
Early Childhood Division

Social and Emotional Developmental Checklist

Child’s Name:______Teacher’s Name:______


Competencies and Objectives / Observations
Yes / No
Demonstrates a positive self-concept
Accepts attention, affection and appreciation
Expresses needs and preferences clearly and appropriately
Describes feelings and thoughts using words, pictures and stories
Makes positive statements about self and takes pride in accomplishments
Plays cooperatively in large group games
Meets and accepts strangers comfortably
Demonstrates control over emotions and behavior in various settings
Begins to have an awareness of good and bad behavior in self
Seeks help from adults when needed
Transitions from one activity to another with ease
Accepts not being first and waits his/her turns in activities
Begins to cope effectively with disappointment
Begins to express frustration and anger appropriately (without harming self, others or property)
Begins to accept the consequences of his/her actions
Usually is eager to comply with class rules and activities
Uses a range of coping strategies to manage emotion with the support of an adult
Develops positive relationships with adults and children
Approaches others positively and shows pleasure in being with others
Shows interest in others by exchanging information with them
Listens attentively to others when interacting with them
Begins to develop an awareness of others’ feelings and begins to show empathy
Shows acceptance of individuals from different cultural and or racial groups through positive interactions
Begins to use positive language or demonstrates affection towards others
Uses acceptable ways of joining in an on-going activity or group
Plays in a small group of two to five children
Begins give and take cooperative play
Seeks help from others with difficult tasks
Begins to negotiate solutions and develops compromises appropriately
Develops positive engagement in the learning environment
Shows interest in and actively participates in various classroom activities
Begins to understand the concept of personal property versus classroom property or the property of others
Satisfied and comfortable with self
Shows concern that playmates are not hurt in play
Usually offers apologies for unintentional mistakes

1304.21c2 (Education) Staff must use a variety of strategies to promote and support children’s learning and developmental progress based on the observations and ongoing assessment of each child.

1308.6(a) (Disabilities) Grantee must implement the full process of child assessment which has three steps-screening of all children, ongoing developmental assessment of all children to determine specialized assessment to determine whether or not they may have a disability and may need special education and related services.

(Procedure: Within 45 days of enrollment, each child receives a developmental screening using the Brigance tool.)

Comments: ______



Note: This form should be completed for each child and placed in the child’s folder.