad repertoireof strategies, the teacher persists in seeking approachesfor students who have difficulty learning. Ifimpromptu measures are needed, the teacher makes aminor adjustment to the lesson and does so smoothly. / The teacher seizes an opportunity to enhance learning,building on a spontaneous event or students’interests, or successfully adjusts and differentiates instruction to address individual student misunderstandings. Using an extensive repertoire of instructional strategies and soliciting additional resources from the school or community, the teacher persists in seeking effective approaches for studentswho need help.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities