Fall Semester 2013

Instructor: / Dr. Henry Findley
Course Prerequisites: / Principles of Management 3300
Office Hours: / 9:00-10:00Monday - Friday
Office Location: / 113B Bibb Graves Hall
Office Telephone: / 334-670-3459
334-670-5853 FAX
Email: /
Time of Class: / 12:00 to 12:50 MWF
Class Location: / 147 Bibb Graves
Course Description: / A survey of the major activities of human resource management function including recruiting, selection, placement, training, compensation, employee representation, and current issues. A prerequisite for 4000-level HRM courses. Prerequisite: MGT 337A survey of the major activities of human resource management functions including recruiting, selection, placement, training, compensation, employee representation, and current issues.
Sorrell College of Business Vision STATEMENT
Sorrell College of Business will be the first choice for higher business education students in their quest to succeed in a dynamic and global economy. Sorrell College of Business will create the model for 21st century business education and community service.
Sorrell College of Business Mission STATEMENT
Through operations that span the State of Alabama, the United States, and the world,
Sorrell College of Business equips our students with the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies to become organizational and community leaders who make a difference in the global village and global economy. Through this endeavor, we serve students, employers, faculty, and Troy University at large as well as the local and global communities.
To balance a management major’s exposure to the basic elements of the human-resource management function and introduce the content areas tested for some human-resource management certifications.
Objectives /


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
  1. Describe and define the current field of human-resource management, including the roles played by members of the human-resource management function in organizational-strategy formulation.
  2. Apply human-resource management techniques and strategies to support organizational objectives in recruitment and selection, training and development, performance and evaluation, discipline and control, compensation and benefits, and union and employee relations.
  3. Describe equal-employment opportunity laws and other regulations and ethical considerations affecting the field of human-resource management.
  4. Explain human-resource planning and its importance to both the human-resource function and organizational strategy.
  5. Describe the functions of job design and job analysis.
  6. Explain work rules, policies, and procedures within a functioning organization.

Text(s): / Human Resource Management; 13thEdition;Dessler, Pearson Publishing
Annual Editions Human Resources; latest edition; McGraw-Hill
Grading Methods: / Two major tests, two quizzes (may drop lowest) term paper assignment and 4-7 homework/class participation assignments& Final exam / Equally weighted
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%
Policy /
  1. Class Roll: Class roll will be taken at the beginning of the class session. Students who
arrive after their name is called will be marked absent.
  1. Attendance is mandatory. If a student misses a class or homework assignment it is
his/her responsibility to obtain all information and materials presented (including materials covered, hand-outs, skills learned, and homework assignments) during his/her absence.
  1. I do not repeat lectures nor perform the tutoring function for students who are absent.
Each absence will make the successful completion of this course more difficult, since this course is cumulative in nature and days missed from class are lost knowledge. Exams will includenot only the material from the assigned chapters in the text, but also from any other materialscovered in class lectures.
4.Excused absences: Excused absences have the following characteristics:
a. Professor was informed prior to the absence.
b. Professor determines that the absence is excused.
c. Absence is of the following type:
1. Participation in a documented official University function that does not permit the
student’s class attendance (e.g., participation in athletic events, field trips, etc.)
2.Severe illness (this does not include scheduled medical appointments nor driving
someone else to doctor), a hospital stay, or a doctor's excuse saying that it is
impossiblefor student to attend class(es).
3. Death of immediate family member (grandparent, parent, sibling, or child).
4. Appearance in court
5. Personal situations that are approved by the professor in advance of the time the
Studentis to be absent.
6.Written documentation (on letterhead) must be provided.
Any incomplete work at the end of the term will not be accepted unless the student can provide acceptable and clear documentation prior to grades being submitted to the Registrar; for incompletes that are granted there is a time limit at which time it will turn into an F.
If you are caught cheating, you will get a course grade of "F”. See ORACLE: Student Handbook. Plagiarism is the act of stealing and passing off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own or tocommit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existingsource (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary). Plagiarism will cause a student to get a course grade of “F”. According to the ORACLE: Student Handbook, one definition of misconduct is: “Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism...”. The ORACLE statesunder the Academic Code sub-heading that: “A student is subject to disciplinary action: #3. Where the work affects or might affect a student’s grade, credit, or status in the University, a student represents to be his or her own any work which is not the product ofhis or her own study and efforts”. The penalty for such misconduct may be “A student’s grade in the course or on the examination affected by the misconduct may be reducedto any extent, including a reduction tofailure.
  1. Assignments will be taken up for a grade. To be considered on time they must be handed in during roll call. Any point after a student’s name is called is considered late.
  2. To get credit for assignments the student must do the following:
a.Hand in during roll call on due date. If you arrive after your name is called homework will be considered late and the grade penalized.
  1. If student is not in class, the homework must still be handed in during class roll call. Someone other than the student may hand it in during roll call.
Quizzes will have no make-ups. Unannounced quizzes in class will be figured into your homework/participation grade.
Make-up exams will be given only for documented (on letterhead), approved absences. See ATTENDANCE POLICY. Make-up exams are administered only to students who have received approval from the professor prior to the test date. The make-up exam must be taken within one week of the student's return to class. Make-ups are different from exams given in class. A grade of zero will be assigned for an exam missed due to an unexcused absence.
Class Procedure and Requirements: / The student will be expected to attend scheduled class meetings, complete reading assignments prior to class, and to homework date.
To Include:
(A)Employment law
(B)HR planning
(C)Job analysis
(E)Performance appraisal
(F)Employee discipline
(H)Compensation and benefits
(I)Managing International Human Resources
(J)Training and career management
(K)Employee representation
(L)HR Ethics
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
  1. Describe and define the current field of human-resource management, including the roles played by members of the human-resource management function in organizational-strategy formulation.
  2. Apply human-resource management techniques and strategies to support organizational objectives in recruitment and selection, training and development, performance and evaluation, discipline and control, compensation and benefits, and union and employee relations.
  3. Describe equal-employment opportunity laws and other regulations affecting the field of human-resource management.
  4. Explain human-resource planning and its importance to both the human-resource function and organizational strategy.
  5. Describe the functions of job design and job analysis.
  6. Explain work rules, policies, and procedures within a functioning organization.


