To: Distribution
From: Jeff Davis
Date: November 5, 2007
Subject: S.A.M.E. Orange County Post Board of Directors Meeting – October 1, 2007
Board Members (in attendance):
- Peter Supko / - Judy McKeehan / - Bob Yelin- Dale Baggs / - Jim Carter / - Alicia Meza
- Penny Cornwall / - Jeff Davis
- John Cromwell / - Will Manker
A meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the Orange County (OC) Post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) was held at the offices of Ninyo and Moore on Monday, October 1, 2007. Bob Yelin, SAME OC President, called the meeting to order at approximately 12:02 pm, after lunch.
1. Minutes Review
- Draft minutes from the September 2007 BOD meeting were reviewed. The minutes were approved with minor modifications.
2. Treasurer’s Report
- Penny Cornwall, SAME OC Post Treasurer, provided the monthly report. The account status is as follows:
o Checking $14,453.00
o Investment CD $14,624.06
o CD – 8 Month (4.69%) $10,104.61
- Penny presented a list of outstanding invoices for those who attended past monthly meetings. The BOD will follow-up with the individuals to ensure payment.
3. Old Business
- Small Business Liaison: Don Mitchell will be the OC Post SB liaison.
- Readiness Plan: The Readiness Plan needs to be updated. Will Manker will contact someone at URS regarding National Security issues.
4. Program Committee Report
- Jeff Davis, SAME OC Post Golf Chairman, summarized the results of the tournament held on September 28. The tournament was the best tournament ever with 72 people participating, 12 sponsorships, and it raised approximately $8,500 for the scholarship program.
- The BOD discussed the upcoming programs for 2007:
o The calendar for the remaining monthly Post meetings is as follows:
§ October 25 - UCI University Club, Scholarship Meeting; CAPT Jonathan Kurtz, Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach
§ November 15 – Business Opportunity Symposium, Costa Mesa Hilton
1. Committee: Raylene Brown, Jim Carter, John Cromwell, Jeff Davis, Bob Yelin, Bill Stracker
2. Speakers include:
o COL Thomas Magness, USACE-LA/CAPT
o Steve Wirshing, NAVFAC SW CO (keynote)
o Bob Kirkbright, NAVFAC SW Environmental
o Dan Carrasco, USACE-LA Contracting
o Linda Ryan, NAVFAC SW Small Business Office
o Captain Christina Murray, OC Sherriff’s office
o Representative from MCI West
§ December 8 – Holiday Ball, Fort MacArthur
5. New Business
- Young Member Chairman: The BOD discussed identifying an active young member chairman.
- Wounded Warrior Program @ Camp Pendleton: The BOD will continue to consider supporting in coming months. In addition, the BOD discussed increasing scholarships and charitable causes. Jim Carter and Judy McKeehan will head up a new committee to discuss these issues.
6. Next Meeting
- The next Board meeting will be at Ninyo and Moore’s Irvine office on Monday, November 5, 2007. Lunch sponsor for this meeting will be Penny Cornwall.
- Meeting adjourned approximately 12:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey A. Davis
O.C. Post Secretary
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