Media Release

15 July 2011

Sheep Specialist invited to speak at farm walk to ‘Improve Returns in Sheep Sector’

The Bodmin Moor Livestock Initiative(BMLI)would like to invite sheep producers in the area to a Farm Walk for on Tuesday 2nd August. The title of the event is Improving Returns from Enhanced Sheep Performance. The venue,which has been kindly agreed by WR Sanders & Son, is at Norton Farm, Bodmin. The Walk starts at 4.00pm, followed by a BBQ after the event at approximately 7.00pm.

Main speaker is Dr John Vipond from the Scottish Agricultural Colleges, where he is a sheep specialist and highly regarded as an excellent speaker on sheep management issues. He will give a presentation on easy care management systems when labour is sparse, as well as lambing outside in harsh weather and improving lamb survival rates.

Also attending is Lachlan Maclachlan,Livestock Consultant with Mole Valley Farmers. Lochie attended the Suckled Cow/Calf Performance event back in early May and is a passionate livestock expert. He will talk about reducing concentrate/compound usage to enhance profitability and improve grassland utilisation.

BMLI, which is managed by Cornwall Development Company, have also invited Miranda Josephson MRCVS, a vetfrom Calweton Vet Practise with a particularly strong interest in sheep breeding and nutrition. She will identify the benefits that can be gained from the Bodmin Moor Healthy Livestock project, to include guidance on MOT rams.

The farm walk will be hosted by David Sanders, who manages a large flock of Romney ewes lambing on an easy care system through April. He will identify the strong management traits of the Romney ewe, why he changed farming systems and how the Romney ewe suits that system.

An invitation to all sheep producers in the area, please book your place on this event by contacting BMLI by Friday 29th July:

Tel: 01208 892803



Notes to Editors

Bodmin Moor Livestock Initiative

The Bodmin Moor Livestock Initiative is part of a wider South West Uplands Initiative. Funded by the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) the project’s role is to work with all those that have an interest in livestock production, to develop and deliver a strategic action plan for continued growth in sustainability in the livestock sector. They also work with the industry to help them access the funding and support available from the RDPE.

Cornwall Development Company

Cornwall Development Company Ltd is the economic development company for Cornwall Council and its mission is to achieve sustainable prosperity for all in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

For more information visit contact:

Kirsty Miles - Corporate PR & Press Communications Coordinator

01872 322924