The class is taught through interactive lecture with students along with case analysis, in class exercises, role-plays, and group exercises.
Students are expected to:
1.Punctually attend all scheduled classes. Students who arrive at class after roll call will be counted absent. See attendance policy.
2. Be responsible for all instructions and assignments given in class as well as for the supporting textbook content.
3. Read the textbook material before the lecture covering that material. See homework policy.
  1. Do not wear hats or sunglasses in the classroom.
  2. No food, tobacco products, nor drinks are allowed.
  3. Exams, except the final, will be temporarily returned and reviewed. If the student needs to spend more time reviewing or questioning the grading the exam he/she may see the professor during office hours.

General Supports: / The computer lab in 237 and 239 Bibb Graves areavailable for student use.
ImportantDates: / First day of class: Wednesday, August 14
Deadline for adding a course Monday, August 19
Last day for drop a course
without financial penalty Monday, August 19
Holiday/Labor Day Monday, September 2
Last day to File Intent
To Graduate for Spring 2014 Friday, October 11
Last Day to Drop a Course or Withdraw
Holiday/Veteran’s Day Monday, November 11
Fall Break Monday and Tuesday, November 23 - 24
Thanksgiving Holiday Wednesday – Sunday, November 27 –
December 1
Dead day Tuesday, December 3
Final Exams Begin Thursday, December 5
Your Final Exam Thursday, December5 at 2 pm
Troy University supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with disabilities have equal access to all academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and potential through the provision of academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations. Further information, including appropriate contact information, can be found at the link for Troy University’s Office of Human Resources
Use of any electronic device by students in the instructional environment is prohibited unless explicitly approved on a case-by-case basis by the instructor of record or by the Office of Disability Services in collaboration with the instructor. Cellular phones, pagers, and other communication devices may be used for emergencies, however, but sending or receiving non-emergency messages is forbidden by the University. Particularly, use of a communicationdevice to violate the Troy University “Standards of Conduct” will result in appropriate disciplinary action (See the Oracle.)
In order to receive emergency messages from the University or family members, the call receiptindicator on devices must be in the vibration mode or other unobtrusive mode of indication. Students receiving calls that they believe to be emergency calls must answer quietly without disturbing the teaching environment. If the call is an emergency, they must move unobtrusivelyand quietly from the instructional area and notify the instructor as soon as reasonably possible. Students who are expecting an emergency call should inform the instructor before the start of theinstructional period.
Other Information: / Professor may change anything contained herein at his discretion.