Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering College, Sivagangai.
Prepared By Dr.S.SIVA, AP/Chemistry
Important eight mark questions
Subject: Environmental science & Engineering.
- Define eco systems. Mention their structure, components and functions.
- Briefly explain the energy flow through ecosystem.
- Discuss the important features of grass land /forest /marine /desert/ aquatic eco systems.
- What is ecological succession? Explain their different types.
- Explain the following: (i) Threat faced by Indian Biodiversity
(ii) Conservation of biodiversity (Insitu & Exsitu Conservation)
- Write short notes on Oxygen & Nitrogen cycle. Give a note on hot spots of biodiversity.
- Explain the role of biodiversity at global, national and local levels.
- Discuss the endangered and endemic species of India.
- Discuss the important values of biodiversity.
- Discuss the status of India as a mega diverse nation of biodiversity.
1.Define air pollution. Discuss the causes, effects and control measures of it
2.What is soil pollution and water pollution? Discuss the causes, effects and control measures of them.
3.What is Marine pollution and noise pollution?Give details the causes, effects and control measures of them.
4.Define thermal pollution and nuclear pollution. Discuss the causes, effects and control measures of them.
5.Define solid waste management. Explain its types and methods for it disposal.
6.Write briefly on Bhopal disaster & Chernobyl disaster.
7.Explain the following: (i) Acid Rain formation (ii) Ozone layer depletion
8.Explain the following: (i) Water quality parameters (ii) Photo chemical smog formation
9.Explain the methods of disposal of municipal waste.
10.Depict the role of individual/women in pollution control.
1.Define forest. Mention its types. Write its functions and uses.
2.Explain deforestation, its causes and effects. Give some control measures.
3.Explain the following.
(i)Tidal power
(ii)Solar power
(iii)Compare Coal power with Nuclear power ( Book Page No.5.61)
4.What are the causes of soil erosion and methods of preventing it?
5.Briefly explain the following:
(i) Over utilization of ground water
(ii) Changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing.
6.Briefly explain the following:
(i) Ecological uses of forests (ii) Environmental impacts of modern agriculture
7. Discuss about the (i) environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources
(ii) Benefits and Problems of construction dams.
8. Explain about the world food problems, water logging, timber extraction & salinity.
9. Explain about the (i) causes and effects of Land degradation
(ii) Give the role of individual in conservation of natural resources.
10. Write notes on the following
(i) Bioconversion of pollutants
(ii) Degradation of proteins
(iii) Biodegradation of pollutants.
(iv) Bio gas plant.
1.Explain the various water conservation methods (Rain water harvesting & Watershed management) in detail.
2.Explain about the nuclear accident & nuclear holocaust.
3.Write about air act/water act/wild life act/forest act/environmental act. What functions are performed by the Central & State pollution Control boards?
4.Write notes on 1. Disaster management, 2. Floods, 3. Cyclone, 4. Landslides, 5. Earth quakes.
5.Write short notes on:(i) Environmental ethics (ii) Wasteland reclamation (iii) Eco-Mark.
6. Explain the steps involved in the management of biomedical wastes.
7. Write the issues involved in the enforcement of legislation laws.
8. Explain the following:
(i) Green chemistry and its 12 principles
(ii) Resettlement &Rehabilitation of the people.
9. What is sustainable development and explain its concepts
1.Explain population growth variation among nations.
2.Define population explosion. Explain its causes and environmental problems.
3.Write short notes on the following: (i) Women & Child welfare (ii) Human rights
4.Explain the following (i) Value education (ii) Family planning programme.
5.Write short note on HIV/AIDS.
6.Explain the role of IT in environmental protection and human health.
7.Define & explain the objectives, benefits and processes (key elements) of EIA.
8.What is the connection between the environment and human health?